tpad text editor.
All users should update to the new tpad 6.x series.
Ubuntu users can stay up to date with the PPA: ppa:tpad/tpad
-- Remember to re-enable the PPA after Ubuntu upgrades to a new version.
** For help adding a PPA see: https:/
Ubuntu Users: To add the Tpad Current PPA , ppa:tpad/tpad, to you system open the "Terminal" program and type in the following line and then press the return key.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tpad/tpad
Patches, Bug reports, Suggestions and Feedback should be submitted threw this launchpad page. Please do not email developers directly with Bug reports, Suggestions and Feedback. If you wish to submit a patch and you do not have commit access, Open a BUG REPORT and attach your patch and a description. All patches must be signed off on. Anonymous work, work not properly signed off on, or any patches not under GNU GPL v3 will be rejected. If you have questions on this, please contact us for further guidance or file a bug report.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.