alsa-driver (1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu2) oneiric; urgency=low
* debian/control: Update Vcs-Bzr field
Cherry-pick changes from debian ALSA svn:
[ Elimar Riesebieter ]
* Provide alsa-base-udeb based on a patch from Samuel Thibault. Thanks.
(closes: #613095)
* Correct mismatches in README.Debian.gz (thanks Petr Vorel; closes: #610008)
* Removed useless entry '# Comment this entry in order to load pcspkr driver'
from /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base-blacklist.conf.
[ Jordi Mallach ]
* Remove all replaces and conflicts for all packages: all referred to
versions available even in etch, or are no longer in Debian.
* Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.2 (no further changes required).
* Remove Suggests from udeb (not supported) and set Section to
* Point to non-symlinked GPL file.
* Update upstream url in copyright.
* Remove empty override dirs.
[ Daniel T Chen ]
* debian/alsa-base.init: Modify echo_procs_using_sound to avoid using
lsof, which reduces our footprint, at the cost of being somewhat
slower. Because *unload is not in the fast path generally, this
tradeoff seems acceptable. Based on work by Kai Hendry et al. at,
many thanks (closes: #514661)!
-- Luke Yelavich <email address hidden> Thu, 05 May 2011 15:04:35 +1000