subtitleeditor 0.26.0

Subtitle Editor 0.26.0 released

Milestone information

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File Description Downloads
download icon subtitleeditor_0.26.0-1ubuntu1_i386.deb (md5, sig) Binary Package "subtitleeditor" in The Hardy Heron for i386 (x86) 31
last downloaded 79 weeks ago
Total downloads: 31

Release notes 

 Subtitle Editor 0.26.0 is released and you can download it

Subtitle Editor has now a Wiki, feel free to participate!

    * Remove dependance of pcre, pcrecpp (packager)
    * Replace pcre by Glib::Regex
    * Fix: AdobeEncoreDVD multiple line reader
    * Fix: MicroDVD to SE tags
    * Add a default style if the document doesn't at least one when the file is saved (ASS/SSA)
    * ASS/SSA newline (patch by Robert Ramiega)
    * #12542 (


View the full changelog

2008-11-02 kitone <email address hidden>

 * NEWS:
 Preparing 0.26.0 release.

2008-11-02 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/FileWriter.h:
 * src/
 Fix: bug #12542 (
 Unable to build Subtitleeditor 0.25.0

2008-10-30 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/formats/AdvancedSubStationAlpha.h:
 * src/formats/SubStationAlpha.h:
 Fix: ASS/SSA newline (patch by Robert Ramiega)

2008-10-29 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/formats/AdvancedSubStationAlpha.h:
 * src/formats/SubStationAlpha.h:
 Add a default style if the document doesn't
 at least one when the file is saved.

2008-10-28 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/formats/MicroDVD.h:
 Fix: MicrDVD to SE tags conversion.

2008-10-27 kitone <email address hidden>

 * TODO:

2008-10-27 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Remove pcre dependance.

 * src/actions/
 Using GRegex instead of pcre.

2008-10-27 kitone <email address hidden>

 * TODO:

2008-10-27 kitone <email address hidden>

 Remove pcrecpp dependance.

 * src/
 Remove RegEx* and files.

 * src/
 * src/RegEx.h:
 * src/unittest/
 Remove files.

2008-10-27 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/
 Remove RegEx. (hack)

2008-10-26 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Remove unused header RegEx.h.

2008-10-24 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/
 Remove unused header RegEx.h.

 * src/actions/
 Using Glib::Regex instead of RegEx.

2008-10-24 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/actions/
 * src/actions/
 Using Glib::Regex instead of RegEx.

2008-10-24 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/gui/
 Using Glib::Regex instead of RegEx.

 * src/gui/
 Remove unused header RegEx.h.

2008-10-23 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/formats/AdobeEncoreDVD.h:
 Using Glib::Regex instead of RegEx.
 Fix: multiple line reader.

 * src/formats/AdvancedSubStationAlpha.h:
 * src/formats/MPL2.h:
 * src/formats/MPsub.h:
 * src/formats/MicroDVD.h:
 * src/formats/SubRip.h:
 * src/formats/SubStationAlpha.h:
 * src/formats/SubViewer2.h:
 Using Glib::Regex instead of RegEx.

2008-10-16 kitone <email address hidden>

 * src/
 Fix: change async to sync spawn_command.

2008-10-13 kitone <email address hidden>

 Switching back to development version.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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