qBittorrent 0.9.1-series-0.9.x

This v0.9.1 is the latest stable release of qBittorrent. There may be bug fixes releases like v0.9.x before the v1.0

Milestone information

qBittorrent Team
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Release notes 

This new release is based on the latest libtorrent v0.12 and Qt 4.2. It uses a lot of new features from both of those two libraries. The code was reworked a lot for easier maintaining and improving in the future. It also provides utorrent Peer Exchange (PeX) support.


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    - FEATURE: Based on libtorrent v0.12
    - FEATURE: Based on Qt4.2
    - FEATURE: Brand new trayicon from Qt4.2
    - FEATURE: Support uTorrent Peer Exchange (PeX - exchanges peers between clients)
    - FEATURE: Added a menu action to visit qBittorrent website
    - FEATURE: Added a menu action to report a bug in qBittorrent
    - FEATURE: Improved the way parameters are passed between qBT instances (socket)
    - FEATURE: User is warned when hard drive becomes full and downloads are paused
    - FEATURE: Number of complete/incomplete sources are now displayed in download list for each torrent
    - FEATURE: Implemented close to systray
    - FEATURE: Added Autocompletion to search engine
    - FEATURE: Splitted BT & GUI parts (huge code rewriting & optimization)
    - FEATURE: New parameters for configure file to point to custom locations for libtorrent/libcurl
    - FEATURE: Update application style according to the system (WindowsXP, MacOS, X11)
    - BUGFIX: Two torrents can now have the same name although they are different (use their hash)
    - BUGFIX: Fixed download from url that would fail sometimes
    - BUGFIX: Save directory was reset to default when filtering files in torrent
    - BUGFIX: Force a refresh of download list when the window is shown (avoid delay)
    - BUGFIX: Fixed deletion from hard drive (failed for non-empty folders)
    - BUGFIX: qBittorrent now identifies its version correctly on the network
    - BUGFIX: Preventing GUI from freezing when deleting a download permanently
    - BUGFIX: Fixed directory scanning (stop trying to download the same files several times)
    - BUGFIX: Fixed bad loading of scan dir in option (widgets still disabled)
    - BUGFIX: Threads are now stopped cleanly before their destruction
    - BUGFIX: Create Options object only when necessary (to save memory)
    - BUGFIX: Let libtorrent store the torrent handles (save memory)
    - BUGFIX: Set DHT Port only when DHT is enabled
    - BUGFIX: Made ipfilter.dat parser less sensitive to errors
    - BUGFIX: Bring main window to foreground when asking for exit confirmation
    - BUGFIX: Improved a lot the configure file
    - I18N: Added Danish translation
    - I18N: Better internationalization thanks to dynamic text support
    - COSMETIC: Replaced OSD messages by Qt4.2 systray messages

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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