qpdfview 0.4.5

Fixes an error in drawing the search progress. Fixes an error preventing the annotation context menu from being displayed. Fixes decorating links when using Qt5. Improves layout of the search widgets. Adds settings to heuristically synchronize the outline view to the current page. Improves thumbnails layout to change between vertical and horizontal according to dock location.

Milestone information

Adam Reichold
Release registered:
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Download RDF metadata


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7 Adam Reichold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
7 Fix Released

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download icon qpdfview-0.4.5.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 530
last downloaded 73 weeks ago
Total downloads: 530

Release notes 

Fixed an error in drawing the search progress. Fixed an error preventing the annotation context menu from being displayed. Fixed decorating links when using Qt5. Improved layout of the search widgets. Added settings to heuristically synchronize the outline view to the current page. Improved thumbnails layout to change between vertical and horizontal according to dock location.


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0 blueprints and 7 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1210733 #1210733 Graphical distortions when drawing paths using Qt5 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1214526 #1214526 Removing annotations does not work 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1218348 #1218348 CLI search doesn't trigger searches anymore 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1171820 #1171820 Synchronize outline view with main view 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1208579 #1208579 Feature request: Option to show Thumbnails "horizontally" beneath the pdf (rather than "vertically" on the side) 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1208619 #1208619 Add fallback outline 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1214430 #1214430 Default folder for "save as" should be the origin of the file to save. 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
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