Change log for simplejson package in Ubuntu RTM

11 of 1 result
Published in 14.09-factory-release
Published in 14.09-release
simplejson (3.5.3-1ubuntu1) utopic; urgency=medium

  * Merge from Debian.  Remaining changes:
    - Enable autopkgtest that runs the upstream test suite against the
    installed package.
    - d/control: Don't Build-Depend on pypy since it's in universe.
    - d/rules: Remove pypy from list dh --with list.

  * Drop changes, merged in Debian:
    - debian/rules: Enable testsuite. Pybuild now runs the testsuite
    correctly without an override.
    - use Debian's set minimal python3 version 3.2 -> 3.3.

  * Modify autopkgtest to copy the test-suite out to ADTTMP and run it
    from there, as otherwise source tree simplejson is tested (with
    compiled simplejson tests skipped), instead of running the test-suite
    against the system installed simplejson.

Available diffs

11 of 1 result