qpdfview 0.4.14

Adds various smaller fixes and improvements to the user interface. Adds restoring of outline expansion state after refresh. Fixes rendering of encrypted PDF documents. Adds whole-word search option (to be used with Poppler version 0.31 or higher) and improves searching of DjVu documents. Adds searchable tabs and bookmarks menus.

Milestone information

Adam Reichold
Release registered:
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4 Adam Reichold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
4 Fix Released

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download icon qpdfview-0.4.14.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 4,436
last downloaded 72 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,436

Release notes 

Added various smaller fixes and improvements to the user interface. Added restoring of outline expansion state after refresh. Fixed rendering of encrypted PDF documents. Added whole-word search option (to be used with Poppler version 0.31 or higher) and improved searching of DjVu documents. Added searchable tabs and bookmarks menus.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 4 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1413449 #1413449 poor font rendering on encrypted PDF files 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1407014 #1407014 qpdfview shows warning independent of the quiet option 5 Low Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1208578 #1208578 Feature request: add "Whole Words Only" tick-box to search/find 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1380399 #1380399 Remember the Outline on document refresh 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
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