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v0.2.1 release from the dev series released

Release information

 * Shell correctly handles LANG value "C". Previously, this would have caused
   an AssertionError.
   (Forest Bond)

 * When logging command output, no character encoding translation is done.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Echo for the Shell pty is always disabled prior to executing a
   command to protect against the case where a previously executed command
   re-enabled it.
   (Forest Bond)

 * SudoShell sets the "PS1" environment variable to a safe value prior to
   executing sudo to prevent hanging waiting for the shell prompt if a "PS1"
   variable is inherited.
   (Forest Bond)

File Description Downloads
download icon pshell-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) pshell 0.2.1 source 18
last downloaded 83 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18

v0.2.0 release from the dev series released

Release information

 * Shell methods execute, follow, follow_lines, follow_callback, follow_write,
   and follow_write_return now accept keyword argument "strip_linefeed", which
   defaults to True. If set to False, linefeeds are left intact in the
   returned output.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell methods execute, follow, follow_lines, follow_callback, follow_write,
   and follow_write_return now accept keyword argument "decode", which defaults
   to True. If set to False, shell output is not decoded and raw byte strings
   are returned.
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell now provides method check_last_status, which checks that exit status
   of the last run command (via "echo $?") and raises an exception if it is
   (Forest Bond)

 * Shell method execute now accepts keyword argument "wait", which defaults to
   True. If set to False, execute returns None immediately instead of waiting
   for the prompt to return. This is intended to be used with long-running
   programs or programs that need to be fed data on standard input. When the
   program has exited, callers should call method wait_for_prompt (and possibly
   also check_last_status) before executing another command.
   (Forest Bond)

File Description Downloads
download icon pshell-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) pshell 0.2.0 source 18
last downloaded 83 weeks ago
Total downloads: 18

v0.1.1 release from the dev series released

Release information

 * Shell initializer keyword argument "trace" has been dropped in favor of
   keyword arguments "command_log", "output_log". If specified, these should
   be file objects to which the executed command and the output of that command
   will be written. If not specified, no logging will be done. The old trace
   behavior can be approximated by setting command_log to sys.stdout.
   (Forest Bond)

File Description Downloads
download icon pshell-0.1.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) pshell 0.1.1 source 21
last downloaded 83 weeks ago
Total downloads: 21

v0.1.0 release from the dev series released

Release information

 * Initial release.
   (Forest Bond)

File Description Downloads
download icon pshell-0.1.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) pshell 0.1.0 source 28
last downloaded 83 weeks ago
Total downloads: 28