
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
pyOpenSSL 0.11a2 main None The second alpha release of the 0.11 cycle.
pyOpenSSL 0.11a1 main None First alpha release of 0.11
pyOpenSSL 0.8a1 "0.8a1" main None This release primarily improves threaded use of pyOpenSSL.
pyOpenSSL 0.7 "0.7" main None Primarily a collection of the independent fixes made by developers to 0.6 sin...
pyOpenSSL 0.13 main 2011-08-01
pyOpenSSL 0.12 main 2011-03-01
pyOpenSSL 0.11 "pyOpenSSL 0.11" main 2010-01-14
pyOpenSSL 0.10 main 2009-11-13
pyOpenSSL 0.9 main 2008-10-20