News and announcements

qbzr-eclipse 0.10 released

Written for QBzr-Eclipse Plugin by Nicholas Allen on 2009-11-02

QBzr-Eclipse 0.10 2009-11-2

Bug Fixes

* Bug 462550 - Renaming an outer package in Eclipse resulted in multiple
bzr mv commands (one for each file in that package). Now only one bzr mv
command is performed for the package that was renamed.
  (Nicholas Allen, Craig Hewetson)

* Added unit tests for testing the resource change listener.
  (Craig Hewetson)

qbzr-eclipse 0.9 released

Written for QBzr-Eclipse Plugin by Nicholas Allen on 2009-10-21

QBzr-Eclipse 0.9 2009-10-21

New Features

* Support for qrun command.

* Work sub-menu can be accessed with the W key.

Bug Fixes

* Bug 386672 - Log and diff commands in the main menu now always work on the branch and
  not the selection.
  To perform log or diff on a selection of files the context menu equivalents can be used.
  (Craig Hewetson, Nicholas Allen)

* Bug 456665 - QBzr-Eclipse would sometimes complain that the current editor or selection
  was not in a Bazaar branch when it was.
  (Craig Hewetson)

* Bug 457025 - Export menu item showed qsend dialog instead of qexport dialog.
  (Nicholas Allen)

* Bug 457054 - Selection of a problem in problem view would cause QBzr-Eclipse not to
  detect the current branch.

* Could detect a shared repository as a branch.

qbzr-eclipse 0.8 released

Written for QBzr-Eclipse Plugin by Nicholas Allen on 2009-10-15

QBzr-Eclipse 0.8 2009-10-15

New Features

* Support for the following qbzr commands:
    - qbind
    - qplugins
    - qswitch
    - qunbind

* Add option to refresh branches in Eclipse after command completes.
  (Craig Hewetson)

* Add option to keep dialogs open after they complete.
  (Craig Hewetson)

Bug Fixes

* Cache results of is-ignored commands so that if many files are generated as part of a build
  step under an ignored directory then the number of commands executed is greatly reduced and
  performance of the auto add feature becomes acceptable.
  (Nicholas Allen)

qbzr-eclipse 0.7 released

Written for QBzr-Eclipse Plugin by Nicholas Allen on 2009-08-31

QBzr-Eclipse 0.7 2009-08-31

New Features

* Context menu for Bazaar commands.
  (Craig Hewetson)

* Add support for the following qbzr commands:
    - qexport
    - qsend
    - quncommit
    - qversion

* More logical menu structure more closely matching that of bzr-explorer.

qbzr-eclipse 0.6 released

Written for QBzr-Eclipse Plugin by Nicholas Allen on 2009-07-11

QBzr-Eclipse Release Notes

QBzr-Eclipse 0.6 2009-06-26

New Features

* New menu structure that is similar to bzr-explorer's.
  (Javier Der Derian)

* More and better icons.
  (Javier Der Derian)

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