Linaro QEMU 2013.03

Milestone information

Linaro QEMU
Peter Maydell
Release registered:
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1 Fix Released

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download icon qemu-linaro-1.4.0-2013.03.tar.gz (md5, sig) qemu-linaro 2013.03 544
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
Total downloads: 544

Release notes 

Linaro QEMU 2013.03 is the latest release of qemu-linaro. Based off
upstream (trunk) QEMU, it includes a number of ARM-focused bug fixes
and enhancements.

This release has been updated to be based on upstream's recent 1.4.0
release. It also includes ARM KVM support patches which are in sync
with the ABI as committed to the upstream Linux kernel for 3.9.
This feature is still under development but will no longer be subject
to kernel-vs-userspace ABI breaks.


View the full changelog

version 2013.03:
 - Rebased onto upstream v1.4.0.
 - Fixes #1082292: warning messages from pflash_write during
   Linux probe for flash type are now suppressed
 - The ARM KVM support in this version is in sync with the
   ABI as committed to the upstream Linux kernel for 3.9.
   This feature is still under development but will no longer
   be subject to kernel-vs-userspace ABI breaks.

0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1082292 #1082292 [ARM] pflash_write: Unimplemented flash cmd sequence 1 Undecided   10 Fix Released
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