How do I verify a download?
* Added support for Undo/Redo. Presently keeping a history of unlimited length. * Fixed a significant crashing bug which was likely present for some time. * Several small bugs.
Salasaga 0.8.0-Alpha 6 **********************
* Added a status bar icon, with a right click menu for taking screenshots and various actions. * The default width and height for new projects is whatever width and height was last used. * The control bar in swf output is much better looking, now finally of acceptable quality. * The user is now always given the option to Cancel in the application quit dialog. * Layers can now be moved both partially or completely off the visible slide area. * Added a "screenshot delay" preference, in seconds, which can range from 0 to 60. * Changed the status bar to a progress bar, updating many functions to use it. * Added an additional output resolution 600x400, requested by Guy Rageot. * Visual notification messages are now shown when screenshots are ta...
Languages in this release ************************
* 100% complete - English (this is the language used for development) * 100% complete - Greek, by Yannis Kaskamanidis * 100% complete - Filipino, by Kezia Lounel Badulid * 41.14% complete - Bulgarian, by Anton Kerezov (Dilomo) * 24.53% complete - Galician * 22.78% complete - Spanish * 21.04% complete - Romanian * 4.75% complete - Simplified Chinese * 2.22% complete - Catalan * 2.06% complete - Brazilian Portuguese
Bugs fixed in this release ***********************
* Bug #249182: error when making SWF
* Bug #315731: Crash/image distortion on changing the zoom level
* Bug #246786: Some PNG images not loading correctly
* Bug #301067: Help→About should be in standard position
* Plus a few minor unreported bug fixes
Bugs with useful progress in this release **************************************
* Bug #315733: Need for more professionally styled mouse pointer inside app and play controls in html web page
The mouse cursor that was used so far in the IDE and exported swf has been replaced with one contributed by Anton Kerezov (Dilomo) through this bug. The bug is still open, as more work still needs to be done.
Fourth Alpha Release
* Non-english characters now work * Changed to use teh DejaVu fonts * Build system now uses automake * Many bug fixes
Changelog **********
* Updated to use UTF8 for text in swf output, meaning diacritics (international characters) now work * The DejaVu fonts are now used instead of Bitstream * Automake (1.10) is used for the build system * Many bug fixes, including some initial memory leak fixes and swf improvements