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4146 of 46 releases

2.11 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.11.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 12
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 12

2.10 release from the trunk series released

Release information

ssh-import-id (2.10-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * === added directory img, img/ssh-import-id_14.png, img/ssh-import-
    id_192.png, img/ssh-import-id_64.png, img/ssh-import-id.png:
    - add logos to revision control
  * ssh-import-id, ssh-import-id.1: LP: #944367
    - add -e parameter, which says "don't clean my environment"
    - helps if someone needs to set $https_proxy

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Sat, 03 Mar 2012 08:32:25 -0600

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.10.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 20
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 20

2.9 release from the trunk series released

Release information

ssh-import-id (2.9-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * debian/control:
    - we don't technically break openssh-server; this could cause
      openssh-server to be removed; that's bad

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Tue, 31 Jan 2012 16:01:56 -0600

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.9.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 16
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

2.8 release from the trunk series released

Release information

ssh-import-id (2.8-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  [ Soren Hansen ]
  * ssh-import-id: LP: #918131
    - Sequences of a's were getting filtered from public keys

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Wed, 18 Jan 2012 09:48:23 -0600

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.8.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 13
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 13

2.7 release from the trunk series released

Release information

ssh-import-id (2.7-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * ssh-import-id: LP: #885205, LP: #702932
    - fix bug where lines are merged if they don't include a "= "
    - instead, check for lines that begin with "^ssh-"
  * ssh-import-id:
    - line up sed whitespace

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Mon, 16 Jan 2012 17:42:51 -0600

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.7.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 15
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 15

2.6 release from the trunk series released

Release information

ssh-import-id (2.6-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low

  * Revert the last commit, removing the ssh-import-lp-id link, as this
    breaks tab completion. Instead, let's fix the ssh-import-lp-id
    caller and SRU it; LP: #870112

 -- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Wed, 14 Dec 2011 09:07:00 -0600

File Description Downloads
download icon ssh-import-id_2.6.orig.tar.gz (md5, sig) release tarball 16
last downloaded 76 weeks ago
Total downloads: 16

4146 of 46 releases