Storm 0.14

Milestone information

Thomas Herve
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last downloaded 62 weeks ago
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Release notes 

 - A new doctest describing the 'Infoheritance' pattern is integrated into
   the test suite.
 - A new storm.django package has been added to allow use of Storm
   within Django applications.
 - The way Storm interacts with the Zope transaction manager has
   changed. Rather than using a synchronizer to join each new
   transaction, it now delays joining the transaction until the store
   is actually used.
 - The Store constructor takes an optional cache keyword argument.
 - ResultSets now offer an is_empty() method.

Bug fixes
 - Manage better row full of NULL in case of LEFT JOIN, without validating
   against object constraints.
 - The Reference class now has an __ne__() method, so inequality
   checks against a reference now work in find expressions (bug
   #244768 reported by Stuart Bishop).
 - Make ResultSet.count() handles the distinct, limit and offset flags, to
   really reflect the length of the current ResultSet.
 - The store doesn't iterate on all the alive objects anymore, using instead
   events that objects can subscribe to. This improves performance drastically
   when lots of objects are in the cache.


View the full changelog

 - A new doctest describing the 'Infoheritance' pattern is integrated into
   the test suite.
 - A new storm.django package has been added to allow use of Storm
   within Django applications.
 - The way Storm interacts with the Zope transaction manager has
   changed. Rather than using a synchronizer to join each new
   transaction, it now delays joining the transaction until the store
   is actually used.
 - The Store constructor takes an optional cache keyword argument.
 - ResultSets now offer an is_empty() method.

Bug fixes
 - Manage better row full of NULL in case of LEFT JOIN, without validating
   against object constraints.
 - The Reference class now has an __ne__() method, so inequality
   checks against a reference now work in find expressions (bug
   #244768 reported by Stuart Bishop).
 - Make ResultSet.count() handles the distinct, limit and offset flags, to
   really reflect the length of the current ResultSet.
 - The store doesn't iterate on all the alive objects anymore, using instead
   events that objects can subscribe to. This improves performance drastically
   when lots of objects are in the cache.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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