The Mana World

A small release to fix some outstanding issues with the previous one.

Milestone information

The Mana World
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Release notes 

Two crash bugs were fixed, but some small feature additions were made as well. For example it is now possible to clear the chat window by typing /clear and a key was added for targetting the nearest player. Also, you can now walk through other players with the keyboard (with the mouse this was already possible).


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- Added /clear command to clear chat window
- Added ability to close quit dialog by pressing ESC
- Added key for targetting nearest player
- Added the possibility to assign particle effects to monsters
- Added possibility to pass through players with key controls
- Fixed crash on exit after connection to server was lost
- Fixed initialization of some variables
- Fixed an error with chat messages without a sender that include a colon
- Fixed minimap to not keep reappearing when hidden
- Fixed a GCC 4.3 compile error
- Fixed music loading from non-default location
- Fixed crash on trying to show out of range emoticon
- Updated Dev-C++ and Code::Blocks project files

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