subtitleeditor 0.24.1

2008-09-25 - Subtitle Editor 0.24.1 released

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download icon subtitleeditor_0.24.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (md5, sig) Binary Package "subtitleeditor" in The Hardy Heron for i386 (x86) 25
last downloaded 74 weeks ago
Total downloads: 25

Release notes 

 Subtitle Editor 0.24.1 is released and you can download it here.

    * Fix: Wrong line length and characters per second. (patch by spirit)
    * Fix: Newline at opening in SubRip format. (patch by spirit)
    * Fix: ComboBox outputs in the video player preferences.

The archives 0.24.1 has been updated with the missing file (PreferencePage.h).

Error Checking

This release has an opportunity to review the tool "Error Checking". It has been completely rewritten with a support of the errors correction.

First the presentation. You have the choice between two view : "By Categories" or "By Subtitles". A tooltip informs you of the possibility of automatic correction. You can try to fix automatically an error by activating (double click) the selected row or a group of errors with the node.

The error checking preferences, you can enable or disable some error.

Of course the work is not finished, the next step is to add options of corrections like "Move both subtitles" or "Move only the first/next subtitle" when a overlapping or the minimum gap between subtitles is detected...

I emphasize that this is only a tool to help you in improving your subtitles, do not let the automatic corrections do your job :)
Default document values

It's now possible to define the default values for a new document.

Other bugfixes and improvements

For a complete list of changes see the ChangeLog file included with subtitle editor distribution.

    * Fix: Recent files freeze.
    * Cleanup code.
    * The Czech and French translations have been updated.


View the full changelog

2008-09-25 kitone <email address hidden>

 * NEWS:
 Preparing 0.24.1 release.

2008-09-25 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/formats/
 Fix: newline at opening (Unix) patch by spirit.

 * src/
 * src/utility.h:
 Remove trim_right function patch by spirit.

2008-09-25 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/preferences/VideoPlayerPage.h:
 Fix: ComboBox output bug (translation).

2008-09-25 kitone <email address hidden>

 Add option [encoding: UTF-8].

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 * src/
 * src/utility.h:
 Fix #12347 : Wrong line length and characters per second.
 patch by John D. (spirit)

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 * src/GtkUtility.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/SpinButtonTime.h:
 * src/
 Move GtkUtility code to gui/SpinButtonTime.

 * src/actions/
 * src/actions/
 Update include SpinButtonTime.

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/menubar.xml:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/MenuBar.h:
 Remove deprecated code. Cleanup code.

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/preferences/DocumentPage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/InterfacePage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/PreferencePage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/
 * src/actions/preferences/PreviewPage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/TimingPage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/VideoPlayerPage.h:
 * src/actions/preferences/WaveformPage.h:
 New files.

 * share/glade/
 * src/
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/MenuBar.h:
 Move dialog Preferences code to src/actions/preferences/* as plugin.
 Remove deprecated code.

 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/PreferencesUI.h:
 Delete files.

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/gui/
 * src/
 Remove deprecated code.

2008-09-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 Switching back to development version.

2008-09-21 kitone <email address hidden>

 * NEWS:
 Preparing 0.24.0 release.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/errorchecking/
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxCharactersPerLine.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxLinePerSubtitle.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MinDisplayTime.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MinGapBetweenSubtitles.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/Overlapping.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooLongDisplayTime.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooShortDisplayTime.h:
 Fix: bold messages by Luboš Staněk.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 TimeCell derived to TextView widget.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/errorchecking/
 * src/actions/errorchecking/ErrorCheckingPreferences.h:
 Fix: dialog parent.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/errorchecking/
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxCharactersPerLine.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxLinePerSubtitle.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MinGapBetweenSubtitles.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooLongDisplayTime.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooShortDisplayTime.h:
 Fix: plurals messages (patch by Luboš Staněk)

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 * share/glade/
 Fix gtk-* string.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Fix the scroll of widget time (cell) as SpinButtonTime.

2008-09-20 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 Fix typo.

 * src/actions/errorchecking/Overlapping.h:
 Fix typo. (bold)

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 Fix: missing files and

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 * share/glade/
 * share/menubar.xml:
 * src/
 * src/actions/errorchecking/ErrorChecking.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/
 * src/actions/errorchecking/ErrorCheckingPreferences.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxCharactersPerLine.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MaxLinePerSubtitle.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MinDisplayTime.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/MinGapBetweenSubtitles.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/Overlapping.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooLongDisplayTime.h:
 * src/actions/errorchecking/TooShortDisplayTime.h:
 Introduce new Error Checking tool.

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 * src/Action.h:
 * src/
 * src/ActionSystem.h:
 Delete files.

 * src/
 * src/
 * src/SubtitleView.h:
 * src/actions/StyleEditor.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/MenuBar.h:
 Remove deprecated code. (Action, ActionSystem)

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/MenuBar.h:
 * src/actions/
 Move Configure Keyboard Shortcuts code to file.

 * src/
 Add new file

 * share/glade/
 Small fix.

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/gui/
 Remove Check Errors tool. (missing)

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 * share/glade/
 * share/glade/
 * share/menubar.xml:
 * src/
 * src/actions/
 * src/actions/CheckErrors.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/Application.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/CheckErrorsUI.h:
 Remove Check Errors tool.

2008-09-19 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/
 Remove previous commit by using Gtk::RecentAction.

2008-09-11 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/
 Do not call directly create_menu_recent_files.
 Because it freeze a moment the interface.

2008-09-06 kitone <email address hidden>

 * share/glade/
 * src/gui/
 Add options to set default values to document. (Fix #12285)

2008-09-06 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Add support of ComboBoxText to WidgetToConfig.

2008-09-06 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/ComboBoxNewLine.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/ComboBoxSubtitleFormat.h:
 * src/gui/
 * src/gui/ComboBoxVideo.h:
 * src/gui/
 Remove ComboBox* code from to ComboBox* files.

2008-09-06 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Check the config for the values of 'newline' and 'format'.

 * src/
 Add default config values for the group 'document'.
 Values 'format' and 'newline'.

2008-09-06 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 * src/SubtitleSystem.h:
 Add function 'is_supported' and debug msg.

2008-09-05 kitone <email address hidden>

 Switching back to development version.

 * src/actions/
 Remove comment code.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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