Registered by David Green

A suite of tools for handling QR codes.

QR Tools project is formed by the following tools:
- python-qrtools: a backend ("library") for creating and decoding QR Codes in python. Depends on qrenconde and zbar. You can use it in your own projects
- QtQR: a Qt GUI (front-end) for python-qrtools that makes easy creating and decoding the codes.

If you are here searching for an application for creating and decoding QR codes please download QtQR from the downloads section (you can click the External Downloads link below) or add the PPA to your Ubuntu system.

Project information

QR Tools Team
QR Tools Team

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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  • End of Life on 2021-02-23
    I’m officialy announcing that I have stopped working actively on the project ...
  • QR Tools 1.2 Released! on 2011-07-10
    We are pleased to announce the release of QtQR and python-qrtools version 1.2...
  • Translators Request on 2011-07-04
    we are releasing QtQR 1.2 soon! and one of the new features coming to this ve...
  • Daily PPA Available on 2011-05-14
    We are proud to announce the new Daily PPA for QR Tools! besides the stable P...
  • First Release of python-qrtools and QtQR on 2011-05-01
    We have released the first version of python-qrtools, a QR Codes generation ...