Linaro QEMU 2011.07

Milestone information

Linaro QEMU
Peter Maydell
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2 Fix Released

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download icon qemu-linaro-0.14.50-2011.07-0.tar.gz (md5, sig) qemu-linaro 2011.07-0 167
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Total downloads: 167

Release notes 

Linaro QEMU 2011.07-1 is the latest monthly release of qemu-linaro. Based off upstream (trunk) QEMU, it includes a number of ARM-focused bug fixes and enhancements.

This month's release is primarily minor improvements:
 - Fixes a compile failure on ia64 hosts
 - syscall 369 (prlimit64) implemented in linux-user mode
 - Fixes an ELF loader bug that caused problems with binaries generated by the Google Go compiler
Plus of course new upstream fixes and improvements.

Known issues:
 - The beagle and beaglexm models still do not support USB networking
 - Very recent Linaro omap3 hwpacks do not boot on the beagle model; this is caused by an x-loader bug (LP:813407)


View the full changelog

Version 2011.07:
 - Fixes a compile failure on ia64 hosts
 - Fixes #728630: syscall 369 (prlimit64) implemented in
   linux-user mode
 - Fixes #802228: fix an ELF loader bug that caused problems
   with binaries generated by the Google Go compiler

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
728630 #728630 qemu: Unsupported syscall: 369 (prlimit64) 5 Low   10 Fix Released
802228 #802228 "Invalid argument" error on binary that works on board 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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