
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
realliZation realtimefiltering-0.0.2 realtimefiltering 2012-12-25 not yet released - pull in support for guided motion of poles/zeros form freqanalysis series -...
realliZation realtimefiltering-0.0.1 realtimefiltering 2012-12-25
realliZation freqanalysis-0.0.3 displayfreqresponse 2012-12-25 not yet released implement feature in bug report #1088794
realliZation freqanalysis-0.0.2 displayfreqresponse 2012-12-12 not yet released show phase response with mamag. response
realliZation freqanalysis-0.0.1 displayfreqresponse 2012-12-12 show magnitude response as location of (conjugate) poles/zeros change