pyax v0.9.8

Milestone information

Kevin Shuk
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon pyax-0.9.8-py2.6.egg (md5, sig) Egg for Python 2.6 93
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
download icon pyax-0.9.8-py2.5.egg (md5, sig) Egg for Python 2.5 170
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
download icon pyax-v0.9.8.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Tarball 132
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 395

Release notes 

bug fixes


View the full changelog

* Fixed a bug where a single dictionary save result was passed instead of it being packaged in a list instead.
* change default endpoint API verison 13.0
* add logout call to beatbox
* modify beatbox method to return None if an empty list is returned (thereby handling API calls that return void)
* add logout method to Connection
* move _callApex method higher in
* add test to exercise the logout call
* Added test for context object
* Fix bug Bug #259809: Connection's getUserInfo method fails
* Fix a test comment so that it reads correctly
* add emptyRecycleBin call & test
* add invalidateSessions call and test
* Fix up test_query_all such to avoid phantom failures due to existing data state before test begins.
* Merge asynchronous branch into trunk
* Addresses bug #319792: clist has a bug that limits how a clist instance can be used
* Add test that exhibits reported bug
* Apply fix as suggested by Launchpad user Mr Python & verify
* test & fix for bug #320695
* tests & fix for bug #301187
* test & fix for bug #317723
* Clean up copyright on LICENSE & update dates
* repair _processQueryResult to call queryMore when appropriate
* repair tests that were reliant on broken behaviour of _processQueryResult
* streamline functions in
* add tests for large (> batch size) queries
* fix bug where fromEncodedString needs to be from_encoded_string

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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