Synapse 0.2.6 "Aspartate"

Milestone information

Code name:
Michal Hruby
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
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6 Alberto Aldegheri, 2 Michal Hruby
1 Implemented
7 Fix Released

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download icon synapse-0.2.6.tar.gz (md5, sig) Release tarball 4,312
last downloaded 51 weeks ago
Total downloads: 4,312

Release notes 

- Starting from now, you need Vala >= 0.12 to compile Synapse
- Customizable Key Bindings
- Doish theme
- Drag&Drop
- SSH plugin


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- New SSH plugin: fast connect to your preferite hosts! Thank you ~antono!
- User Interface clickable:
  - Single click (on the list) -> select
  - Double click (on the list) -> execute
  - Click on categories -> change category
- Starting from now you can Drag&Drop your files from Synapse window to any other window
- Focus behavior changed: now Synapse will stay always on top grabbing both mouse and keyboard
- User interface speedups
- customizable key bindings from the Settings window
- KDE (Kwin) compatibility
- Some adjustment at the relevancy computation
- A good number of bug fixes
- New Do-ish theme
- Only compatible with Vala 0.12

1 blueprint and 7 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Drag and drop Drag and drop 3 Medium Alberto Aldegheri  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
730580 #730580 Synapse does not list folders 3 High Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
683776 #683776 Synapse doesn't grab focus consistently and immediately 4 Medium Alberto Aldegheri  10 Fix Released
732358 #732358 New windows close Synapse 4 Medium Alberto Aldegheri  10 Fix Released
746570 #746570 No automatic focus under KDE4 (with workaround) 4 Medium Alberto Aldegheri  10 Fix Released
735218 #735218 Update Banshee plugin 5 Low Michal Hruby  10 Fix Released
697256 #697256 allow customizable key bindings (e.g. up/down) 6 Wishlist Alberto Aldegheri  10 Fix Released
746622 #746622 Kwin using wrong shadows on Synapse 1 Undecided Alberto Aldegheri  10 Fix Released
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