Registered by Eduardo Mucelli Rezende Oliveira

Show to your Pidgin buddies what is the song you're listening to with Rhythmbox

The objectives

My personal one was to learn things such Python, i18n, pyGKT, Dbus, and Rhythmbox plugins idea. If yours is to show to your Pidgin buddies what is the song you're listening to with Rhythmbox, install this plugin.


First you need to download the package, it is there --------------------------------------------->

Extract the .tar.gz package and copy the "rhythmidgin" folder and paste it in ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/plugins/ -- If "plugins" directory does not exist, just create it. If the "rhythmbox" directory does not exist, paste the "rhythmidgin" folder in /usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins directory.


Make sure Pidgin is on. Open Rhythmbox and load the plugin by "Edit (menu) -> Plug-ins", select the "Rhythmidgin" in the list. Activate the plugin by "Control (menu) -> Set Pidgin status", or click in the Toolbal button that shows an awesome Pidgin with sound speaker eyes, or you can use the marvelous shortcut Ctrl+G.

What about this crazy icon ?

Well, it is a nice Pidgin with sound speaker eyes, freaking awesome!

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Latest version is 0.0.5

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