Sahara 0.2a2

Milestone information

Sergey Lukjanov
Release registered:
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1 Alexander Ignatov, 1 Chad Roberts, 1 Ivan Berezovskiy, 3 Nikita Konovalov, 8 Sergey Lukjanov, 1 Sergey Reshetnyak, 1 Trevor McKay
3 Implemented
1 Invalid, 12 Fix Released

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File Description Downloads
download icon savannadashboard-0.2a2.tar.gz (md5) savannadashboard-0.2a2.tar.gz 37
last downloaded 65 weeks ago
download icon savanna-0.2a2.tar.gz (md5) savanna-0.2a2.tar.gz 36
last downloaded 65 weeks ago
Total downloads: 73

Release notes 

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3 blueprints and 13 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Implement validation for Savanna REST API v1.0 Implement validation for Savanna REST API v1.0 4 High Alexander Ignatov  11 Implemented
Next generation anti-affinity conf/handling Next generation anti-affinity conf/handling 4 High Sergey Lukjanov  11 Implemented
Attach Cinder volume support for cluster scaling Attach Cinder volume support for cluster scaling 3 Medium Sergey Reshetnyak  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1198269 #1198269 UI, Create Cluster, Image list is empty 4 Medium Nikita Konovalov  3 Invalid
1198857 #1198857 Context isn't reseted after request 3 High Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199069 #1199069 Add help text to all wizards 3 High Nikita Konovalov  10 Fix Released
1199072 #1199072 Features not implemented in plugin should fail 3 High Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199375 #1199375 Publish fresh images for vanilla plugin 3 High Ivan Berezovskiy  10 Fix Released
1197530 #1197530 Cleanup support of the various content types 4 Medium Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1198099 #1198099 Savanna REST response contains python stacktrace with 500 error code instead of 404 4 Medium Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199064 #1199064 Display anti-affinity info in cluster and cluster template details pages 4 Medium Nikita Konovalov  10 Fix Released
1199065 #1199065 Check license headers in core code and dashboard 4 Medium Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199063 #1199063 Generate new migrations for Savanna v0.2 5 Low Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199067 #1199067 Make request/response logging configurable 5 Low Sergey Lukjanov  10 Fix Released
1199226 #1199226 Set some unique default port instead of 8080 5 Low Trevor McKay  10 Fix Released
1199452 #1199452 Default os_auth_host should be localhost 5 Low Chad Roberts  10 Fix Released
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