News and announcements

Announcing plans for Maverick

Written for Ubuntu Manual by Benjamin Humphrey on 2010-04-20

Benjamin Humphrey, team lead, announces Ubuntu Manual Project plans for Maverick 10.10.

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Meetings this weekend!

Written for Ubuntu Manual by Benjamin Humphrey on 2010-04-16

There are two meetings this weekend of the 17/18th April, one for the manual on Saturday and one for Quickshot on Sunday. See the following link for more information on times, places and the agenda. Please make sure you attend!

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Beta release

Written for Ubuntu Manual by Kevin Godby on 2010-04-02

The beta version of Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 has been released. Download it by clicking on the link on the homepage. Please re-organize any blueprints or bugs that you are assigned to. Anything that's finished, mark it as complete and released in beta.

With the beta release, the strings are frozen so the translators may begin translating.

Alpha release

Written for Ubuntu Manual by Benjamin Humphrey on 2010-02-12

Alpha has been released this week, the 10th February. Download it by clicking on the link on the homepage. Please re-organize any blueprints or bugs that you are assigned to. Anything that's finished, mark it as complete and released in alpha. Anything that isn't completed for alpha, it needs to be re-targeted to beta.

Title name change

Written for Ubuntu Manual by Benjamin Humphrey on 2010-02-03

As most of you should know, the "Ubuntu Manual" title is only a development name. We have decided on the final title, and it will be "Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04." This won't affect anything on Launchpad or the Wiki, as the project will still be "The Ubuntu Manual Project" - but the new title should be used everywhere else.

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