SikuliX 2.0.5 "SikuliX"

bug fix release

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46 RaiMan
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2 Opinion, 4 Invalid, 2 Won't Fix, 2 Confirmed, 27 In Progress, 9 Fix Committed

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File Description Downloads
download icon sikulixide-2.0.5.jar (md5) SikuliX IDE for all systems 182,840
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixide-2.0.5-win.jar (md5) SikuliX IDE for Windows 126,759
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixide-2.0.5-mac.jar (md5) SikuliX IDE for macOS 10,548
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixide-2.0.5-lux.jar (md5) SikuliX IDE for Linux 68,447
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixapi-2.0.5.jar (md5) SikuliX API for all systems 11,207
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixapi-2.0.5-win.jar (md5) SikuliX API for Windows 18,066
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixapi-2.0.5-mac.jar (md5) SikuliX API for macOS 4,188
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
download icon sikulixapi-2.0.5-lux.jar (md5) SikuliX API for Linux 4,251
last downloaded 47 weeks ago
Total downloads: 426,306

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0 blueprints and 46 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1904567 #1904567 Robitdesktop 5 Low RaiMan  2 Opinion
1891391 #1891391 [2.0.4] some keyboard commands not recognized by certain programs 1 Undecided RaiMan  2 Opinion
1856719 #1856719 [2.0.4] CvException "Sizes of input arguments do not match" with observeInBackground and automasked images --- GitHub #347 3 High RaiMan  3 Invalid
1891605 #1891605 Observe Region cannot be unregistered 4 Medium RaiMan  3 Invalid
1887941 #1887941 [2.0.4] SikuliXception in exists function, if image is larger than image to search in --- by intention 1 Undecided RaiMan  3 Invalid
1891847 #1891847 OCR text fails with single digit number 1 Undecided RaiMan  3 Invalid
1872116 #1872116 [2.0.4] IDE: Windows: END button on keyboard moves cursor one space to left --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1874813 #1874813 Output seen on earlier version no longer seen 1 Undecided RaiMan  4 Won't Fix
1673089 #1673089 [1.1.1] macOS 10.12 Sierra: type("test") only types tt in google search field and other input fields/areas--- workaround 6 Wishlist RaiMan  6 Confirmed
1891848 #1891848 Jython scripting: UnicodeEncodeError with OCR --- not a bug, it's a feature 1 Undecided RaiMan  6 Confirmed
1812578 #1812578 [2.0.4] Region::findWord/findLine throw class cast exception when not found --- should return null as Match --- workaround 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1857600 #1857600 [2.0.x] IDE: delete images on save: orphan string delimiter message --- fixed in 2.0.4 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1882227 #1882227 [2.0.4] Alt+shift+c won't work with onAppear/observe 3 High RaiMan  8 In Progress
1504505 #1504505 [2.0.4] setShowActions() does not work --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1514007 #1514007 [2.0.4] Settings.getOS() and Env.getOS() return different values --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1533134 #1533134 [1.1.0] comand line quoted parameters: single quotes should work too --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1536759 #1536759 [2.0.4] click(exists()) always return True --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1538048 #1538048 [2.0.4[ Paste not working in java api --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1546915 #1546915 [2.0.4] doesn't drag and drop control on MAC OSX --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1549870 #1549870 [2.0.4] hangs and freezes --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1583112 #1583112 [2.0.4] inputText should return None --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1819878 #1819878 [2.0.4] Mac: App::close(): has problems when app name differs from process name --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1858192 #1858192 [2.0.4] Combo Box not Clearing --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1858435 #1858435 [2.0.4] Combo to Front --- to be checked 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1889183 #1889183 [2.0.4] App.Open java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1891624 #1891624 [2.0.4] Windows: 2 monitors: IDE graphical errors, not possible to edit 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1893211 #1893211 [2.0.4] run from commandline: -f does not work as expected 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1893319 #1893319 [2.0.4] Issue in openApp with 'cmd.exe /c ...' command --- workaround 4 Medium RaiMan  8 In Progress
1446769 #1446769 [2.0.4] Docs: should clearly describe how to get Eclipse/PyDev working with Sikuli (and maybe other commonly used Jython capable IDE's 5 Low RaiMan  8 In Progress
1867801 #1867801 VNC mouseDown(Button.LEFT) does not work returns None 5 Low RaiMan  8 In Progress
1885858 #1885858 [2.0.4] VNCstart does not return on failure 5 Low RaiMan  8 In Progress
949720 #949720 [request] want getLastMatchDelay(): elapsed time to get last match 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1461093 #1461093 [request] switchApp()/ App.focus() should accept parts of title or regex 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1533493 #1533493 [request] IDE: want installers for Windows-exe and Mac-app (Linux?) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1534758 #1534758 [request] Ability to create a standalone Sikulix Similar to Using bbfreeze for Python .exe 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1887175 #1887175 [request] Find every match of multiple patterns (something like findAnyListAll()) 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1888678 #1888678 [request] Randomized mouse route from A to B? 6 Wishlist RaiMan  8 In Progress
1813491 #1813491 [1.1.4] Linux: PID is -1 after --- fixed 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1871026 #1871026 [2.0.4] IDE: on exit: Exception in ShutDownHook --- can be ignored --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1872925 #1872925 [2.0.x] Pattern.similar(float sim) function missing --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1873743 #1873743 [2.0.4] error when importing xlrd module (encoding error) --- workaround --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1882947 #1882947 [2.0.4] Image.getSub() does not work as expected from 1.1.0 --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1883605 #1883605 [2.0.4] Match does not act like Region using text() --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1900004 #1900004 [2.0.4] Finder2: BufferedImage: type not supported: 0 --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1903960 #1903960 [2.0.4] do.popup() on autoclose returns "True" --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
1915397 #1915397 [2.0.4] addImagePath after runScript() --- fixed in 2.0.5 2 Critical RaiMan  9 Fix Committed
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