Online Accounts: Sign-on UI 0.15

Milestone information

Online Accounts: Sign-on UI
Alberto Mardegan
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download icon signon-ui-0.15.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) release tarball 1,327
last downloaded 39 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,327

Release notes 

What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Many small changes since last release, plus support for WebKit2.
* Do not hardcode the prefix in D-Bus service files.
* Don't block the "about:blank" URL.
* Don't empty the username field when the login form is re-presented.
* Added some tweaks to the webview for to improve the experience on ubuntu touch devices.
* Fix a crash potentially happening when the XEmbed container reused the
  same X window ID from a previous one. (LP: #1158969)
* Fixed Cannot log in to Google apps domain + Ubuntu SSO (LP: #1171853)
* Add flag to ignore SSL errors (for testing)
* Optionally use WebKit2 in Qt5
* Implement removeIdentityData
* Cancel fail timer when a load is in progress
* Wait 3 seconds before reporting a page load failure


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What is it?
SignOnUI is the component responsible for showing the authentication
dialogs (from simple password queries to websites' login pages) when
some application requires the user intervention in order to perform a
login operation.

What is new?
Many small changes since last release, plus support for WebKit2.
* Do not hardcode the prefix in D-Bus service files.
* Don't block the "about:blank" URL.
* Don't empty the username field when the login form is re-presented.
* Added some tweaks to the webview for to improve the experience on ubuntu touch devices.
* Fix a crash potentially happening when the XEmbed container reused the
  same X window ID from a previous one. (LP: #1158969)
* Fixed Cannot log in to Google apps domain + Ubuntu SSO (LP: #1171853)
* Add flag to ignore SSL errors (for testing)
* Optionally use WebKit2 in Qt5
* Implement removeIdentityData
* Cancel fail timer when a load is in progress
* Wait 3 seconds before reporting a page load failure

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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