All meetings and sprints

51100 of 224 results
2008-07-06 to 2008-07-06: Clubuntu development:
พัฒนา Clubuntu ตามความถนัดของแต่ละท่าน โดยจะมีทั้งงานจัดทำกราฟิก งานพัฒนาโปรแกรม งานรวมข้อมูล ฯลฯ
Registered by Manatsawin Hanmongkolchai
2008-09-27 to 2008-09-28: Second Ubuntu-it Meeting:
Incontro tra tutte le persone che collaborano attivamente alle attività della comunità italiana di Ubuntu. Un incontro per discutere dei progetti futuri e per incontrarsi tutti! ---- Ubuntu's Italian community members meeting.
Registered by Milo Casagrande
2008-10-17 to 2008-10-19: Second german speaking Ubucon:
Second german Ubucon in Göttingen.
Registered by Julius Bloch
2008-11-09 to 2008-11-09: Ubuntu Release Party in Minsk:
* Обсуждение новых возможностей Intrepid Ibex * Запись Ubuntu/Debian на CD/DVD/Веник/Флешку * Официальное зеркало Ubuntu в РБ. Факты, догадки, персоналии. * HOWTO: Создание PPA репозитория и его наполнение * Истории успеха * Приятное общение о разном :)
Registered by Yura Tolstik
2008-12-08 to 2008-12-13: UDS Jaunty Jackalope:
This Ubuntu Developer Summit will map out the development plan for Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope).
Registered by Eleanor Berger
2008-12-12 to 2008-12-12: Plan a sprint:
Registered by Evgeniy Stepchenko
2009-01-17 to 2009-01-24: katka4s:
Registered by katka
2009-05-25 to 2009-05-29: Ubuntu Developer Summit - Karmic Koala:
This Ubuntu Developer Summit will map out the development plan for Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala).
Registered by Scott James Remnant (Canonical)
2009-06-17 to 2009-06-17: Review of Power Email Module:
Need to discuss: 1. Features for the upgrade of module 2. Current usability 3. Assign Testing
Registered by Sharoon Thomas
2009-06-22 to 2009-06-22: Service Center Layout:
Lets discuss how the service center can be implemented and linked to existing Open ERP repair center.
Registered by Sharoon Thomas
2009-07-22 to 2009-07-24: wcopello:
Registered by Copello
2009-08-03 to 2009-08-03: August Sprint Planning Meeting:
August Sprint Planning Meeting
Registered by Alex Yurchenko
2009-09-05 to 2009-09-05: Kunquat Player API Testing Kickoff:
Pidetään tehotyöskentely sprintti Tonin luona lauantaina 5.9. kello 12:00-20:00. Sami K, Ossi S ja Ilmari V ottakoot ensiaskeleensa oman Kunquat soitinsovelluksensa luomiseksi. Tomi ja Toni pitävät sivussa info-tiskiä. Sanna F hyödyntäköön tilaisuutta efektipuun työstämiseen. Tilataan jotenkin yhdessä jotain ruokaa, jottei tartte nälissään kärvistellä, ja mennään päivän loputtua oluelle tms:lle pudistelemaan päivän työn jälkiä vaatteista.
Registered by Toni Ruottu
2009-11-08 to 2009-11-12: Zeitgeist Hackfest 2009:
Zeitgeist and GNOME Activity Journal at Bolzano.
Registered by Siegfried Gevatter
2009-11-16 to 2009-11-20: Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx:
Ubuntu Developer Summit for Lucid Lynx
Registered by Jorge Castro
2009-11-21 to 2009-11-21: UbuVanLoCo Inception:
This is the inception phase of Vancouver Ubuntu Loco CMS Site. we will present the artifacts based on OpenUP standard, namely Requirements, Vision, RiskList and first draft of Use cases.
Registered by Ralemy
2009-12-05 to 2009-12-05: General Discussion:
General discussion of Texas Local Community Team and Overview of NUET
Registered by Daniel Stone
2010-01-02 to 2010-01-02: Ubuntu Manual Initial Meeting:
The first meeting for the Ubuntu Manual project, to discuss the direction of the project and to sort out a number of other things including chapter assignments. See the full agenda on the wiki page.
Registered by Benjamin Humphrey
2010-02-02 to 2010-02-02: Sync all new subscribers:
This is the second meeting for OpenCD. The aim is to coordinate forces to ensure a better experience in OpenCD. Motivating ...
Registered by alamati
2010-02-06 to 2010-02-07: FOSDEM 2010:
FOSDEM 2010 is a free, community-organized meeting for open source developments and users.
Registered by Dominik George
2010-03-10 to 2010-03-10: Requirements Gathering:
We need to discuss and gather requirements for the game.
Registered by Kurt Treangen
2010-03-10 to 2010-03-10: Requirements Gathering:
Gather all requirements for this project.
Registered by Kurt Treangen
2010-03-16 to 2010-03-17: Unused Drizzle Developer Day 04/2010:
We are no longer using this sprint.
Registered by Monty Taylor
2010-03-30 to 2010-03-31: administrator:
natiya 123
Registered by Michael Glavin
2010-04-17 to 2010-04-24: IRC4 Specification Convention:
Online convention to discuss and decide upon the features to be implemented within the Internet Relay Chat Protocol - Revision Four. Also discussed will be the issues w/ IANA and similar organizations.
Registered by Alexandria Marie Wolcott
2010-04-20 to 2010-04-20: Fusion Strike - Webinar #1:
Webinar #1, For Developers & The Public. Recruitment and Project Discussion will be taking place.
Registered by Jacob Clark
2010-04-21 to 2010-04-21: Kick off meeting:
A quick meeting at the FSF, to discuss how we're going to get started.
Registered by Matt Lee
2010-04-30 to 2010-04-30: Step 1. move to p4:
let everything working on plone 4
Registered by massimo
2010-04-30 to 2010-04-30: Restyling:
Registered by jollyr0ger
2010-05-04 to 2010-05-04: annountce-meeting:
Registered by piaosongmei
2010-05-10 to 2010-05-14: Ubuntu Developer Summit for the M Release:
Blueprints for the M release of Ubuntu
Registered by Jorge Castro
2010-05-10 to 2010-05-10: Summer of Documentation Blueprint Meeting:
Meeting discussing possible blueprint plans for the Summer of Documentation Project. All BT Members are invited to attend.
Registered by Zach Kriesse
2010-05-20 to 2010-05-25: KDE Multimedia, Edu and Games sprint:
A Sprint to gather all parties in the KDE Community who use sound in their application. The aim is to coordinate forces to ensure a better sound experience in KDE on the long run. This is in particular interesting for all applications using the Phonon stack and it's backends as well as applications using alsa directly. We will also discuss the Pulseaudio issue we are faced with, collaboration with the Pulesaudio developers. Another interesting approcha will be the possible use of a VLC backend to replace the rather buggy existing ones.
Registered by Myriam Schweingruber
2010-05-24 to 2010-05-28: EPICS Codeathon 2010:
This year's Codeathon is being hosted by the Diamond Light Source in the UK, the week before the collaboration meeting at ITER.
Registered by Andrew Johnson
2010-06-02 to 2010-06-03: CaneyPUGgies - Introduction:
Introduce: 1. TurboGears via 20 Minute Wiki video, 2. CaneyPUGgies Trac wiki, 3. Reformed Churches Locator on Launchpad, 4. Customized Ubuntu programming environment, 5. Create new TurboGears 2.1 app on Webfaction, commit to Bazaar repository, push code to trunk on Launchpad
Registered by Tim Black
1. First, finish any tasks remaining from the last meeting 2. We'll follow steps described in the TurboGears 2.1 docs 3. Get your Bazaar branch of Reformed Churches Locator 4. Start the web server 5. Open & edit code in your editor, reload app, see changes in app 6. Pylons debugging interface 7. Commit changes locally, (pull/merge then) push to shared branch 8. Launchpad blueprints - pick one & implement it, create new blueprints 9. Discuss Reformed Churches Locator overview & versioning 10. Write model code
Registered by Tim Black
2010-06-20 to 2010-06-20: Sunday 20th:
Small hackathon on sunday the 20th
Registered by Brett Wilkins
2010-06-22 to 2010-06-22: Zope Developer IRC Meeting Week 25:
Bug tracker monitoring, floating documentation and bug day review and planning.
Registered by Christian Theune
2010-06-26 to 2010-06-30: parser for parsing create table statements:
Parser for parsing create table statements must be created.
Registered by neh
2010-07-04 to 2010-07-04: Security Issues:
A meeting for any Security Issues. Note: the meeting will probably not last as long as it is marked.
Registered by Anonymous Meerkat
2010-07-13 to 2010-07-16: OpenStack-A:
Initial review of openstack, status, requirements and proposed blueprints.
Registered by Joshua McKenty
2010-07-16 to 2010-07-16: Spotkanie planowane 1:
Zobaczymy co się udało zrobić. Zaplanujemy kolejne zadania.
Registered by janisozaur
2010-07-30 to 2010-07-30: Pre-Release IRC Meeting:
Before each major version or subversion release of TextFileBB, we will hold a meeting in IRC to discuss changes to the code.
Registered by Thomas Boxley
2010-08-14 to 2010-08-14: Discussion Of Ideas:
The goals of this meeting are discussing the alternate package format, how best to remove bugs and any new ideas
Registered by cafeinoz
2010-08-27 to 2010-08-27: Hexwars 'Punchy Preview' Summit:
We will test the “Early Effects” release, define the goals for “Punchy Preview” based on the resurlts and assign tasks for the “Punchy Preview” release.
Registered by Patrik Schönfeldt
2010-08-28 to 2010-08-28: Geeknic Texas - Arlington:
Texas Geeknic – Arlington A simple picnic for geeks. To get outside and away from the computers for fun. George Stevens Park 400 West Sanford Arlington Texas 76011 We will have some refreshments BBQ and hamburgers and hot dogs Please RSVP so we can have a good idea for the food You are welcome and encouraged to bring your flavor of food or refreshment Please join us. Here is a link to the map on google maps
Registered by Daniel Stone
2010-08-28 to 2010-08-29: Setting Up an Issue:
Initial Meeting
Registered by Gaurav Kumar Agarwal
2010-09-13 to 2010-09-14: Zope Developer Summit 2010:
The Zope Developer Summit is set to discuss goals and directions of the Zope developers for the medium term.
Registered by Christian Theune
2010-09-21 to 2010-11-10: desframentacion de disco:
en ubuntu necesitamos una herramienta que desframente y acelere y de matenimiento al disco y la memoria ram es indispensable al momento de recuperar sectores dañado porque la aplicacion de utilidad de disco de ubuntu esta limitada
Registered by alejandro
2010-09-30 to 2010-09-30: Early design meeting #1:
We are supposed to discuss the proposed database's layout and core features needed to be implemented before releasing 1a.
Registered by Krotton
51100 of 224 results