News and announcements

Pyjama Experimental

Written for pyjama by Daniel Nögel on 2009-06-02

If you - for some reasons - do not want to branch pyjama, you can now try pyjama's new experimental versions:
Experimental versions of pyjama are simple selfextracting files wich automatically run a "portable version" of pyjama.

Please use pyjama's regular releases for daily use!


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Pyjama 0.3.0 "springinsfeld" released

Written for pyjama by Daniel Nögel on 2009-05-12

Today I am releasing Pyjama 0.3.0 codenamed "springinsfeld". There were a lot of changes and I'm still not done with everything on my todo list. But I hope you'll like the changes that made it into this release:

* a fancy new dialog which is shown when you update your database
* tooltips and menus for each track in the playlist
* improved GUI
* a new update tool (PVC)
* license informations for each track
* a lyrics plugin
* a plugin (thanks to Sebastian)
* listen statistics
* new languages
* a whole lot of bugs fixed

I think, the look and feel of pyjama has really changed since the last version - please keep reporting bugs and asking questions!

Pyjama released

Written for pyjama by Daniel Nögel on 2009-02-18

Pyjama is a bugfix release, which - I hope so - will fix the issues with the database on the first run.
Furtheremore i've added the possibility to add single tracks to an existing or a new playlist as Nicolas asked me to do. This feature was not testet much and might be somehow wacky.
At last: Finally downloadGUI is working, it shows a dialog with a progressbar while downloading the database.

Please tell me about any bugs and errors!

Pyjama 0.2

Written for pyjama by Daniel Nögel on 2009-01-23

Today I am releasing Pyjama 0.2!

Pyjama has finally reached all the milestoned features and for that becomes versioned 0.2 after more than a year. Over the time Pyjama became more usable and more functional and should now deliver the most basic features one expects to have in a application like this.

The most evident changes from 0.1.29 to 0.2 are:
* seeking streams now possible by simply clicking the progressbar
* playlist plugin, which also can import playlists from jamendo
* importing stared albums from jamendo
* editing bookmarks now possible
* a new plugin dialog allowing you to choose which plugin should (not) be used

0.1.29 released

Written for pyjama by Daniel Nögel on 2009-01-15

Today I am releasing Pyjama 0.1.29. This version was a lot of work to do since there were a lot of changes - and some ugly bugs.
Here some changes:

user related:
* when updating the database pyjama now saves memory
* staring albums now possible
* a more familiar toolbar
* a menubar
* some fixes for the UI making pyjama more consistent and intuitive
* some hotkeys for searching and fullscreen...
* new plugin: bookmarks
* no more hardcoded tags: default tags can be edited via configtool or entered interactively
* pyjama now running under windows with only a few hacks (and a lot of dependencies)

developer related:
* a more powerful plugin system
* some fixes in event managment
* the basic layout-interface has been recoded completely

Updated .

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