Registered by André Desgualdo Pereira

The objective of this project is to make an easy to use app that can backup and restore the configurations files. Currently the app uses rsync to backup and restore the configurations files and folders.
It is an open project started by desgua that welcomes folks who want to help.

You can add ppa:desgua/sbk to easily install the app "sbk".

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
python, bash

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Latest version is 12.07.41

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  • First beta release on 2012-07-08
    I am glad to announce that the 12.07.36 is the first beta release. It is ful...
  • First beta release on 2012-07-08
    I am glad to announce that the 12.07.36 is the first beta release. It is ful...
  • First beta release on 2012-07-08
    I am glad to announce that the 12.07.36 is the first beta release. It is ful...
  • First beta release on 2012-07-08
    I am glad to announce that the 12.07.36 is the first beta release. It is ful...