Registered by Ocaya Stephen

Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) is a facility-based workforce planning methodology, initially developed with support from the World Health Organization (WHO). WISN provides a straightforward method to calculate the required workforce for individual health facilities, based on their workloads.

The Method provides health managers with a systematic way to make staffing decisions in order to manage their valuable human resources well. It is based on a health worker's workload, with activity time(standards) for each workload component.

The Method:

    Determines how many health workers of a particular type are required to cope with the workload of a given health facility.
    Assesses the workload pressure of the health workers in a given facility

Built in PHP and MySQL Databases

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Ocaya Stephen
Not yet selected
Apache Licence, GNU GPL v2, GNU GPL v3, PHP Licence

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