
Tcl 8.5.15

Milestone information

Donal Fellows
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon tcl8.5.15-src.tar.gz (md5) Source code 289
last downloaded 57 weeks ago
download icon tcltk-release-notes-8.5.15.txt (md5) Full release notes 48
last downloaded 62 weeks ago
Total downloads: 337

Release notes 

2013-04-03 (bug fix)[3205320] outsmart gcc on powerpc detect stack direction

2013-04-04 (bug fix) Support URLs with query but no path (max)
=> http 2.7.12

2013-04-08 (bug fix)[3610026] regexp crash on color overflow (linnakangas)

2013-04-16 (bug fix)[3610404] crash in enter traces (found with TclOO) (porter)

2013-04-30 (enhancement) broaden glibc version detection (kupries)
=> platform 1.0.12

2013-05-01 (bug fix)[2901998] inconsistent I/O buffering (ferrieux)

2013-05-06 (platform support) Cygwin64 (nijtmans)

2013-05-16 (platform support) mingw-4.0 (nijtmans)

2013-05-19 (platform support) FreeBSD updates (cerutti)

2013-05-22 (bug fix)[3613609] [lsort -nocase] failed on non-ASCII (fellows)

2013-05-28 (bug fix)[3036566] Use language packs (Vista+) locale (oehlmann)
=> msgcat 1.5.2

2013-06-03 Restored lost performance appending to long strings (elby,porter)

2013-06-17 (bug fix)[a876646] [:cntrl:] includes \x00 to \x1f (nijtmans)

2013-06-17 [string is space \u180e] => 1 (nijtmans)

2013-06-27 (bug fix)[983509] missing encodings for config values (nijtmans)

2013-06-27 (bug fix)[34538b] apply DST in 2099 (lang)

2013-07-02 (bug fix)[32afa6] corrected dirent64 check (griffin)

2013-07-06 tzdata updated to Olson's tzdata2013d (kenny)

2013-07-26 (bug fix)[6585b2] regexp {(\w).*?\1} abb (lane)

2013-07-29 [string is space \u202f] => 1 (nijtmans)

2013-08-01 [a0bc85] Limited support for fork with threads (for Rivet) (nijtmans)

2013-08-14 (bug fix)[a16752] Missing command delete callbacks (porter)

2013-08-15 Errors from execution traces become errors of the command (porter)

2013-09-07 (bug fix) stop crashes in tclcompiler (kupries,porter)

2013-09-07 (bug fix)[86ceb4] have tm path favor first provider (neumann,porter)

2013-09-13 (bug fix)[bdd91c] crash in exec stack mem management (azazel)

--- Released 8.5.15, September 16, 2013 --- for details


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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