qpdfview 0.4.6

Adds function to keep obsolete pixmaps and display them until final rendering is available. Adds command-line option to display a dialog to choose the name of the started instance. Adds confirmation dialog before closing a modified document. Adds optional support for device pixel ratios that are unequal to one. Adds setting to change presentation background color.

Milestone information

Adam Reichold
Release registered:
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8 Adam Reichold
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
8 Fix Released

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download icon qpdfview-0.4.6.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source code 863
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Total downloads: 863

Release notes 

Added function to keep obsolete pixmaps and display them until final rendering is available. Added command-line option to display a dialog to choose the name of the started instance. Added confirmation dialog before closing a modified document. Added optional support for device pixel ratios that are unequal to one. Added setting to change presentation background color.


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0 blueprints and 8 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1223588 #1223588 segfault when "Find previous" tries to wrap. 2 Critical Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1235440 #1235440 qpdfview crashes if the instance name contains special characters 3 High Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1233120 #1233120 djvu pages get stretched 4 Medium Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1217470 #1217470 Ask user to save as if any modifications were made 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1219055 #1219055 Add start-up dialog to choose instance name from list of instances with stored tabs 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1219423 #1219423 Add function to keep obsolete pixmaps and use them for intermediate drawing 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1220586 #1220586 Open folder of the document 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
1224738 #1224738 Allow changing presentation background 6 Wishlist Adam Reichold  10 Fix Released
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