News and announcements

PyRoom 0.4.1 installer updated

Written for PyRoom by Florian Heinle on 2009-04-06

Due to a bug in our file, locales were complied in the wrong place and not installed at all. The 0.4.1 tarball has been updated with a new that hopefully installs locales correctly.

PyRoom 0.4.1 released

Written for PyRoom by Florian Heinle on 2009-04-02

We've just released PyRoom 0.4.1

This is a minor bugfix release that restored compatibility to python 2.4, removes gtk as a build dependency and adds some minor bugfixes. Please see the announcement URL for a full changelog.

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PyRoom 0.4 released

Written for PyRoom by Florian Heinle on 2009-03-23

We just released PyRoom 0.4, a new major release with some new features and a lot of bugfixes. Additionally, PyRoom is now available in multiple languages!

Please see for our complete announcement and for a complete Changelog

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Pyroom talk slides

Written for PyRoom by Bruno Bord on 2009-02-11

The FOSDEM is over, and Bruno Bord had the opportunity to give a talk about PyRoom, in front of roughly a hundred persons, in Brussels. You may browse the talk while waiting for the video to be released.

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PyRoom at FOSDEM 2009

Written for PyRoom by Bruno Bord on 2009-01-10

FOSDEM is a Free and Open Source meeting in Europe, gathering hundreds of geeks during one week-end in Brussels, Belgium. On sunday, the 8th of February, at 15:00, there will be a lightening talk about PyRoom.
So come and meet a member of the PyRoom team!

The event is Free as in free beer.

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