qBittorrent 1.0.0beta2

second beta for v1.0.0

Milestone information

Christophe Dumez
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* Unknown - Christophe Dumez <email address hidden> - v1.0.0
    - FEATURE: Based on new libtorrent v0.13
    - FEATURE: Added UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
    - FEATURE: Added encryption support (compatible with Azureus)
    - FEATURE: Added RSS support
    - FEATURE: Support files prioritizing in a torrent
    - FEATURE: Finished torrents are now moved to another tab for seeding
    - FEATURE: Display more infos about the torrent in its properties
    - FEATURE: Allow the user to edit torrents' trackers
    - FEATURE: Allow user to change qBT's style (Plastique, Cleanlooks, Motif, CDE, MacOSX, WinXP)
    - FEATURE: Allow the user to disable system tray integration
    - FEATURE: Search engine is now using one thread per website for faster results
    - FEATURE: Improved a lot the torrent creation module
    - FEATURE: Allow to set upload/download limit per torrent (right click)
    - FEATURE: Ask for exit confirmation only if download list is not empty
    - FEATURE: Allow to use a proxy for trackers / web seeds / peers / DHT connections
    - FEATURE: Supports SOCKS5 proxies as well as HTTP ones
    - FEATURE: Better systems integration (buttons, dialogs...)
    - FEATURE: Filtered files are not allocated on the hard-drive anymore (sparse file support)
    - FEATURE: IPs blocked by filter are now logged in GUI
    - FEATURE: Added a way to link against static libtorrent (useful for deb packages)
    - FEATURE: Allow to set global upload/download limits from tray icon menu
    - FEATURE: IPv6 is now fully supported
    - FEATURE: Real torrent share ratio is now displayed in transfer list
    - FEATURE: Added keyboard shortcuts for main actions (see wiki)
    - FEATURE: Added a popup menu to set priority for multiple fies at once
    - FEATURE: Improved a lot downloading from urls (using libcommoncpp2 instead of libcurl)
    - FEATURE: A search request can now be terminated by another
    - I18N: Added Hungarian translation
    - BUGFIX: Progress of paused torrents is now correct on restart
    - BUGFIX: Progress column gets sorted on restart it is was during last execution
    - BUGFIX: Made ETA more reliable using stats instead of instant values
    - BUGFIX: Remove torrent from hard drive used to delete parent folder if empty
    - BUGFIX: Fixed a crash when filtering all the files in a torrent
    - BUGFIX: Reload torrent only when necessary (properties)
    - BUGFIX: qBittorrent is not exiting anymore when a dialog is closed and main window is hidden
    - BUGFIX: Search plugin update is not making the GUI freeze anymore (moved to a thread)
    - BUGFIX: DHT settings were not saved correctly
    - COSMETIC: Redesigned torrent properties a little
    - COSMETIC: Redesigned options a little
    - COSMETIC: Display more logs messages concerning features

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