Registered by Michael Kargl

Program that lets you easily manage and learn new vocables from any language you prefere.

This project aims to help people studying foreign languages. It helps managing and learning new vocables.
The main goal is to create a project that is supported by all systems that support Java. An optional commandline interface makes the software avaiable to people that prefere text over gui, as well provides an interface to write scripts and automate things.

Project information

Michael Kargl
Michael Kargl

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View full history Series and milestones

indev series is the current focus of development.


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  • Late Statusupdate on 2012-08-23
    Well... I wont lie to you... I did not do very much of the things I wrote in ...
  • Current Statusupdate on 2012-07-16
    The program is almost ready for release... I have endless ideas of features I...
  • Finished up MAIN Features on 2012-07-02
    Just finished up all the main features I initially wanted to see... I will fr...