SikuliX 1.1.0 "SikuliX"

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198 RaiMan, 1 obiwan-92
1 Implemented
8 Opinion, 2 Invalid, 4 Won't Fix, 3 Confirmed, 31 In Progress, 139 Fix Committed, 11 Fix Released

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last downloaded 69 weeks ago
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bugs tagged as FixCommitted/Critical should be fixed.


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1 blueprint and 198 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Sikuli IDE should be able to deal with command line arguments. Sikuli IDE should be able to deal with command line arguments. 3 Medium RaiMan  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1402048 #1402048 [1.1.0] Images with same name but in different tab are wrong 3 High RaiMan  2 Opinion
1452605 #1452605 [1.1.0] crash with script path containing \x --- taken as unicode escape 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1485581 #1485581 [1.1.0] JRuby: script run: RobotDesktop error (multi monitor) 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1503550 #1503550 [1.1.0] type() types multiple chars with capital 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1505614 #1505614 [1.1.0] debug logging stops with ALT-SHIFT-C 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1566637 #1566637 [1.1.0] Hotkey handlers do not properly clean up 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1653996 #1653996 Dropdowns that fits in the browser (Firefox) window is not visible for sikulix on Ubuntu 16.04 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1660028 #1660028 fails to create html files in .sikulix directory; deletes all png files after pressing ctrl + s 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1562339 #1562339 Windows 7 restart: the files in Sikuli IDE display "|||||| " instead of ASCII chars! --- set font in preferences 1 Undecided RaiMan  3 Invalid
1566812 #1566812 Match class method saveScreenCapture(path,filename) save image with filename-somevalue but getLastScreenImageFile(path,name) should also give if name is same 1 Undecided RaiMan  3 Invalid
1329714 #1329714 [1.1.0-Beta1] Windows: Java: not possible to run more than one SikuliX instance at once 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1511078 #1511078 [1.1.0] variable = <automatic image file name> overwrites existing images --- is by intention 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1620665 #1620665 Problem with taking a screenshot from IDE 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1622761 #1622761 [1.1.0] IDE failing to start in macOS 12 Beta --- use latest 1.1.1 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1450354 #1450354 [1.1.0] Jython-2.7-rc3: Subclassing Region: with __init__ the java level constructors not used with super()__init__(), leaving Region "empty" --- workaround 3 High RaiMan  6 Confirmed
1464105 #1464105 [1.1.0] Jython 2.7: urllib.FancyURLopener only works the first time after import urllib --- Jython problem --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  6 Confirmed
1467726 #1467726 [1.1.0] IDE delete pictures --- its not a bug, its a feature ;-) 1 Undecided RaiMan  6 Confirmed
793723 #793723 [1.1.0-Beta1] Linux System Always Uses Screen(0) 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
795408 #795408 X-1.0rc2: inconsistent handling of unicode specifications 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
862060 #862060 X-1.0rc3 (931): Windows7: Chinese: Crashes on capture and images not found --- problem: unicode in filenames 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
891993 #891993 X-1.0rc3: Windows: Using folder some-name.sikuli: Save As, saves recursively --- workaround 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1213977 #1213977 [1.0.1] not reporting failure when originating from child script 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1243191 #1243191 [1.0.1] IDE crash after "matching preview" fails 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1268171 #1268171 [1.0.1] Findfailed; matching preview hangs endless 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1288796 #1288796 [1.0.1] MultiMonitor: Highlight doesn't work correctly with several screens 3 High obiwan-92  8 In Progress
1319399 #1319399 [1.1.0-Beta1] Python errors are not properly reported 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1328424 #1328424 [1.0.1] red croshair interferes with menus --- Settings.ShowActions not reset 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1355231 #1355231 [1.0.1] Finder with image crops match object to screen size 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1379722 #1379722 [1.1.0] Windows: print u'2byte character' (unicode, utf-8) does not work 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1386862 #1386862 [1.1.0] OS X 10.10: Location: outside any screen in multi-monitor setup 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1402056 #1402056 [1.1.0] Try to open shared image in PatternWindow will cause a NullPointerException 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1413796 #1413796 [1.0.1] Windows: 2 monitors: Capture button Modify Screen Bounds 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1440175 #1440175 [1.1.0] IDE: Error when saving script containing a comment block 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1465945 #1465945 [1.1.0] OSX 10.7: Can't use, openApp, App.focus running script from IDE started as app --- workarounds 2015-06-19+ 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1473631 #1473631 [1.1.0] addImagePath NoMethodError --- workaround: use ImagePath.add instead 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1485344 #1485344 [1.1.0] Maven project: windows libs jar reported as missing 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1485902 #1485902 [1.1.0] Windows 10: JDK needed to run SikuliX --- JRE should be sufficient 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
512476 #512476 [1.0.1] the path to sikuli scripts can't contain non-roman characters 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
515592 #515592 [request] Turn on font aliasing in Windows version 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
966536 #966536 Sikuli can't find a match on a second screen/monitor when calling a function in an included module 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
985395 #985395 unexpected behavior of env.isLockOn() --- Java problem 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1205805 #1205805 [1.0] IDE: can not find ..... .png on the screen --- Chinese characters in path names 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1220575 #1220575 [1.0.1] Linux: Matching preview not working 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1231928 #1231928 [1.0.1] Unable to install Sukili 1.0.1 behind a proxy --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1238027 #1238027 [1.0.1] Linux: Screen capture sometimes fails to create a selection 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1265201 #1265201 [1.0.1] IDE: Ubuntu 13.10-64: problems with editor script tabs 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1450362 #1450362 [1.1.0] Jython 2.7: unicode problem: unpaired surrogate at start up in (Windows only ????) --- going back to 2.5.4-rc1 for now (2015-05-02+) 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1470448 #1470448 [request] want to use the Guide feature to setup some simple GUI for my script suite 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
710746 #710746 [1.0.1 ok] Location.getX()/getY() should return int 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
816560 #816560 X-1.0rc3: secondary monitor: Match.left/right/below doesn't work on secondary monitor --- workaround --- fixed 1.1.0 (2015-05-15+) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
821549 #821549 [request]: want to reference/read images from inside .jar file - together with load(file.jar) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1000643 #1000643 [1.0.1 ok] WIN meta key not working with keyDown() 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1008311 #1008311 [request] Add YesNo Popup dialog 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1013396 #1013396 X-1.0rc3-931: Java heap space exhausted with long running script using Region.right() .below() .nearby(). 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1046251 #1046251 deleteOnExit() method not working after *.skl file execution --- completely revised in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1056174 #1056174 [request] Sikuli should detect images on second monitor --- added in 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1170274 #1170274 [1.0.1 ok] [request] print timestamp in log messages 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1173112 #1173112 [1.0.1 ok] [request] I want a longclick method 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1182764 #1182764 [1.0] Windows: sikuli-ide.cmd: SIKULIX_HOME seems to be invalid 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1182870 #1182870 [1.0 tempFix] Windows: sikuli-script.cmd: no class def found error --- workaround 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1182992 #1182992 [1.0.1 ok] Error: Region outside any screen ... How to handle? 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1183017 #1183017 [1.0.1 ok] IDE: captured images might be lost in UNTITLED tab 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1183246 #1183246 [request] add python stuff like xlrd, xlwt, htmlTestRunner, ... as installable extensions 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1183324 #1183324 [1.0 tempFix] Linux/Unix: does not work --- library load errors --- partly fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1183349 #1183349 [1.0 tempFix] Linux Jar file not compatible with Java 6 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1183671 #1183671 [1.0.1 ok] Observe: does not work anymore after success when used the second time on same region 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1185559 #1185559 [1.0] IDE: Mac: Can't open a Sikuli script in file open dialog - script.sikuli not selectable --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1187339 #1187339 [1.0] Mac: wrong handling of command line argument with space --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1189836 #1189836 [1.0.1 ok] [request] want Sikuli API fully Maven supported 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1190150 #1190150 [1.0.1 ok] [request] IDE: should have possibility to see location of file 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1190176 #1190176 [1.0.1 ok] command line arguments with Sikuli Standard Commandline Option characters (-r, -s, -t, ...) are ignored or give errors 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1199798 #1199798 [1.0.1 ok] Windows: Command line arguments cut off 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1199882 #1199882 [1.0.1] .observe quits before it should be finished --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1200831 #1200831 [1.0.1 ok] [request] Want a Settings.TypeDelay to set a time to wait after each character typed 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1201280 #1201280 [1.0.1] OnAppear()/observe() only works the first time for one image in same region 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1205370 #1205370 [1.0] Jython 2.5.4: in bundled Lib/ syntax error 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1210472 #1210472 [1.0.1 ok] IDE: HTML code not printed or not printed correctly in message area 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1210599 #1210599 [1.0.1 ok] Negative Target Offset causes an error message - Location outside any screen 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1211527 #1211527 [1.0.1 ok] Pattern Match Dialog is not opening 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1211878 #1211878 [1.0.1 ok] Running runIDE(.cmd) or runScript(.cmd) throws Exception with option -h 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1212706 #1212706 [1.0.1 ok] observe with onChange() does not work and does not run in background 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1212763 #1212763 [1.0.1 ok] Windows: paths to Sikuli scripts are partly corrupted when using import of other Sikuli scripts --- fixed 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1213439 #1213439 [1.0.1 ok] "Location: outside any screen" error on dual-screen configuration 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1214291 #1214291 [1.0.1] - Java exception when terminating script using sys.exit() --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1214589 #1214589 [1.0.1] tessdata folder not found after setup with option 5 --- workaround --- fixed with 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1214789 #1214789 [1.0.1 ok] Button.LEFT not recognised 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1216334 #1216334 [1.0.1 ok] Images using absolute paths are corrupted at script save/reload - pathname is stripped 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1216338 #1216338 [1.0.1 ok] NameError ( name 'FindFailed' is not defined ) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1218138 #1218138 [1.0.1 ok] IDE: Using thumbnail view and CommandBar: FindFailed ( can not find __CLICK-TO-CAPTURE__ on the screen. ) --- solution 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1218164 #1218164 [1.0.1 ok] NameError name 'WHEEL_DOWN' is not defined 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1221113 #1221113 [1.0.1] should clearly be stated when Tesseract package is missing --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1221658 #1221658 [1.0.1 ok] image file name start with 'b' character not picked 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1222722 #1222722 [1.0.1 ok] IDE: can't save images after using image load button 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1222811 #1222811 [1.0.1] IDE: crashes when using open on a path not ending with .sikuli --- workaround --- fixed with 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1223204 #1223204 [1.0.1] org.sikuli.script.natives.Vision --- is now: org.sikuli.basics.proxies.Vision --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1223741 #1223741 [1.0.1 ok] IDE: Windows: imported images not found on 2nd script run 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1224481 #1224481 [1.0.1 ok] ScriptJython: exitcode not returned to commandline when using exit(n) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1224795 #1224795 [1.0.1] observe() or observe(FOREVER) doesn't wait for any event to occur and the next line runs immediately --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1224863 #1224863 [1.0.1] click() on Region/Location outside screen gives Null pointer exception --- should be more explanatory 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1226012 #1226012 [1.0.1] IDE: [error] Location: outside any screen after starting on a different monitor setup --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1227541 #1227541 [request] sikuli-java.jar should better support having it in additional places besides the setup folder --- fixed in 1.1.0: can be wherever you want 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1230928 #1230928 [1.0.1] Error Traceback Display Wrong Line when FindFailed in imported script --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1234531 #1234531 [1.0.1] scripts having blanks in path cannot be run --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1235424 #1235424 [1.0.1] Windows: runIDE.cmd and runScript.cmd script error --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1239720 #1239720 [1.1.0 beta] IDE: at quit crash in Image.purge() --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1239727 #1239727 [1.1.0 beta] IDE: Script is deleted during exit --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1241993 #1241993 [1.0.1] Region exists(..., 0) failing does not return instantly with scan rates > 1 --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1242484 #1242484 [1.0.1] Can't find the source files for the user guide --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1243039 #1243039 [1.0.1] IDE: crash at capture with image naming option text and tessdata not installed --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1243141 #1243141 [1.0.1] exception in open dialog when selecting a folder which is not .sikuli --- fixed in 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1244441 #1244441 [1.0.1] Printing help triggers java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1245887 #1245887 [1.0.1] Env.getOS() run on Ubuntu with sikuliX 1.01 returns 'MAC" 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1246467 #1246467 [1.0.1] Unable to download Sikuli IDE during setup on Windows 2008 (64 bit) --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1247006 #1247006 [1.0.1] The sikuli libs path validation should be case insensitive on Windows 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1248189 #1248189 [1.0.1] IDE: open script crashes when it contains an image with same name as script --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1248827 #1248827 [1.0.1] IDE: crash with Location: outside any screen --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1249635 #1249635 [request] IDE: saveAll, move tabs around, search not case sensitive 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1250112 #1250112 [1.0.1] Sikuli finds element on secondary screen but clicks on primary screen --- fixed in 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1251155 #1251155 [1.0.1] type(Key.MINUS) return an error --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1255535 #1255535 [1.0.1] "runIDE.cmd -l" preload only the first script 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1262727 #1262727 [1.0.1] IDE crashes when clicking "target offset" button in "Pattern Settings Dialog" --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1262917 #1262917 [1.0.1] Still can't download due to security issues, despite most recent setup jar 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1269650 #1269650 [1.0.1] getBundlePath() adds extra slash at end --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1271463 #1271463 [1.0.1] IDE: menuShowThumbs truncates image paths 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1271470 #1271470 [1.0.1] taking screenshots either fails or inserts full pathname 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1273664 #1273664 [request] want a setup that runs from command line (no options dialog, only logs to file/commandline) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1294525 #1294525 [1.0.1]IDE crashes when open project with changed folder name --- fixed in 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1316078 #1316078 [1.0.1] MultiMonitor: Mac: capture on wrong screen - should work with 1.1.0-Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1318074 #1318074 [1.1.0-Beta1] IDE wont load script with an image from a addImagePath() or with a not existing image --- fixed with Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1319005 #1319005 [1.1.0-Beta1] Using find(text) or findText(text) does not initialize Tesseract correctly - workaround --- fixed with Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1324324 #1324324 [1.1.0-Beta1] Commenting out a line deletes images mentioned in the comment only --- workaround: switch off option in preferences (delete not used images) --- fixed with Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1326784 #1326784 [1.1.0-Beta1] Use of text features leads to image not found errors 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1330348 #1330348 [1.1.0-Beta1] Java: Eclipse: ImagePath not set correctly at runtime 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1331924 #1331924 [1.1.0-Beta1] IDE: Sikuli might delete used images on save --- workaround: switch of pref option until fixed --- fixed in Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1332260 #1332260 [1.1.0-Beta1] click() fails on anything but Screen(0) - fixed in Beta2 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1334535 #1334535 [request] add the Tamil translation in the IDE 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1335398 #1335398 [1.1.0-Beta3] IDE: using click(../images/myimage.png) leads to not found images on reload of script 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1336695 #1336695 [1.1.0-Beta2] IDE: null pointer exception when coming back to IDE window after long time --- fixed in Beta3 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1336804 #1336804 [1.1.0-Beta2] Windows 7: Image searching fails when primary screen is not screen 0 --- fixed 1.1.0 (2015-05-15+) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1337187 #1337187 [request] startup and other splash screens should not be displayed as standard 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1338257 #1338257 [1.1.0-Beta1]NullPointerException when sikuli ends running from command line --- fixed in Beta3 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1343298 #1343298 [1.0.1] IDE: crash after try open image preview with text features switched on 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1350735 #1350735 [request] want options to redirect Sikuli's log messages to my own logging 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1354589 #1354589 % not escaped correctly with type in Sikuli 1.1.0Beta4 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1354703 #1354703 sikuli crash when rename identically 2 .png 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1360046 #1360046 [1.0.1] Java: Settings.BundlePath not work --- use the ImageLocator methods 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1361687 #1361687 [1.1.0 Beta4] addImagePath() doesn't work correctly --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1362011 #1362011 [ALL VERSIONS] IDE does not start up on MAC OSX 10.10 Yosemite --- 1.1.0 works (RC3 + 1.0.1 do not) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1362864 #1362864 [1.0.1] Mac: SikuliX should have a single application icon only --- fixed with 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1363918 #1363918 [1.0.1] want an easy to use feature to run scripts from inside other scripts and Java code --- available in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1369432 #1369432 [1.1.0-Beta] Jython: user parameters from command line (after -- or --args) not contained in sys.argv -- workaround until fixed 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1374641 #1374641 [1.1.0] Updating old images in IDE, images revert back to old version --- fixed 2015-06-24 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1381945 #1381945 [1.0.1] Jython With: setAutoWaitTimeout ignored - fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1384494 #1384494 [1.1.0] screen.capture only Screen(0) in multi-monitor 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1385595 #1385595 [1.1.0] OS X 10.10: .sikuli folders not recognized as bundles and hence cannot be opened in IDE (first SikuliX install ever) --- fixed 2015-05+ (Mac app available) 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1386156 #1386156 [1.1.0] Fedora64: libvisionproxy not found --- install prereqs -- local build supported by setup 2015-06-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1401145 #1401145 [1.0.1] Have to restart Sikuli to get out of run in slow motion mode --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1402964 #1402964 [1.1.0] Interactive Mode Error --- fixed with build 2014-12-17 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1408675 #1408675 [1.0.1] Install Sikuli to work with Java JRE 8 by default --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1412850 #1412850 [1.1.0] Mac OSX 10.10: Search (cmd+F) not working in the IDE 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1418877 #1418877 [1.0.1] MultiMonitor: Java NPE when mouse is in other screen than the found match to be clicked --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1420866 #1420866 [1.1.0] Need IDE settings to overwrite captured images --- partly fixed 2015-06-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1428056 #1428056 [1.1.0] paste() without a target should not click 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1434588 #1434588 [1.1.0] screen coordinates change after snapshot --- fixed 2015-06-24 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1436521 #1436521 [1.1.0] Clicks on secondary monitor after finding image on primary monitor --- fixed 20150327 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1437224 #1437224 [1.1.0] Mac: Java 6: not working - no reaction at all --- fixed 20150328 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1444755 #1444755 [1.1.0] tessdata location not as expected with SikuliX - fixed 2015-04-17+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1444959 #1444959 [1.1.0] sikulix passing arguments --arg not working (use -- arg1 arg2 ...) --- fixed: 2015-04-17 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1445385 #1445385 [1.1.0] Unable to use 'capture()' function if Sikulix-IDE is not running --- fixed 2015-04-18 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1445667 #1445667 [1.1.0] OS X 10.10.3 with Java 7+:"Mail") doesn't work anymore --- also for some other Mac apps --- fixed 2015-04-25+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1445940 #1445940 [1.0.1] Finder.find(): only finds one match --- use Finder.findAll() to find more than one --- docs fixed 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1450805 #1450805 [1.0.1] Allow click() to accept and ignore 'None' as a modifier --- fixed 2015-05-02+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1451326 #1451326 [1.1.0] IDE: Line focus lost when coming back from Preview -> image rename --- fixed 2015-05-16+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1453093 #1453093 [1.1.0] App.focus Not working --- fixed 2015-05-09+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1454757 #1454757 [1.1.0] Multi-monitor support --- fixed 2015-05-15+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1455812 #1455812 [1.1.0] IDE hangup, recording an image to an array --- fixed 2015-05-18+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1457104 #1457104 [1.1.0] Jython: Windows: getBundlePath: Leading slash in paths not accepted --- fixed 2015-05-21+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1459131 #1459131 [1.0.1] multiMonitors jython dont find/click/... in screen --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1461533 #1461533 [1.1.0] exists(Pattern().similar(0.9)) matches with 0.71 second time --- fixed in final 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1462935 #1462935 [1.1.0] Only recognise two monitors --- fixed 2015-06-24+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1464225 #1464225 [1.1.0] IDE: Jython: Windows: exception traceback not complete --- fixed 2015-06-15+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1469962 #1469962 [1.1.0] Mac: App.getClipboard(): system clipboard data unavailable --- should be handled internally --- fixed 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1470493 #1470493 [1.1.0] OS X 10.11: IDE not starting --- fixed 2015-07-02+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1475649 #1475649 [1.1.0] Offline setup not working - tries to download selenium4sikulix --- fixed 2015-07-20+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1480145 #1480145 [1.1.0] RunServer should accept user arguments for Python scripts (-- arg1 arg2 ...) --- fixed 2015-08-28+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1495552 #1495552 [1.1.0] Pattern does not have a getSimilar() --- fixed in 1.1.0 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1498949 #1498949 [1.1.0] Windows/Mac: problem with App class after 2015-09-19: native xxxUtil libs where no longer loaded (unsatisfied link errors) --- fixed 2015-09-25+ 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1316488 #1316488 [1.1.0-Beta1] Windows XP, 7, 8: problems with native library WinUtil.dll when using a 32-Bit Java - SikuliX not useable --- fixed 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1323630 #1323630 [1.1.0-Beta1] Setup doesn't work on Win 8.1 x64 when using 32-Bit Java - fixed 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1325046 #1325046 [1.1.0-Beta1] Application Crash after click on image - download latest version 2 Critical RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1221062 #1221062 [1.0.1] Yellow banner should be invisible in the standard 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1428110 #1428110 [1.1.0] Windows 7 64: Java 8-31: crashes with insufficient memory after longer run (40 min here) --- fixed with Java 8-45 3 High RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1233062 #1233062 [1.0.1] Linux: Please provide VisionProxy source tree from github as well 4 Medium RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1334083 #1334083 [1.1.0+] wmctrl should be listed as an installation dependency 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1447636 #1447636 [1.1.0] IDE can't save scripts --- should all be fixed with final 1.1.0 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1466231 #1466231 [1.1.0] OS X 10.10: KeyModifier being sent to Sikuli, not to app 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1486838 #1486838 Documentation states dropAt has 2 args, only accepts one. 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
1486873 #1486873 SikuliX Documentation: Debug.setLogfile should be Debug.setLogFile 1 Undecided RaiMan  10 Fix Released
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