diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/changelog libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/changelog
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/changelog	2013-05-09 14:35:41.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/changelog	2014-03-15 17:31:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+libmatheval (1.1.10+dfsg-1.1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Removed non-free documentation in upstream tarball:
+  	docs/libmatheval.texi and doc/libmatheval.info 
+    (closes: #708966)
+  * Added a patch to skip doc/ directory.
+ -- Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>  Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:28:34 +0100
 libmatheval (1.1.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release (Closes: #690218)
diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/info libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/info
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/info	2013-05-09 14:35:41.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/info	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/patches/002-skip-docs.patch libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/patches/002-skip-docs.patch
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/patches/002-skip-docs.patch	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/patches/002-skip-docs.patch	2014-03-15 17:31:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+Index: libmatheval/Makefile.in
+--- libmatheval.orig/Makefile.in	2014-03-15 18:16:18.268272243 +0100
++++ libmatheval/Makefile.in	2014-03-15 18:16:18.260272178 +0100
+@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
+ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in aclocal.m4 configure config.h.in	\
+ config.log config.status stamp-h.in $(AUX_DIST)
+-SUBDIRS = doc lib tests
++SUBDIRS = lib tests
+ pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+ pkgconfig_DATA = libmatheval.pc
+ all: config.h
+Index: libmatheval/Makefile.am
+--- libmatheval.orig/Makefile.am	2014-03-15 18:16:18.268272243 +0100
++++ libmatheval/Makefile.am	2014-03-15 18:16:18.260272178 +0100
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = Makefile.in aclocal.m4 configure config.h.in	\
+ config.log config.status stamp-h.in $(AUX_DIST)
+-SUBDIRS = doc lib tests
++SUBDIRS = lib tests
+ pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
+ pkgconfig_DATA = libmatheval.pc
+Index: libmatheval/doc/Makefile.am
+--- libmatheval.orig/doc/Makefile.am	2014-03-15 17:19:43.560183884 +0100
++++ libmatheval/doc/Makefile.am	2014-03-15 18:16:31.532370035 +0100
+@@ -19,4 +19,3 @@
+-info_TEXINFOS = libmatheval.texi
diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/patches/series libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/patches/series
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/debian/patches/series	2013-05-09 14:35:41.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/debian/patches/series	2014-03-15 17:31:16.000000000 +0000
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/doc/libmatheval.info libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/doc/libmatheval.info
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/doc/libmatheval.info	2012-11-29 12:04:20.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/doc/libmatheval.info	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,2185 +0,0 @@
-This is libmatheval.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.13 from
-* libmatheval: (libmatheval).   library for evaluating symbolic expressions
-   This file documents GNU `libmatheval' library.
-   Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012
-Aleksandar Samardzic
-   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being "Rationale and history", with no Front-Cover
-Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the license is included
-in the section entitled "Copying".
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Top,  Next: License,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)
-GNU `libmatheval' manual
-GNU `libmatheval' is small library of procedures for evaluating
-mathematical functions.  This manual documents how to use the library;
-this is manual edition 1.1.10, last updated 29 November 2012,
-corresponding to library version 1.1.10.
-* Menu:
-* License::               Library license conditions.
-* Introduction::          Overview of library usage.
-* Reference::             Reference of functions exposed by library.
-* Fortran interface::     Description of library Fortran interface.
-* Hacking::               Library internals.
-* Bugs::                  Reporting bugs.
-* Rationale and history:: Background of project.
-* Copying::               GNU Free Documentation License.
-* Index::                 Index of concepts and symbol names.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: License,  Next: Introduction,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top
-GNU libmatheval is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version.
-   GNU libmatheval is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with GNU libmatheval.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Introduction,  Next: Reference,  Prev: License,  Up: Top
-1 Introduction
-GNU `libmatheval' is library comprising several procedures that makes
-possible to create in-memory tree representation of mathematical
-functions over single or multiple variables and later use this
-representation to evaluate function for specified variable values, to
-create corresponding tree for function derivative over specified
-variable or to get back textual representation of in-memory tree.
-   This section discuss use of programming interface exposed by library
-from C programs. Readers interested in Fortran interface should switch
-immediately to *note Fortran interface:: section.
-   In order to use GNU `libmatheval' library from C code, it is
-necessary first to include header file `matheval.h' from all files
-calling GNU `libmatheval' procedures and then refer to `libmatheval'
-library among other linker option.  Thus, command to compile C program
-using library and stored in file `example.c' using GNU C compiler would
-look like (supposing that library is installed using default prefix
-     gcc example.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lmatheval -o example
-   Alternatively, `pkg-config' metadata file for `libmatheval' is
-installed along with the library too, thus on system with `pkg-config'
-installed following command could be used instead:
-     gcc example.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs) -o example
-   First step in actually utilizing library after including appropriate
-header file would be to declare variable of `void *' type to point to
-evaluator object that will represent given mathematical function:
-     void *f;
-   Then, given that textual representation of function is stored into
-string `buffer', evaluator object corresponding to given mathematical
-function could be created using `evaluator_create' procedure (see *note
-evaluator_create::) as follows (see documentation for this procedure
-also for description of notation that should be used to describe
-mathematical functions):
-     f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-     assert (f);
-   Return value should be always checked, because above procedure will
-return null pointer if there exist syntax errors in notation.  After
-that, one could utilize `evaluator_get_variables' (see *note
-evaluator_get_variables::) procedure to obtain a list of variable names
-appearing in function:
-     {
-       char **names;
-       int count;
-       int i;
-       evaluator_get_variables (f, &names, &count);
-       for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-         printf ("%s ", names[i]);
-       printf ("\n");
-     }
-   Procedure `evaluator_evaluate' (see *note evaluator_evaluate::)
-could be used to evaluate function for specific variable values.  Say
-that above function is over variable "x" only, then following code will
-evaluate and print function value for x = 0.1:
-     {
-       char *names[] = { "x" };
-       double values[] = { 0.1 };
-       printf ("f(0.1) = %g\n", evaluator_evaluate (f, 1, names,
-                                                    values));
-     }
-   Or alternatively, since function is over variable with standard name
-"x", convenience procedure `evaluator_evaluate_x' (*note
-evaluator_evaluate_x::) could be used to accomplish same by following:
-     printf ("f(0.1) = %g\n", evaluator_evaluate_x (f, 0.1));
-   Evaluator object for function derivative over some variable could be
-created from evaluator object for given function.  In order to
-accomplish this, a declaration for derivative evaluator object should
-be added to variable declarations section:
-     void *f_prim;
-   After that (supposing that "x" is used as derivation variable),
-derivative evaluator object could be created using
-`evaluator_derivative' procedure (see *note evaluator_derivative::):
-     f_prim = evaluator_derivative (f, "x");
-   or alternatively using `evaluator_derivative_x' convenience
-procedure (see *note evaluator_derivative_x::):
-     f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-   Derivative evaluator object could be used to evaluate derivative
-values or say textual representation of derivative could be written to
-standard output through utilizing `evaluator_get_string' procedure (see
-*note evaluator_get_string::) to get string representing given
-evaluator.  Following code would accomplish this:
-     printf ("  f'(x) = %s\n", evaluator_get_string (f_prim));
-   All evaluator objects must be destroyed after finished with using
-them and `evaluator_destroy' procedure (see *note evaluator_destroy::)
-is intended for this:
-     evaluator_destroy (f);
-     evaluator_destroy (f_prim);
-   Here follows complete program connecting above fragments.  Program
-read from standard input string representing function over variable
-"x", create evaluators for function and its first derivative, print
-textual representation of function derivative to standard output, then
-read value of variable "x" and finally print to standard output values
-of function and its first derivative for given value of variable "x".
-     #include <stdio.h>
-     #include <stdlib.h>
-     #include <string.h>
-     #include <assert.h>
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     /* Size of input buffer.  */
-     #define BUFFER_SIZE 256
-     /* Program is demonstrating use of GNU libmatheval library of procedures
-        for evaluating mathematical functions.  */
-     int
-     main (int argc, char **argv)
-     {
-       char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];	/* Input buffer.  */
-       int length;			/* Length of above buffer. */
-       void *f, *f_prim;		/* Evaluators for function and function derivative.  */
-       char **names;			/* Function variables names. */
-       int count;			/* Number of function variables. */
-       double x;			/* Variable x value.  */
-       int i;			/* Loop counter. */
-       /* Read function.  Function has to be over variable x, or result may
-          be undetermined.  Size of textual represenatation of function is
-          bounded here to 256 characters, in real conditions one should
-          probably use GNU readline() instead of fgets() to overcome this
-          limit.  */
-       printf ("f(x) = ");
-       fgets (buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin);
-       length = strlen (buffer);
-       if (length > 0 && buffer[length - 1] == '\n')
-         buffer[length - 1] = '\0';
-       /* Create evaluator for function.  */
-       f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-       assert (f);
-       /* Print variable names appearing in function. */
-       evaluator_get_variables (f, &names, &count);
-       printf ("  ");
-       for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-         printf ("%s ", names[i]);
-       printf ("\n");
-       /* Create evaluator for function derivative and print textual
-          representation of derivative.  */
-       f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-       printf ("  f'(x) = %s\n", evaluator_get_string (f_prim));
-       /* Read variable x value.  */
-       printf ("x = ");
-       scanf ("%lf", &x);
-       /* Calculate and print values of function and its derivative for given
-          value of x.  */
-       printf ("  f(%g) = %g\n", x, evaluator_evaluate_x (f, x));
-       printf ("  f'(%g) = %g\n", x, evaluator_evaluate_x (f_prim, x));
-       /* Destroy evaluators.  */
-       evaluator_destroy (f);
-       evaluator_destroy (f_prim);
-       exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
-     }
-   Above example exercise most of library main procedures (see *note
-Main entry points::), as well as some of convenience procedures (see
-*note Convenience procedures::).  For full documentation, see *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Reference,  Next: Fortran interface,  Prev: Introduction,  Up: Top
-2 Reference
-This section documents procedures constituting GNU `libmatheval'
-library.  The convention is that all procedures have `evaluator_'
-* Menu:
-* Main entry points::      Library main procedures
-* Convenience procedures:: Library convenience procedures
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Main entry points,  Next: Convenience procedures,  Prev: Reference,  Up: Reference
-2.1 Main entry points
-* Menu:
-* evaluator_create::        `evaluator_create' procedure
-* evaluator_destroy::       `evaluator_destroy' procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate::      `evaluator_evaluate' procedure
-* evaluator_get_string::    `evaluator_get_string' procedure
-* evaluator_get_variables:: `evaluator_get_variables' procedure
-* evaluator_derivative::    `evaluator_derivative' procedure
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_create,  Next: evaluator_destroy,  Prev: Main entry points,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.1 `evaluator_create'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void *evaluator_create (char *string);
-Create evaluator object from `string' containing mathematical
-representation of function.  Evaluator object could be used later to
-evaluate function for specific variable values or to calculate function
-derivative over some variable.
-   String representation of function is allowed to consist of decimal
-numbers, constants, variables, elementary functions, unary and binary
-   Supported constants are (names that should be used are given in
-parenthesis): e (`e'), log2(e) (`log2e'), log10(e) (`log10e'), ln(2)
-(`ln2'), ln(10) (`ln10'), pi (`pi'), pi / 2 (`pi_2'), pi / 4 (`pi_4'),
-1 / pi (`1_pi'), 2 / pi (`2_pi'), 2 / sqrt(pi) (`2_sqrtpi'), sqrt(2)
-(`sqrt') and sqrt(1 / 2) (`sqrt1_2').
-   Variable name is any combination of alphanumericals and `_'
-characters beginning with a non-digit that is not elementary function
-   Supported elementary functions are (names that should be used are
-given in parenthesis): exponential (`exp'), logarithmic (`log'), square
-root (`sqrt'), sine (`sin'), cosine (`cos'), tangent (`tan'), cotangent
-(`cot'), secant (`sec'), cosecant (`csc'), inverse sine (`asin'),
-inverse cosine (`acos'), inverse tangent (`atan'), inverse cotangent
-(`acot'), inverse secant (`asec'), inverse cosecant (`acsc'),
-hyperbolic sine (`sinh'), cosine (`cosh'), hyperbolic tangent (`tanh'),
-hyperbolic cotangent (`coth'), hyperbolic secant (`sech'), hyperbolic
-cosecant (`csch'), hyperbolic inverse sine (`asinh'), hyperbolic
-inverse cosine (`acosh'), hyperbolic inverse tangent (`atanh'),
-hyperbolic inverse cotangent (`acoth'), hyperbolic inverse secant
-(`asech'), hyperbolic inverse cosecant (`acsch'), absolute value
-(`abs'), Heaviside step function (`step') with value 1 defined for x =
-0, Dirac delta function with infinity (`delta') and not-a-number
-(`nandelta') values defined for x = 0, and error function (`erf').
-   Supported unary operation is unary minus (`'-'').
-   Supported binary operations are addition (`'+''), subtraction
-(`'+''), multiplication (`'*''), division multiplication (`'/'') and
-exponentiation (`'^'').
-   Usual mathematical rules regarding operation precedence apply.
-Parenthesis (`'('' and `')'') could be used to change priority order.
-   Blanks and tab characters are allowed in string representing
-function; newline characters must not appear in this string.
-Return value
-Pointer to evaluator object if operation successful, null pointer
-otherwise.  Evaluator object is opaque, one should only use return
-pointer to pass it to other functions from library.
-See also
-*note evaluator_destroy::, *note evaluator_evaluate::, *note
-evaluator_get_string::, *note evaluator_get_variables::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_destroy,  Next: evaluator_evaluate,  Prev: evaluator_create,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.2 `evaluator_destroy'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void evaluator_destroy (void *evaluator);
-Destroy evaluator object pointer by `evaluator' pointer.  After
-returning from this call `evaluator' pointer must not be dereferenced
-because evaluator object gets invalidated.
-Return value
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_evaluate,  Next: evaluator_get_string,  Prev: evaluator_destroy,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.3 `evaluator_evaluate'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     double evaluator_evaluate (void *evaluator, int count, char **names,
-     				    double *values);
-Calculate value of function represented by evaluator object for given
-variable values.  Evaluator object is pointed by `evaluator' pointer.
-Variable names and corresponding values are given by `names' and
-`values' array respectively.  Length of arrays is given by `count'
-Return value
-Function value for given variable values.  If some variable that
-appears in function is not mentioned in arguments, result is
-indeterminate.  If all variables that appear in function are given,
-presence of variable or variables that doesn't appear in function in
-arguments has no effect, i.e. result is still exact.
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-evaluator_evaluate_x::, *note evaluator_evaluate_x_y::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_get_string,  Next: evaluator_get_variables,  Prev: evaluator_evaluate,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.4 `evaluator_get_string'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     char *evaluator_get_string (void *evaluator);
-Return textual representation (i.e. mathematical function) of evaluator
-object pointed by `evaluator'.  For notation used, see *note
-evaluator_create:: documentation.
-Return value
-String with textual representation of evaluator object.  This string is
-stored in evaluator object and caller must not free pointer returned by
-this function.  Returned string is valid until evaluator object
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_get_variables,  Next: evaluator_derivative,  Prev: evaluator_get_string,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.5 `evaluator_get_variables'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void evaluator_get_variables (void *evaluator, char ***names, int *count);
-Return array of strings with names of variables appearing in function
-represented by evaluator.  Address of array first element is stored by
-function in location pointed by second argument and number of array
-elements is stored in location pointed by third argument.  Array with
-function variable names is stored in evaluator object and caller must
-not free any of strings returned by this function nor array itself.
-Returned values are valid until evaluator object destroyed.
-Return value
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_derivative,  Prev: evaluator_get_variables,  Up: Main entry points
-2.1.6 `evaluator_derivative'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void *evaluator_derivative (void *evaluator, char *name);
-Create evaluator for derivative of function represented by given
-evaluator object.  Evaluator object is pointed to by `evaluator'
-pointer and derivation variable is determined by `name' argument.
-Calculated derivative is in mathematical sense correct no matters of
-fact that derivation variable appears or not in function represented by
-Return value
-Pointer to evaluator object representing derivative of given function.
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-evaluator_derivative_x::, *note evaluator_derivative_y::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Convenience procedures,  Prev: Main entry points,  Up: Reference
-2.2 Convenience procedures
-* Menu:
-* evaluator_evaluate_x::     `evaluator_evaluate_x' procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y::   `evaluator_evaluate_x_y' procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:: `evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z' procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_x::   `evaluator_derivative_x' procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_y::   `evaluator_derivative_y' procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_z::   `evaluator_derivative_z' procedure
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_evaluate_x,  Next: evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Prev: Convenience procedures,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.1 `evaluator_evaluate_x'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     double evaluator_evaluate_x (void *evaluator, double x);
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variable "x" value.
-Function is equivalent to following:
-     char *names[] = { "x" };
-     double values[] = { x };
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-     			     names, values);
-   See *note evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given value of variable "x".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Next: evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Prev: evaluator_evaluate_x,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.2 `evaluator_evaluate_x_y'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     double evaluator_evaluate_x_y (void *evaluator, double x, double y);
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables "x" and
-"y" values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-     char *names[] = { "x", "y" };
-     double values[] = { x, y };
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-     			     names, values);
-   See *note evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables "x" and "y".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Next: evaluator_derivative_x,  Prev: evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.3 `evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     double evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z (void *evaluator, double x, double y,
-     					  double z);
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables "x", "y"
-and "z" values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-     char *names[] = { "x", "y", "z" };
-     double values[] = { x, y, z };
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-     			     names, values);
-   See *note evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables "x", "y" and "z".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_derivative_x,  Next: evaluator_derivative_y,  Prev: evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.4 `evaluator_derivative_x'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void *evaluator_derivative_x (void *evaluator);
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "x" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "x");
-   See *note evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "x".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_derivative_y,  Next: evaluator_derivative_z,  Prev: evaluator_derivative_x,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.5 `evaluator_derivative_y'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void *evaluator_derivative_y (void *evaluator);
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "y" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "y");
-   See *note evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "y".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: evaluator_derivative_z,  Prev: evaluator_derivative_y,  Up: Convenience procedures
-2.2.6 `evaluator_derivative_z'
-     #include <matheval.h>
-     void *evaluator_derivative_z (void *evaluator);
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "z" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "z");
-   See *note evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "z".
-See also
-*note evaluator_create::, *note evaluator_destroy::, *note
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran interface,  Next: Hacking,  Prev: Reference,  Up: Top
-3 Fortran interface
-Fortran interface to GNU `libmatheval' library is very similar to C
-interface; still, complete documentation from *note Reference:: is
-reproduced here using Fortran terms in order to have Fortran programmer
-not to mess with C terms that he may not understand.  Besides
-documentation for all library exported procedures, an example Fortran
-program of structure similar to sequence of code fragments presented
-for C programmers in *note Introduction:: section as well as notes on
-how to link library with Fortran programs are presented here.
-   Since passing arguments between C and Fortran is not (yet)
-standardized, Fortran interface of library applies only to GNU Fortran
-77 compiler; but note that same interface is working fine for GNU
-Fortran 95 compiler.  Requests to adapt interface to other Fortran
-compilers are welcome (see section *note Bugs:: for contact
-information), under condition that access to corresponding compiler is
-* Menu:
-* Fortran main entry points::      Library main procedures
-* Fortran convenience procedures:: Library convenience procedures
-* Fortran sample program::         Demonstrating use of interface.
-* Fortran build process::          Notes on compilation and linking.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran main entry points,  Next: Fortran convenience procedures,  Prev: Fortran interface,  Up: Fortran interface
-3.1 Fortran main entry points
-* Menu:
-* Fortran evaluator_create::               `evaluator_create' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_destroy::              `evaluator_destroy' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate::             `evaluator_evaluate()' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_string_length::    `evaluator_get_string_length' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars::     `evaluator_get_string_chars' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length:: `evaluator_get_variables_length' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars::  `evaluator_get_variables_chars' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative::           `evaluator_derivative' procedure
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_create,  Next: Fortran evaluator_destroy,  Prev: Fortran main entry points,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.1 `evaluator_create'
-     integer*8 function evaluator_create (string) character(len=*) ::
-     string end function evaluator_create
-Create evaluator object from `string' containing mathematical
-representation of function.  Evaluator object could be used later to
-evaluate function for specific variable values or to calculate function
-derivative over some variable.
-   String representation of function is allowed to consist of decimal
-numbers, constants, variables, elementary functions, unary and binary
-   Supported constants are (names that should be used are given in
-parenthesis): e (`e'), log2(e) (`log2e'), log10(e) (`log10e'), ln(2)
-(`ln2'), ln(10) (`ln10'), pi (`pi'), pi / 2 (`pi_2'), pi / 4 (`pi_4'),
-1 / pi (`1_pi'), 2 / pi (`2_pi'), 2 / sqrt(pi) (`2_sqrtpi'), sqrt(2)
-(`sqrt') and sqrt(1 / 2) (`sqrt1_2').
-   Variable name is any combination of alphanumericals and `_'
-characters beginning with a non-digit that is not elementary function
-   Supported elementary functions are (names that should be used are
-given in parenthesis): exponential (`exp'), logarithmic (`log'), square
-root (`sqrt'), sine (`sin'), cosine (`cos'), tangent (`tan'), cotangent
-(`cot'), secant (`sec'), cosecant (`csc'), inverse sine (`asin'),
-inverse cosine (`acos'), inverse tangent (`atan'), inverse cotangent
-(`acot'), inverse secant (`asec'), inverse cosecant (`acsc'),
-hyperbolic sine (`sinh'), cosine (`cosh'), hyperbolic tangent (`tanh'),
-hyperbolic cotangent (`coth'), hyperbolic secant (`sech'), hyperbolic
-cosecant (`csch'), hyperbolic inverse sine (`asinh'), hyperbolic
-inverse cosine (`acosh'), hyperbolic inverse tangent (`atanh'),
-hyperbolic inverse cotangent (`acoth'), hyperbolic inverse secant
-(`asech'), hyperbolic inverse cosecant (`acsch'), absolute value
-(`abs'), Heaviside step function (`step') with value 1 defined for x =
-0, Dirac delta function with infinity (`delta') and not-a-number
-(`nandelta') values defined for x = 0, and error function (`erf')
-   Supported unary operation is unary minus (`'-'').
-   Supported binary operations are addition (`'+''), subtraction
-(`'+''), multiplication (`'*''), division multiplication (`'/'') and
-exponentiation (`'^'').
-   Usual mathematical rules regarding operation precedence apply.
-Parenthesis (`'('' and `')'') could be used to change priority order.
-   Blanks and tab characters are allowed in string representing
-function; newline characters must not appear in this string.
-Return value
-Positive 64-bit integer representing evaluator object unique handle if
-operation successful, 0 otherwise.  Return value should be used only to
-pass it to other functions from library.
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_destroy::, *note Fortran evaluator_evaluate::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_string_length::, *note Fortran
-evaluator_get_string_chars::, *note Fortran
-evaluator_get_variables_length::, *note Fortran
-evaluator_get_variables_chars::, *note Fortran evaluator_derivative::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_destroy,  Next: Fortran evaluator_evaluate,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_create,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.2 `evaluator_destroy'
-     subroutine evaluator_destroy (evaluator) integer*8 :: evaluator end
-     subroutine evaluator_destroy
-Destroy evaluator object denoted by `evaluator' handle.  After
-returning from this call evaluator object gets invalidated, so value of
-`evaluator' handle should not be used any more.
-Return value
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate,  Next: Fortran evaluator_get_string_length,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_destroy,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.3 `evaluator_evaluate'
-     double precision function evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, count, names,
-     values) integer*8 :: evaluator integer :: count character(len=*) ::
-     names double precision :: values dimension values(*) end function
-     evaluator_evaluate
-Calculate value of function represented by evaluator object for given
-variable values.  Evaluator object is identified by `evaluator' handle.
-Variable names are given by `names' string and corresponding values are
-given by `values' array respectively.  Number of variables is given by
-`count' argument.  Variable names in `names' string should be delimited
-by one or more blank characters.
-Return value
-Function value for given variable values.  If some variable that
-appears in function is not mentioned in arguments, result is
-indeterminate.  If all variables that appear in function are given,
-presence of variable or variables that doesn't appear in function in
-arguments has no effect, i.e. result is still exact.
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x::, *note Fortran
-evaluator_evaluate_x_y::, *note Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_get_string_length,  Next: Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_evaluate,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.4 `evaluator_get_string_length'
-     integer function evaluator_get_string_length (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator end function evaluator_get_string_length
-Return length of textual representation (i.e. mathematical function) of
-evaluator object pointed by `evaluator'.
-Return value
-Evaluator textual representation string length.
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars,  Next: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_get_string_length,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.5 `evaluator_get_string_chars'
-     subroutine evaluator_get_string_chars (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator character(len=*) :: string end subroutine
-     evaluator_get_string_chars
-Write textual representation (i.e. mathematical function) of evaluator
-object pointed by `evaluator' to string specified.  For notation used,
-see *note Fortran evaluator_create:: documentation.  In order to
-declare string of appropriate length to be passed to this function,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_string_length:: function should be utilized.
-Return value
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_string_length::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length,  Next: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.6 `evaluator_get_variables_length'
-     integer function evaluator_get_variables_length (evaluator) integer*8
-     :: evaluator end function evaluator_get_variables_length
-Return length of string with names of all variables (separated by a
-blank character) appearing in evaluator object pointed by `evaluator'.
-Return value
-Variable names string length.
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars,  Next: Fortran evaluator_derivative,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.7 `evaluator_get_variables_chars'
-     subroutine evaluator_get_variables_chars (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator character(len=*) :: string end subroutine
-     evaluator_get_variables_chars
-Write names of all variables appearing in evaluator object pointed by
-`evaluator' into given string (separated by a blank character).  In
-order to declare string of appropriate length to be passed to this
-function, *note Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length:: function should
-be utilized.
-Return value
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars,  Up: Fortran main entry points
-3.1.8 `evaluator_derivative'
-     integer*8 function evaluator_derivative (evaluator, name) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator character(len=*) ::  name end function evaluator_derivative
-Create evaluator for derivative of function represented by given
-evaluator object.  Evaluator object is identified by `evaluator' handle
-and derivation variable is determined by `name' argument.  Calculated
-derivative is in mathematical sense correct no matters of fact that
-derivation variable appears or not in function represented by evaluator.
-Return value
-64-bit integer uniquely identifying evaluator object representing
-derivative of given function.
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_derivative_x::, *note Fortran
-evaluator_derivative_y::, *note Fortran evaluator_derivative_z::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran convenience procedures,  Next: Fortran sample program,  Prev: Fortran main entry points,  Up: Fortran interface
-3.2 Fortran convenience procedures
-* Menu:
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x::     `evaluator_evaluate_x' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y::   `evaluator_evaluate_x_y' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:: `evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_x::   `evaluator_derivative_x' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_y::   `evaluator_derivative_y' procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_z::   `evaluator_derivative_z' procedure
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x,  Next: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Prev: Fortran convenience procedures,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.1 `evaluator_evaluate_x'
-     double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x (evaluator, x)
-     integer*8 :: evaluator double precision ::  x end function
-     evaluator_evaluate_x
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variable "x" value.
-Function is equivalent to following:
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 1, 'x', (/ x /))
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given value of variable "x".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_evaluate::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Next: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.2 `evaluator_evaluate_x_y'
-     double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x_y (evaluator, x, y)
-     integer*8 :: evaluator double precision ::  x, y end function
-     evaluator_evaluate_x_y
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables "x" and
-"y" values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 2, 'x y', (/ x, y /))
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables "x" and "y".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_evaluate::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Next: Fortran evaluator_derivative_x,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.3 `evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z'
-     double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z (evaluator, x, y,
-     z) integer*8 :: evaluator double precision :: x, y, z end function
-     evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables "x", "y"
-and "z" values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-     evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 2, 'x y z', (/ x, y, z /))
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_evaluate:: for further information.
-Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables "x", "y" and "z".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_evaluate::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_x,  Next: Fortran evaluator_derivative_y,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.4 `evaluator_derivative_x'
-     integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_x (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_x
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "x" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'x');
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "x".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_derivative::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_y,  Next: Fortran evaluator_derivative_z,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_derivative_x,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.5 `evaluator_derivative_y'
-     integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_y (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_y
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "y" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'y');
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "y".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_derivative::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_z,  Prev: Fortran evaluator_derivative_y,  Up: Fortran convenience procedures
-3.2.6 `evaluator_derivative_z'
-     integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_z (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-     evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_z
-Convenience function to differentiate function using "z" as derivation
-variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-     evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'z');
-   See *note Fortran evaluator_derivative:: for further information.
-Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable "z".
-See also
-*note Fortran evaluator_create::, *note Fortran evaluator_destroy::,
-*note Fortran evaluator_derivative::
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran sample program,  Next: Fortran build process,  Prev: Fortran convenience procedures,  Up: Fortran interface
-3.3 Fortran sample program
-Here follows sample program demonstrating use of library Fortran
-interface.  Hopefully, comments throughout code will be enough for
-Fortran programmer to get acquainted with library usage.  Basic
-functioning of program is equivalent to code presented for C programmer
-in *note Introduction:: sequence, except that textual representation of
-function derivative is not printed to standard output and this is
-avoided simply because of Fortran 77 ugly string handling.  Following
-code is written in Fortran 77 with GNU Fortran 77 compiler extensions
-(most notable of these certainly is free form of source code).
-     ! Program is demonstrating use of GNU libmatheval library of procedures
-     ! for evaluating mathematical functions.
-     program evaluator
-       implicit none
-       ! Declarations of GNU libmatheval procedures used.
-       integer*8 evaluator_create
-       integer*8 evaluator_derivative_x
-       double precision evaluator_evaluate_x
-       external evaluator_destroy
-       ! Size of input buffer.
-       integer :: BUFFER_SIZE
-       parameter(BUFFER_SIZE = 256)
-       character(len = BUFFER_SIZE) :: buffer ! Input buffer.
-       integer*8 :: f, f_prim ! Evaluators for function and function derivative.
-       double precision :: x ! Variable x value.
-       ! Read function.  Function has to be over variable x, or result may
-       ! be undetermined.  Size of textual represenatation will be truncated
-       ! here to BUFFER_SIZE characters, in real conditions one should
-       ! probably come with something smarter to avoid this limit.
-       write (*, '(A)') 'f(x) = '
-       read (*, '(A)') buffer
-       ! Create evaluator for function.
-       f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-       if (f == 0) stop
-       ! Create evaluator for function derivative.
-       f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-       if (f_prim == 0) stop
-       ! Read variable x value.
-       write (*, '(A)') 'x = '
-       read (*, *) x
-       ! Calculate and print values of function and its derivative for given
-       ! value of x.
-       write (*,*) '  f (', x, ') = ', evaluator_evaluate_x (f, x)
-       write (*,*) '  f'' (', x, ') = ', evaluator_evaluate_x (f_prim, x)
-       ! Destroy evaluators.
-       call evaluator_destroy (f)
-       call evaluator_destroy (f_prim)
-     end program evaluator
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Fortran build process,  Prev: Fortran sample program,  Up: Fortran interface
-3.4 Fortran build process
-In order to be able to reference GNU `libmatheval' procedures from
-Fortran code, declarations of procedures that will be used should be
-repeated, like demonstrated by *note Fortran sample program:: (once
-when interface upgraded to Fortran 90, modules and `use' statement will
-be employed here).  Command for compilation Fortran program using
-library and stored in file `example.f' using GNU Fortran 77 compiler
-would look like (again supposing that library is installed using
-default prefix `/usr/local/lib'):
-     f77 example.f -ff90 -ffree-form -L/usr/local/lib -lmatheval -o example
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Hacking,  Next: Bugs,  Prev: Fortran interface,  Up: Top
-4 Hacking
-* Menu:
-* Design notes::          Overall project design.
-* Project structure::     Source files locations.
-* Intended improvements:: List of items that I'm willing to work on.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Design notes,  Next: Project structure,  Prev: Hacking,  Up: Hacking
-4.1 Design notes
-As usual with a free software project, ultimate reference for anyone
-willing to hack on it is its source code.  Every effort is put to have
-source code properly commented; having in mind that GNU `libmatheval'
-is rather simple project, it is reasonable to expect that this would be
-enough for anyone interested in project internals to get acquainted
-with it.  Still, this section will briefly explain project design. See
-*note Project structure:: section for description of where each
-functionality is located in source code.
-   Mathematical functions are represented as trees in computer memory.
-There are five different nodes in such a tree: number, constants,
-variables, functions, unary operations and binary operations.  Single
-data structure is employed for tree nodes, while union is used over
-what is different among them.  Numbers have unique value, unary and
-binary operations have unique pointer(s) to their operand(s) node(s).
-To represent constants, variables and functions, a symbol table is
-employed; thus constants, variables and functions have unique pointers
-to corresponding symbol table records (functions also have unique
-pointer to their argument node).  All operations related to functions
-(e.g. evaluation or derivative calculation) are implemented as
-recursive operations on tree nodes.  There exist a node operation that
-is not visible as external procedure and this is node simplification;
-this operation is very important regarding overall efficiency of other
-operations and is employed each time when new tree created.
-   Symbol table is implemented as hash table, where each bucket has
-linked list of records stored in it.  Records store information of
-symbol name and type (variable or function), as well as some unique
-information related to evaluation: variable records store temporary
-variable value and function records store pointer to procedure used to
-actually calculate function value during evaluation.  Hashing function
-described in `A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, J.D. Ullman, "Compilers - Principle,
-Techniques, and Tools", Addison-Wesley, 1986, pp 435-437' is used.
-Symbol tables are reference counted objects, i.e. could be shared.
-   Evaluator objects actually consists of function tree and reference to
-symbol table.  Most of operations on evaluator objects are simply
-delegated to function tree root node.
-   For parsing strings representing mathematical functions, Lex and Yacc
-are employed.  Scanner is creating symbol table records for variables,
-while for constants and functions it is only looking up existing symbol
-table records (before starting scanning, symbol table should be
-populated with records for constants and functions recognized by
-scanner).  Parser is responsible for building function tree
-   Couple error reporting procedures, as well as replacements for
-standard memory allocation routines are also present.  These are rather
-standard for all GNU projects, so deserve no further discussion.
-Further present in project are couple procedures for mathematical
-functions not implemented by C standard library, like cotangent,
-inverse cotangent and some hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions.
-   Also present in project are stubs for Fortran code calling library.
-These stubs uses knowledge of GNU Fortran 77 compiler calling
-conventions, take parameters from Fortran 77 calls, eventually mangle
-them to satisfy primary C library interface and call library procedures
-to actually do the work, finally eventually mangling return values to
-satisfy Fortran 77 calling conventions again.
-   Most important thing to know before criticizing library design is
-that it is intentionally left as simple as it could be.  Decision is now
-that eventual library usage should direct its improvements.  Some
-obvious and intended improvements if enough interest for library arise
-are enumerated in *note Intended improvements:: section.  If having
-further suggestions, pleas see *note Bugs:: sections for contact
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Project structure,  Next: Intended improvements,  Prev: Design notes,  Up: Hacking
-4.2 Project structure
-Interesting source files are mostly concentrated in `lib' subdirectory
-of distribution.  Basic arrangement is rather standard for GNU
-projects, thus scanner is in `scanner.l' file, parser in `parser.y',
-error handling routines are in `error.c' and `error.h' files,
-replacements for standard memory allocation routines are in `xmalloc.c'
-and `xmalloc.h', additional mathematical functions are in `xmath.c' and
-`xmath.c'.  Project specific files are: `node.h' and `node.c' files for
-tree representing mathematical function data structures and procedures,
-`symbol_table.c' and `symbol_table.h' for symbol table data structures
-and procedures and finally `evaluator.c' and `matheval.h' for evaluator
-object data structures and procedures (evaluator object data structure
-is moved to `.c' file because `matheval.h' is public header file and
-this data structure should be opaque).  Fortran interface is
-implemented in `f77_interface.c' file.
-   File `libmatheval.texi' under `doc' subdirectory of distribution
-contains Texinfo source of project documentation (i.e. what you are
-reading now).
-   Subdirectory `tests' contains library test suite.  Kind of mixed
-design is employed here - GNU autotest is used for test framework in
-order to achieve more portability, while number of small Guile scripts
-are performing tests.  File `matheval.c' in `tests' subdirectory
-contains program extending Guile interpreter with GNU `libmatheval'
-procedures.  Files with `.at' extension in same subdirectory in turn
-consist of fragments of Guile code that this extended Guile interpreter
-executes in order to conduct tests.  File `matheval.sh' is shell
-wrapper for program contained in `matheval.c' file; this wrapper is
-used by autotest during testing instead of original program.  Most
-interesting aspect of code from `tests' subdirectory is certainly Guile
-interface for library that is implemented in `matheval.c' file; anyone
-intending to write more tests must before approaching this task become
-familiar with this interface.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Intended improvements,  Prev: Project structure,  Up: Hacking
-4.3 Intended improvements
-As stated in *note Design notes:: section, GNU `libmatheval' is
-designed with intention to be simple and understandable and to
-eventually have its usage to govern improvements.  Thus, further work
-will be primarily directed by user requests and of course, as usual
-with free software projects, with amount of spare time of primary
-developer (see *note Bugs:: for contact information).  However, there
-exist several obvious improvements that I'm willing to work on
-immediately if any interest of library arise and these are (in random
-order) listed below:
-   * Extend scanner to recognize more mathematical functions, to
-     recognize alternative names for existing functions (e.g. to
-     recognize both `tg' and `tan' as names for tangent function) and to
-     recognize more constants.
-   * Implement variable hash table length for symbol table.  As for now,
-     hash table length is fixed to 211 that is reasonable for most
-     cases, but it would certainly be more robust to have hash table to
-     be constructed of length proportional say to length of string
-     representing function.
-   * Add more simplifications to function tree representation.  Only
-     basic simplifications, mostly related to numbers subtrees
-     consolidation and binary operations neutral elements are employed
-     now.  More ambitious optimization, using commutative, associative
-     and distributive rules for binary operations would be desirable.
-   * Improve output when evaluator object is printed.  Presently,
-     parenthesis are always used around operations, while using them
-     when necessary to establish proper evaluation priority order only
-     would give prettier output
-   * Add more tests.  Basic functionality of library is exercised
-     through existing test suite, but present number of tests is
-     certainly far from enough.
-   * Extend and improve error handling.  There are couple `assert's
-     left in code that may be replaced with some other mechanism, also
-     probably error handling of more error conditions should be added to
-     library.
-   * Add command line interface to library, i.e. write a program that
-     will make possible to evaluate expression for given variable
-     values where both specified in command line, as program arguments
-     (for expressions without variables this program could be useful as
-     a calculator).
-   There exists also an improvement that is obvious and necessary but
-because I'm not native speaker I'm unfortunately not able to accomplish
-it anything more than I already tried:
-   * Clean up English used in documentation.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Bugs,  Next: Rationale and history,  Prev: Hacking,  Up: Top
-5 Bugs
-If you encounter something that you think is a bug, please report it
-immediately.  Try to include a clear description of the undesired
-behavior.  A test case that exhibits the bug or maybe even patch fixing
-it, would too be of course very useful.
-   Suggestions on improving library would be also more than welcome.
-Please see *note Hacking::, for further information.
-   Please direct bug reports and eventual patches to
-<bug-libmatheval@gnu.org> mailing list.  For suggestions regarding
-improvements and other `libmatheval' related conversation use author
-e-mail address <asamardzic@gnu.org>.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Rationale and history,  Next: Copying,  Prev: Bugs,  Up: Top
-6 Rationale and history
-The library is developed as a back-end for "Numerical Analysis" course
-taught during 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 school years at
-Department of Mathematics, University of Belgrade.  Most numerical
-libraries (library accompanying "Numerical Recipes" book most notably
-example) are asking programmer to write corresponding C code when it
-comes to evaluate mathematical functions.  It seemed to me that it
-would be more appropriate (well, at least for above mentioned course)
-to have library that will make possible to specify functions as strings
-and then have them evaluated for given variable values, so I wrote
-first version of library during November 1999.  Fortran interface is
-added to the library later; during January 2001 interface for Pacific
-Sierra VAST Fortran 90 translator was implemented and during September
-2001 it was replaced by interface for Intel Fortran 90 compiler (1).
-This library eventually went into rather stable state and was tested by
-number of other programs implementing various numerical methods and
-developed for the same course.
-   After completing engagement with this course, I thought it may be
-interesting for someone else to use this code and decided to make it
-publicly available.  So, having some spare time during June 2002, I
-re-wrote whole library in preparation for public release, now employing
-simpler overall design and also using GNU auto-tools and what else was
-necessary according to GNU guidelines.  The benefit is that final
-product looks much better now (well, at least to me and at least at the
-very moment of this writing), the drawback is that code is not
-thoroughly tested again.  But certainly author would be more than happy
-to further improve and maintain it.  Please see *note Bugs::, for
-contact information.
-   The library source code was hosted on Savannah
-(`http://savannah.gnu.org/') since Septembar 2002.  In September 2003,
-library officially became part of GNU project.
-   ---------- Footnotes ----------
-   (1) That was in turn replaced by interface for GNU Fortran 77
-compiler in order to meet requirement that no GNU project should
-require use of non-free software
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Copying,  Next: Index,  Prev: Rationale and history,  Up: Top
-7 GNU Free Documentation License
-                        Version 1.1, March 2000
-     Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
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-     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
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-     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
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-ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
-  To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
-notices just after the title page:
-       Copyright (C)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
-       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
-       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
-       with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
-       Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
-       A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
-       Free Documentation License''.
-  If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections"
-instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you have no Front-Cover
-Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts being
-LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.
-  If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
-recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
-free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
-permit their use in free software.
-File: libmatheval.info,  Node: Index,  Prev: Copying,  Up: Top
-* Menu:
-* bugs:                                  Bugs.                  (line 6)
-* convenience procedures:                Convenience procedures.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* copying:                               Copying.               (line 6)
-* design notes:                          Design notes.          (line 6)
-* evaluator_create:                      evaluator_create.      (line 6)
-* evaluator_derivative:                  evaluator_derivative.  (line 6)
-* evaluator_derivative_x:                evaluator_derivative_x.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* evaluator_derivative_y:                evaluator_derivative_y.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* evaluator_derivative_z:                evaluator_derivative_z.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* evaluator_destroy:                     evaluator_destroy.     (line 6)
-* evaluator_evaluate:                    evaluator_evaluate.    (line 6)
-* evaluator_evaluate_x:                  evaluator_evaluate_x.  (line 6)
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y:                evaluator_evaluate_x_y.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:              evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* evaluator_get_string:                  evaluator_get_string.  (line 6)
-* evaluator_get_variables:               evaluator_get_variables.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran interface:                     Fortran interface.     (line 6)
-* Fortran, build process:                Fortran build process. (line 6)
-* Fortran, convenience procedures:       Fortran convenience procedures.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_create:             Fortran evaluator_create.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_derivative:         Fortran evaluator_derivative.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_derivative_x:       Fortran evaluator_derivative_x.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_derivative_y:       Fortran evaluator_derivative_y.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_derivative_z:       Fortran evaluator_derivative_z.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_destroy:            Fortran evaluator_destroy.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_evaluate:           Fortran evaluator_evaluate.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_evaluate_x:         Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_evaluate_x_y:       Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:     Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_get_string_chars:   Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_get_string_length:  Fortran evaluator_get_string_length.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_get_variables_chars: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, evaluator_get_variables_length: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, main entry points:            Fortran main entry points.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* Fortran, sample program:               Fortran sample program.
-                                                                (line 6)
-* GNU Free Documentation License:        Copying.               (line 6)
-* hacking:                               Hacking.               (line 6)
-* history:                               Rationale and history. (line 6)
-* intended improvements:                 Intended improvements. (line 6)
-* introduction:                          Introduction.          (line 6)
-* license:                               License.               (line 6)
-* main entry points:                     Main entry points.     (line 6)
-* physical structure:                    Project structure.     (line 6)
-* rationale:                             Rationale and history. (line 6)
-* reference:                             Reference.             (line 6)
-* usage:                                 Introduction.          (line 6)
-Tag Table:
-Node: Top766
-Node: License1646
-Node: Introduction2376
-Node: Reference9931
-Node: Main entry points10316
-Node: evaluator_create10848
-Node: evaluator_destroy13858
-Node: evaluator_evaluate14416
-Node: evaluator_get_string15575
-Node: evaluator_get_variables16416
-Node: evaluator_derivative17388
-Node: Convenience procedures18310
-Node: evaluator_evaluate_x18858
-Node: evaluator_evaluate_x_y19709
-Node: evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z20607
-Node: evaluator_derivative_x21553
-Node: evaluator_derivative_y22311
-Node: evaluator_derivative_z23067
-Node: Fortran interface23792
-Node: Fortran main entry points25149
-Node: Fortran evaluator_create26002
-Node: Fortran evaluator_destroy29227
-Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate29863
-Node: Fortran evaluator_get_string_length31321
-Node: Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars32072
-Node: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length33053
-Node: Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars33841
-Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative34776
-Node: Fortran convenience procedures35853
-Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x36520
-Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y37394
-Node: Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z38310
-Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_x39256
-Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_y40120
-Node: Fortran evaluator_derivative_z40982
-Node: Fortran sample program41805
-Node: Fortran build process44329
-Node: Hacking45081
-Node: Design notes45372
-Node: Project structure49504
-Node: Intended improvements51681
-Node: Bugs54433
-Node: Rationale and history55141
-Ref: Rationale and history-Footnote-157269
-Node: Copying57433
-Node: Index77310
-End Tag Table
diff -Nru libmatheval-1.1.10/doc/libmatheval.texi libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/doc/libmatheval.texi
--- libmatheval-1.1.10/doc/libmatheval.texi	2012-11-29 11:46:16.000000000 +0000
+++ libmatheval-1.1.10+dfsg/doc/libmatheval.texi	1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,2047 +0,0 @@
-\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-
-@c %**start of header
-@setfilename libmatheval.info
-@settitle GNU libmatheval manual
-@setchapternewpage on
-@c %**end of header
-@include version.texi
-@syncodeindex fn cp
-@dircategory GNU libraries
-* libmatheval: (libmatheval).   library for evaluating symbolic expressions
-@end direntry
-This file documents GNU @code{libmatheval} library.
-Copyright @copyright{} 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011,
-2012 Aleksandar Samardzic
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being ``Rationale and history'', with no
-Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.  A copy of the
-license is included in the section entitled ``Copying''.
-@end ifnottex
-@title{GNU @code{libmatheval} manual}
-@subtitle{Manual edition @value{EDITION}}
-@subtitle{For GNU @code{libmatheval} version @value{VERSION}}
-@subtitle{Last updated @value{UPDATED}}
-@author{Aleksandar Samardzic}
-@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
-Copyright @copyright{} 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011,
-2012 Aleksandar Samardzic
-Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or
-any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the
-Invariant Sections being ``Rationale and history'', with no
-Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts.
-@end titlepage
-@node Top, License, (dir), (dir)
-@top GNU @code{libmatheval} manual
-GNU @code{libmatheval} is small library of procedures for evaluating
-mathematical functions.  This manual documents how to use the library;
-this is manual edition @value{EDITION}, last updated @value{UPDATED},
-corresponding to library version @value{VERSION}.
-@end ifnottex
-* License::               Library license conditions.
-* Introduction::          Overview of library usage.
-* Reference::             Reference of functions exposed by library.
-* Fortran interface::     Description of library Fortran interface.
-* Hacking::               Library internals.
-* Bugs::                  Reporting bugs.
-* Rationale and history:: Background of project.
-* Copying::               GNU Free Documentation License.
-* Index::                 Index of concepts and symbol names.
-@end menu
-@node License, Introduction, Top, Top
-@unnumbered License
-@cindex license
-GNU libmatheval is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
-Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
-option) any later version.
-GNU libmatheval is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-with GNU libmatheval.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-@node Introduction, Reference, License, Top
-@chapter Introduction
-@cindex introduction
-@cindex usage
-GNU @code{libmatheval} is library comprising several procedures that
-makes possible to create in-memory tree representation of mathematical
-functions over single or multiple variables and later use this
-representation to evaluate function for specified variable values, to
-create corresponding tree for function derivative over specified
-variable or to get back textual representation of in-memory tree.
-This section discuss use of programming interface exposed by library
-from C programs. Readers interested in Fortran interface should switch
-immediately to @ref{Fortran interface} section.
-In order to use GNU @code{libmatheval} library from C code, it is
-necessary first to include header file @file{matheval.h} from all
-files calling GNU @code{libmatheval} procedures and then refer to
-@file{libmatheval} library among other linker option.  Thus, command
-to compile C program using library and stored in file @file{example.c}
-using GNU C compiler would look like (supposing that library is
-installed using default prefix @code{/usr/local/lib}):
-gcc example.c -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lmatheval -o example
-@end example
-Alternatively, @code{pkg-config} metadata file for @code{libmatheval}
-is installed along with the library too, thus on system with
-@code{pkg-config} installed following command could be used instead:
-gcc example.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs) -o example
-@end example
-First step in actually utilizing library after including appropriate
-header file would be to declare variable of @code{void *} type to
-point to evaluator object that will represent given mathematical
-void *f;
-@end example
-Then, given that textual representation of function is stored into
-string @code{buffer}, evaluator object corresponding to given
-mathematical function could be created using @code{evaluator_create}
-procedure (see @ref{evaluator_create}) as follows (see documentation
-for this procedure also for description of notation that should be
-used to describe mathematical functions):
-f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-assert (f);
-@end example
-Return value should be always checked, because above procedure will
-return null pointer if there exist syntax errors in notation.  After
-that, one could utilize @code{evaluator_get_variables} (see
-@ref{evaluator_get_variables}) procedure to obtain a list of variable
-names appearing in function:
-  char **names;
-  int count;
-  int i;
-  evaluator_get_variables (f, &names, &count);
-  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    printf ("%s ", names[i]);
-  printf ("\n");
-@end example
-Procedure @code{evaluator_evaluate} (see @ref{evaluator_evaluate})
-could be used to evaluate function for specific variable values.  Say
-that above function is over variable ``x'' only, then following code
-will evaluate and print function value for x = 0.1:
-  char *names[] = @{ "x" @};
-  double values[] = @{ 0.1 @};
-  printf ("f(0.1) = %g\n", evaluator_evaluate (f, 1, names, 
-                                               values));
-@end example
-Or alternatively, since function is over variable with standard name
-``x'', convenience procedure @code{evaluator_evaluate_x}
-(@ref{evaluator_evaluate_x}) could be used to accomplish same by
-printf ("f(0.1) = %g\n", evaluator_evaluate_x (f, 0.1));
-@end example
-Evaluator object for function derivative over some variable could be
-created from evaluator object for given function.  In order to
-accomplish this, a declaration for derivative evaluator object should
-be added to variable declarations section:
-void *f_prim;
-@end example
-After that (supposing that ``x'' is used as derivation variable),
-derivative evaluator object could be created using
-@code{evaluator_derivative} procedure (see
-f_prim = evaluator_derivative (f, "x");
-@end example
-or alternatively using @code{evaluator_derivative_x} convenience
-procedure (see @ref{evaluator_derivative_x}):
-f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-@end example
-Derivative evaluator object could be used to evaluate derivative
-values or say textual representation of derivative could be written to
-standard output through utilizing @code{evaluator_get_string}
-procedure (see @ref{evaluator_get_string}) to get string representing
-given evaluator.  Following code would accomplish this:
-printf ("  f'(x) = %s\n", evaluator_get_string (f_prim));
-@end example
-All evaluator objects must be destroyed after finished with using them
-and @code{evaluator_destroy} procedure (see @ref{evaluator_destroy})
-is intended for this:
-evaluator_destroy (f);
-evaluator_destroy (f_prim);
-@end example
-Here follows complete program connecting above fragments.  Program
-read from standard input string representing function over variable
-``x'', create evaluators for function and its first derivative, print
-textual representation of function derivative to standard output, then
-read value of variable ``x'' and finally print to standard output
-values of function and its first derivative for given value of
-variable ``x''.
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <matheval.h>
-/* Size of input buffer.  */
-#define BUFFER_SIZE 256
-/* Program is demonstrating use of GNU libmatheval library of procedures
-   for evaluating mathematical functions.  */
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-  char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];	/* Input buffer.  */
-  int length;			/* Length of above buffer. */
-  void *f, *f_prim;		/* Evaluators for function and function derivative.  */
-  char **names;			/* Function variables names. */
-  int count;			/* Number of function variables. */
-  double x;			/* Variable x value.  */
-  int i;			/* Loop counter. */
-  /* Read function.  Function has to be over variable x, or result may
-     be undetermined.  Size of textual represenatation of function is
-     bounded here to 256 characters, in real conditions one should
-     probably use GNU readline() instead of fgets() to overcome this
-     limit.  */
-  printf ("f(x) = ");
-  fgets (buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin);
-  length = strlen (buffer);
-  if (length > 0 && buffer[length - 1] == '\n')
-    buffer[length - 1] = '\0';
-  /* Create evaluator for function.  */
-  f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-  assert (f);
-  /* Print variable names appearing in function. */
-  evaluator_get_variables (f, &names, &count);
-  printf ("  ");
-  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-    printf ("%s ", names[i]);
-  printf ("\n");
-  /* Create evaluator for function derivative and print textual
-     representation of derivative.  */
-  f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-  printf ("  f'(x) = %s\n", evaluator_get_string (f_prim));
-  /* Read variable x value.  */
-  printf ("x = ");
-  scanf ("%lf", &x);
-  /* Calculate and print values of function and its derivative for given
-     value of x.  */
-  printf ("  f(%g) = %g\n", x, evaluator_evaluate_x (f, x));
-  printf ("  f'(%g) = %g\n", x, evaluator_evaluate_x (f_prim, x));
-  /* Destroy evaluators.  */
-  evaluator_destroy (f);
-  evaluator_destroy (f_prim);
-  exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
-@end example
-Above example exercise most of library main procedures (see @ref{Main
-entry points}), as well as some of convenience procedures (see
-@ref{Convenience procedures}).  For full documentation, see
-@node Reference, Fortran interface, Introduction, Top
-@chapter Reference
-@cindex reference
-This section documents procedures constituting GNU @code{libmatheval}
-library.  The convention is that all procedures have @code{evaluator_}
-* Main entry points::      Library main procedures
-* Convenience procedures:: Library convenience procedures
-@end menu
-@node Main entry points, Convenience procedures, Reference, Reference
-@section Main entry points
-@cindex main entry points
-* evaluator_create::        @code{evaluator_create} procedure
-* evaluator_destroy::       @code{evaluator_destroy} procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate::      @code{evaluator_evaluate} procedure
-* evaluator_get_string::    @code{evaluator_get_string} procedure
-* evaluator_get_variables:: @code{evaluator_get_variables} procedure
-* evaluator_derivative::    @code{evaluator_derivative} procedure
-@end menu
-@node evaluator_create, evaluator_destroy, Main entry points, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_create}
-@findex @code{evaluator_create}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void *evaluator_create (char *string);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Create evaluator object from @code{string} containing mathematical
-representation of function.  Evaluator object could be used later to
-evaluate function for specific variable values or to calculate
-function derivative over some variable.
-String representation of function is allowed to consist of decimal
-numbers, constants, variables, elementary functions, unary and binary
-Supported constants are (names that should be used are given in
-parenthesis): e (@code{e}), log2(e) (@code{log2e}), log10(e)
-(@code{log10e}), ln(2) (@code{ln2}), ln(10) (@code{ln10}), pi
-(@code{pi}), pi / 2 (@code{pi_2}), pi / 4 (@code{pi_4}), 1 / pi
-(@code{1_pi}), 2 / pi (@code{2_pi}), 2 / sqrt(pi) (@code{2_sqrtpi}),
-sqrt(2) (@code{sqrt}) and sqrt(1 / 2) (@code{sqrt1_2}).
-Variable name is any combination of alphanumericals and @code{_}
-characters beginning with a non-digit that is not elementary function
-Supported elementary functions are (names that should be used are given
-in parenthesis): exponential (@code{exp}), logarithmic (@code{log}),
-square root (@code{sqrt}), sine (@code{sin}), cosine (@code{cos}),
-tangent (@code{tan}), cotangent (@code{cot}), secant (@code{sec}),
-cosecant (@code{csc}), inverse sine (@code{asin}), inverse cosine
-(@code{acos}), inverse tangent (@code{atan}), inverse cotangent
-(@code{acot}), inverse secant (@code{asec}), inverse cosecant
-(@code{acsc}), hyperbolic sine (@code{sinh}), cosine (@code{cosh}),
-hyperbolic tangent (@code{tanh}), hyperbolic cotangent (@code{coth}),
-hyperbolic secant (@code{sech}), hyperbolic cosecant (@code{csch}),
-hyperbolic inverse sine (@code{asinh}), hyperbolic inverse cosine
-(@code{acosh}), hyperbolic inverse tangent (@code{atanh}), hyperbolic
-inverse cotangent (@code{acoth}), hyperbolic inverse secant
-(@code{asech}), hyperbolic inverse cosecant (@code{acsch}), absolute
-value (@code{abs}), Heaviside step function (@code{step}) with value 1
-defined for x = 0, Dirac delta function with infinity (@code{delta}) and
-not-a-number (@code{nandelta}) values defined for x = 0, and error
-function (@code{erf}).
-Supported unary operation is unary minus (@code{'-'}).
-Supported binary operations are addition (@code{'+'}), subtraction
-(@code{'+'}), multiplication (@code{'*'}), division multiplication
-(@code{'/'}) and exponentiation (@code{'^'}).
-Usual mathematical rules regarding operation precedence
-apply. Parenthesis (@code{'('} and @code{')'}) could be used to change
-priority order.
-Blanks and tab characters are allowed in string representing function;
-newline characters must not appear in this string.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Pointer to evaluator object if operation successful, null pointer
-otherwise.  Evaluator object is opaque, one should only use return
-pointer to pass it to other functions from library.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_destroy}, @ref{evaluator_evaluate},
-@ref{evaluator_get_string}, @ref{evaluator_get_variables},
-@node evaluator_destroy, evaluator_evaluate, evaluator_create, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_destroy}
-@findex @code{evaluator_destroy}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void evaluator_destroy (void *evaluator);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Destroy evaluator object pointer by @code{evaluator} pointer.  After
-returning from this call @code{evaluator} pointer must not be
-dereferenced because evaluator object gets invalidated.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@node evaluator_evaluate, evaluator_get_string, evaluator_destroy, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate}
-@findex @code{evaluator_evaluate}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-double evaluator_evaluate (void *evaluator, int count, char **names,
-				    double *values);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Calculate value of function represented by evaluator object for given
-variable values.  Evaluator object is pointed by @code{evaluator}
-pointer.  Variable names and corresponding values are given by
-@code{names} and @code{values} array respectively.  Length of arrays
-is given by @code{count} argument.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Function value for given variable values.  If some variable that
-appears in function is not mentioned in arguments, result is
-indeterminate.  If all variables that appear in function are given,
-presence of variable or variables that doesn't appear in function in
-arguments has no effect, i.e. result is still exact.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{evaluator_evaluate_x}, @ref{evaluator_evaluate_x_y},
-@node evaluator_get_string, evaluator_get_variables, evaluator_evaluate, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_string}
-@findex @code{evaluator_get_string}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-char *evaluator_get_string (void *evaluator);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Return textual representation (i.e. mathematical function) of
-evaluator object pointed by @code{evaluator}.  For notation used, see
-@ref{evaluator_create} documentation.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-String with textual representation of evaluator object.  This string
-is stored in evaluator object and caller must not free pointer
-returned by this function.  Returned string is valid until evaluator
-object destroyed.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy}, @ref{evaluator_get_variables}
-@node evaluator_get_variables, evaluator_derivative, evaluator_get_string, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_variables}
-@findex @code{evaluator_get_variables}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void evaluator_get_variables (void *evaluator, char ***names, int *count);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Return array of strings with names of variables appearing in function
-represented by evaluator.  Address of array first element is stored by
-function in location pointed by second argument and number of array
-elements is stored in location pointed by third argument.  Array with
-function variable names is stored in evaluator object and caller must
-not free any of strings returned by this function nor array itself.
-Returned values are valid until evaluator object destroyed.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy}, @ref{evaluator_get_string}
-@node evaluator_derivative,  , evaluator_get_variables, Main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative}
-@findex @code{evaluator_derivative}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void *evaluator_derivative (void *evaluator, char *name);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Create evaluator for derivative of function represented by given
-evaluator object.  Evaluator object is pointed to by @code{evaluator}
-pointer and derivation variable is determined by @code{name} argument.
-Calculated derivative is in mathematical sense correct no matters of
-fact that derivation variable appears or not in function represented
-by evaluator.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Pointer to evaluator object representing derivative of given function.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{evaluator_derivative_x}, @ref{evaluator_derivative_y},
-@node Convenience procedures,  , Main entry points, Reference
-@section Convenience procedures
-@cindex convenience procedures
-* evaluator_evaluate_x::     @code{evaluator_evaluate_x} procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y::   @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y} procedure
-* evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:: @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z} procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_x::   @code{evaluator_derivative_x} procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_y::   @code{evaluator_derivative_y} procedure
-* evaluator_derivative_z::   @code{evaluator_derivative_z} procedure
-@end menu
-@node evaluator_evaluate_x, evaluator_evaluate_x_y, Convenience procedures, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x}
-@findex @code{evaluator_evaluate_x}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-double evaluator_evaluate_x (void *evaluator, double x);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variable ``x''
-value.  Function is equivalent to following:
-char *names[] = @{ "x" @};
-double values[] = @{ x @};
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-			     names, values);
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given value of variable ``x''.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node evaluator_evaluate_x_y, evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, evaluator_evaluate_x, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y}
-@findex @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-double evaluator_evaluate_x_y (void *evaluator, double x, double y);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables ``x''
-and ``y'' values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-char *names[] = @{ "x", "y" @};
-double values[] = @{ x, y @};
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-			     names, values);
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables ``x'' and ``y''.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, evaluator_derivative_x, evaluator_evaluate_x_y, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z}
-@findex @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-double evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z (void *evaluator, double x, double y,
-					  double z);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables ``x'',
-``y'' and ``z'' values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-char *names[] = @{ "x", "y", "z" @};
-double values[] = @{ x, y, z @};
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, sizeof (names) / sizeof(names[0]),
-			     names, values);
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables ``x'', ``y'' and
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node evaluator_derivative_x, evaluator_derivative_y, evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_x}
-@findex @code{evaluator_derivative_x}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void *evaluator_derivative_x (void *evaluator);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``x'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "x");
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node evaluator_derivative_y, evaluator_derivative_z, evaluator_derivative_x, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_y}
-@findex @code{evaluator_derivative_y}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void *evaluator_derivative_y (void *evaluator);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``y'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "y");
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node evaluator_derivative_z,  , evaluator_derivative_y, Convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_z}
-@findex @code{evaluator_derivative_z}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-#include <matheval.h>
-void *evaluator_derivative_z (void *evaluator);
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``z'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, "z");
-@end example
-See @ref{evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{evaluator_create}, @ref{evaluator_destroy},
-@node Fortran interface, Hacking, Reference, Top
-@chapter Fortran interface
-@cindex Fortran interface
-Fortran interface to GNU @code{libmatheval} library is very similar to
-C interface; still, complete documentation from @ref{Reference} is
-reproduced here using Fortran terms in order to have Fortran
-programmer not to mess with C terms that he may not understand.
-Besides documentation for all library exported procedures, an example
-Fortran program of structure similar to sequence of code fragments
-presented for C programmers in @ref{Introduction} section as well as
-notes on how to link library with Fortran programs are presented here.
-Since passing arguments between C and Fortran is not (yet)
-standardized, Fortran interface of library applies only to GNU Fortran
-77 compiler; but note that same interface is working fine for GNU
-Fortran 95 compiler.  Requests to adapt interface to other Fortran
-compilers are welcome (see section @ref{Bugs} for contact
-information), under condition that access to corresponding compiler is
-* Fortran main entry points::      Library main procedures
-* Fortran convenience procedures:: Library convenience procedures
-* Fortran sample program::         Demonstrating use of interface.
-* Fortran build process::          Notes on compilation and linking.
-@end menu
-@node Fortran main entry points, Fortran convenience procedures, Fortran interface, Fortran interface
-@section Fortran main entry points
-@cindex Fortran, main entry points
-* Fortran evaluator_create::               @code{evaluator_create} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_destroy::              @code{evaluator_destroy} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate::             @code{evaluator_evaluate()} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_string_length::    @code{evaluator_get_string_length} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars::     @code{evaluator_get_string_chars} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length:: @code{evaluator_get_variables_length} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars::  @code{evaluator_get_variables_chars} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative::           @code{evaluator_derivative} procedure
-@end menu
-@node Fortran evaluator_create, Fortran evaluator_destroy, Fortran main entry points, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_create}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_create}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer*8 function evaluator_create (string) character(len=*) ::
-string end function evaluator_create
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Create evaluator object from @code{string} containing mathematical
-representation of function.  Evaluator object could be used later to
-evaluate function for specific variable values or to calculate
-function derivative over some variable.
-String representation of function is allowed to consist of decimal
-numbers, constants, variables, elementary functions, unary and binary
-Supported constants are (names that should be used are given in
-parenthesis): e (@code{e}), log2(e) (@code{log2e}), log10(e)
-(@code{log10e}), ln(2) (@code{ln2}), ln(10) (@code{ln10}), pi
-(@code{pi}), pi / 2 (@code{pi_2}), pi / 4 (@code{pi_4}), 1 / pi
-(@code{1_pi}), 2 / pi (@code{2_pi}), 2 / sqrt(pi) (@code{2_sqrtpi}),
-sqrt(2) (@code{sqrt}) and sqrt(1 / 2) (@code{sqrt1_2}).
-Variable name is any combination of alphanumericals and @code{_}
-characters beginning with a non-digit that is not elementary function
-Supported elementary functions are (names that should be used are given
-in parenthesis): exponential (@code{exp}), logarithmic (@code{log}),
-square root (@code{sqrt}), sine (@code{sin}), cosine (@code{cos}),
-tangent (@code{tan}), cotangent (@code{cot}), secant (@code{sec}),
-cosecant (@code{csc}), inverse sine (@code{asin}), inverse cosine
-(@code{acos}), inverse tangent (@code{atan}), inverse cotangent
-(@code{acot}), inverse secant (@code{asec}), inverse cosecant
-(@code{acsc}), hyperbolic sine (@code{sinh}), cosine (@code{cosh}),
-hyperbolic tangent (@code{tanh}), hyperbolic cotangent (@code{coth}),
-hyperbolic secant (@code{sech}), hyperbolic cosecant (@code{csch}),
-hyperbolic inverse sine (@code{asinh}), hyperbolic inverse cosine
-(@code{acosh}), hyperbolic inverse tangent (@code{atanh}), hyperbolic
-inverse cotangent (@code{acoth}), hyperbolic inverse secant
-(@code{asech}), hyperbolic inverse cosecant (@code{acsch}), absolute
-value (@code{abs}), Heaviside step function (@code{step}) with value 1
-defined for x = 0, Dirac delta function with infinity (@code{delta}) and
-not-a-number (@code{nandelta}) values defined for x = 0, and error
-function (@code{erf})
-Supported unary operation is unary minus (@code{'-'}).
-Supported binary operations are addition (@code{'+'}), subtraction
-(@code{'+'}), multiplication (@code{'*'}), division multiplication
-(@code{'/'}) and exponentiation (@code{'^'}).
-Usual mathematical rules regarding operation precedence
-apply. Parenthesis (@code{'('} and @code{')'}) could be used to change
-priority order.
-Blanks and tab characters are allowed in string representing function;
-newline characters must not appear in this string.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Positive 64-bit integer representing evaluator object unique handle if
-operation successful, 0 otherwise.  Return value should be used only
-to pass it to other functions from library.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_get_string_length}, @ref{Fortran
-evaluator_get_string_chars}, @ref{Fortran
-evaluator_get_variables_length}, @ref{Fortran
-evaluator_get_variables_chars}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative}
-@node Fortran evaluator_destroy, Fortran evaluator_evaluate, Fortran evaluator_create, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_destroy}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_destroy}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-subroutine evaluator_destroy (evaluator) integer*8 :: evaluator end
-subroutine evaluator_destroy
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Destroy evaluator object denoted by @code{evaluator} handle.  After
-returning from this call evaluator object gets invalidated, so value
-of @code{evaluator} handle should not be used any more.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}
-@node Fortran evaluator_evaluate, Fortran evaluator_get_string_length, Fortran evaluator_destroy, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_evaluate}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-double precision function evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, count, names,
-values) integer*8 :: evaluator integer :: count character(len=*) ::
-names double precision :: values dimension values(*) end function
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Calculate value of function represented by evaluator object for given
-variable values.  Evaluator object is identified by @code{evaluator}
-handle.  Variable names are given by @code{names} string and
-corresponding values are given by @code{values} array respectively.
-Number of variables is given by @code{count} argument.  Variable names
-in @code{names} string should be delimited by one or more blank
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Function value for given variable values.  If some variable that
-appears in function is not mentioned in arguments, result is
-indeterminate.  If all variables that appear in function are given,
-presence of variable or variables that doesn't appear in function in
-arguments has no effect, i.e. result is still exact.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x}, @ref{Fortran
-evaluator_evaluate_x_y}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z}
-@node Fortran evaluator_get_string_length, Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars, Fortran evaluator_evaluate, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_string_length}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_get_string_length}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer function evaluator_get_string_length (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator end function evaluator_get_string_length
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Return length of textual representation (i.e. mathematical function)
-of evaluator object pointed by @code{evaluator}.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator textual representation string length.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars}
-@node Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars, Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length, Fortran evaluator_get_string_length, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_string_chars}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_get_string_chars}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-subroutine evaluator_get_string_chars (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator character(len=*) :: string end subroutine
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Write textual representation (i.e. mathematical function) of evaluator
-object pointed by @code{evaluator} to string specified.  For notation
-used, see @ref{Fortran evaluator_create} documentation.  In order to
-declare string of appropriate length to be passed to this function,
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_get_string_length} function should be utilized.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_get_string_length}
-@node Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length, Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars, Fortran evaluator_get_string_chars, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_variables_length}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_get_variables_length}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer function evaluator_get_variables_length (evaluator) integer*8
-:: evaluator end function evaluator_get_variables_length
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Return length of string with names of all variables (separated by a
-blank character) appearing in evaluator object pointed by
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Variable names string length.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars}
-@node Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars, Fortran evaluator_derivative, Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_get_variables_chars}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_get_variables_chars}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-subroutine evaluator_get_variables_chars (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator character(len=*) :: string end subroutine
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Write names of all variables appearing in evaluator object pointed by
-@code{evaluator} into given string (separated by a blank character).
-In order to declare string of appropriate length to be passed to this
-function, @ref{Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length} function should
-be utilized.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_get_variables_length}
-@node Fortran evaluator_derivative,  , Fortran evaluator_get_variables_chars, Fortran main entry points
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_derivative}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer*8 function evaluator_derivative (evaluator, name) integer*8 ::
-evaluator character(len=*) ::  name end function evaluator_derivative
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Create evaluator for derivative of function represented by given
-evaluator object.  Evaluator object is identified by @code{evaluator}
-handle and derivation variable is determined by @code{name} argument.
-Calculated derivative is in mathematical sense correct no matters of
-fact that derivation variable appears or not in function represented
-by evaluator.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-64-bit integer uniquely identifying evaluator object representing
-derivative of given function.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative_x}, @ref{Fortran
-evaluator_derivative_y}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative_z}
-@node Fortran convenience procedures, Fortran sample program, Fortran main entry points, Fortran interface
-@section Fortran convenience procedures
-@cindex Fortran, convenience procedures
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x::     @code{evaluator_evaluate_x} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y::   @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z:: @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_x::   @code{evaluator_derivative_x} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_y::   @code{evaluator_derivative_y} procedure
-* Fortran evaluator_derivative_z::   @code{evaluator_derivative_z} procedure
-@end menu
-@node Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x, Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y, Fortran convenience procedures, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_evaluate_x}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x (evaluator, x)
-integer*8 :: evaluator double precision ::  x end function
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variable ``x''
-value.  Function is equivalent to following:
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 1, 'x', (/ x /))
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given value of variable ``x''.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate}
-@node Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y, Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x_y (evaluator, x, y)
-integer*8 :: evaluator double precision ::  x, y end function
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables ``x''
-and ``y'' values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 2, 'x y', (/ x, y /))
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables ``x'' and ``y''.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate}
-@node Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, Fortran evaluator_derivative_x, Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-double precision function evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z (evaluator, x, y,
-z) integer*8 :: evaluator double precision :: x, y, z end function
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to evaluate function for given variables ``x'',
-``y'' and ``z'' values.  Function is equivalent to following:
-evaluator_evaluate (evaluator, 2, 'x y z', (/ x, y, z /))
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Value of function for given values of variables ``x'', ``y'' and
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_evaluate}
-@node Fortran evaluator_derivative_x, Fortran evaluator_derivative_y, Fortran evaluator_evaluate_x_y_z, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_x}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_derivative_x}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_x (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_x
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``x'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'x');
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative}
-@node Fortran evaluator_derivative_y, Fortran evaluator_derivative_z, Fortran evaluator_derivative_x, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_y}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_derivative_y}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_y (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_y
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``y'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'y');
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative}
-@node Fortran evaluator_derivative_z,  , Fortran evaluator_derivative_y, Fortran convenience procedures
-@subsection @code{evaluator_derivative_z}
-@findex Fortran, @code{evaluator_derivative_z}
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Synopsis
-integer*8 function evaluator_derivative_z (evaluator) integer*8 ::
-evaluator end function evaluator_derivative_z
-@end example
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Description
-Convenience function to differentiate function using ``z'' as
-derivation variable.  Function is equivalent to:
-evaluator_derivative (evaluator, 'z');
-@end example
-See @ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative} for further information.
-@unnumberedsubsubsec Return value
-Evaluator object representing derivative of function over variable
-@unnumberedsubsubsec See also
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_create}, @ref{Fortran evaluator_destroy},
-@ref{Fortran evaluator_derivative}
-@node Fortran sample program, Fortran build process, Fortran convenience procedures, Fortran interface
-@section Fortran sample program
-@cindex Fortran, sample program
-Here follows sample program demonstrating use of library Fortran
-interface.  Hopefully, comments throughout code will be enough for
-Fortran programmer to get acquainted with library usage.  Basic
-functioning of program is equivalent to code presented for C
-programmer in @ref{Introduction} sequence, except that textual
-representation of function derivative is not printed to standard
-output and this is avoided simply because of Fortran 77 ugly string
-handling.  Following code is written in Fortran 77 with GNU Fortran 77
-compiler extensions (most notable of these certainly is free form of
-source code).
-! Program is demonstrating use of GNU libmatheval library of procedures
-! for evaluating mathematical functions.
-program evaluator
-  implicit none
-  ! Declarations of GNU libmatheval procedures used.
-  integer*8 evaluator_create
-  integer*8 evaluator_derivative_x
-  double precision evaluator_evaluate_x
-  external evaluator_destroy
-  ! Size of input buffer.
-  integer :: BUFFER_SIZE
-  parameter(BUFFER_SIZE = 256)
-  character(len = BUFFER_SIZE) :: buffer ! Input buffer.
-  integer*8 :: f, f_prim ! Evaluators for function and function derivative.
-  double precision :: x ! Variable x value.
-  ! Read function.  Function has to be over variable x, or result may
-  ! be undetermined.  Size of textual represenatation will be truncated
-  ! here to BUFFER_SIZE characters, in real conditions one should 
-  ! probably come with something smarter to avoid this limit.
-  write (*, '(A)') 'f(x) = '
-  read (*, '(A)') buffer
-  ! Create evaluator for function.
-  f = evaluator_create (buffer);
-  if (f == 0) stop
-  ! Create evaluator for function derivative.
-  f_prim = evaluator_derivative_x (f);
-  if (f_prim == 0) stop
-  ! Read variable x value.
-  write (*, '(A)') 'x = '
-  read (*, *) x
-  ! Calculate and print values of function and its derivative for given
-  ! value of x.
-  write (*,*) '  f (', x, ') = ', evaluator_evaluate_x (f, x)
-  write (*,*) '  f'' (', x, ') = ', evaluator_evaluate_x (f_prim, x)
-  ! Destroy evaluators.
-  call evaluator_destroy (f)
-  call evaluator_destroy (f_prim)
-end program evaluator
-@end example
-@node Fortran build process,  , Fortran sample program, Fortran interface
-@section Fortran build process
-@cindex Fortran, build process
-In order to be able to reference GNU @code{libmatheval} procedures
-from Fortran code, declarations of procedures that will be used should
-be repeated, like demonstrated by @ref{Fortran sample program} (once
-when interface upgraded to Fortran 90, modules and @code{use}
-statement will be employed here).  Command for compilation Fortran
-program using library and stored in file @file{example.f} using GNU
-Fortran 77 compiler would look like (again supposing that library is
-installed using default prefix @file{/usr/local/lib}):
-f77 example.f -ff90 -ffree-form -L/usr/local/lib -lmatheval -o example
-@end example
-@node Hacking, Bugs, Fortran interface, Top
-@chapter Hacking
-@cindex hacking
-* Design notes::          Overall project design.
-* Project structure::     Source files locations.
-* Intended improvements:: List of items that I'm willing to work on.
-@end menu
-@node Design notes, Project structure, Hacking, Hacking
-@section Design notes
-@cindex design notes
-As usual with a free software project, ultimate reference for anyone
-willing to hack on it is its source code.  Every effort is put to have
-source code properly commented; having in mind that GNU
-@code{libmatheval} is rather simple project, it is reasonable to
-expect that this would be enough for anyone interested in project
-internals to get acquainted with it.  Still, this section will briefly
-explain project design. See @ref{Project structure} section for
-description of where each functionality is located in source code.
-Mathematical functions are represented as trees in computer memory.
-There are five different nodes in such a tree: number, constants,
-variables, functions, unary operations and binary operations.  Single
-data structure is employed for tree nodes, while union is used over
-what is different among them.  Numbers have unique value, unary and
-binary operations have unique pointer(s) to their operand(s) node(s).
-To represent constants, variables and functions, a symbol table is
-employed; thus constants, variables and functions have unique pointers
-to corresponding symbol table records (functions also have unique
-pointer to their argument node).  All operations related to functions
-(e.g. evaluation or derivative calculation) are implemented as
-recursive operations on tree nodes.  There exist a node operation that
-is not visible as external procedure and this is node simplification;
-this operation is very important regarding overall efficiency of other
-operations and is employed each time when new tree created.
-Symbol table is implemented as hash table, where each bucket has
-linked list of records stored in it.  Records store information of
-symbol name and type (variable or function), as well as some unique
-information related to evaluation: variable records store temporary
-variable value and function records store pointer to procedure used to
-actually calculate function value during evaluation.  Hashing function
-described in @cite{A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, J.D. Ullman, ``Compilers -
-Principle, Techniques, and Tools'', Addison-Wesley, 1986, pp 435-437}
-is used.  Symbol tables are reference counted objects, i.e. could be
-Evaluator objects actually consists of function tree and reference to
-symbol table.  Most of operations on evaluator objects are simply
-delegated to function tree root node.
-For parsing strings representing mathematical functions, Lex and Yacc
-are employed.  Scanner is creating symbol table records for variables,
-while for constants and functions it is only looking up existing
-symbol table records (before starting scanning, symbol table should be
-populated with records for constants and functions recognized by
-scanner).  Parser is responsible for building function tree
-Couple error reporting procedures, as well as replacements for
-standard memory allocation routines are also present.  These are
-rather standard for all GNU projects, so deserve no further
-discussion.  Further present in project are couple procedures for
-mathematical functions not implemented by C standard library, like
-cotangent, inverse cotangent and some hyperbolic and inverse
-hyperbolic functions.
-Also present in project are stubs for Fortran code calling
-library. These stubs uses knowledge of GNU Fortran 77 compiler calling
-conventions, take parameters from Fortran 77 calls, eventually mangle
-them to satisfy primary C library interface and call library
-procedures to actually do the work, finally eventually mangling return
-values to satisfy Fortran 77 calling conventions again.
-Most important thing to know before criticizing library design is that
-it is intentionally left as simple as it could be.  Decision is now
-that eventual library usage should direct its improvements.  Some
-obvious and intended improvements if enough interest for library arise
-are enumerated in @ref{Intended improvements} section.  If having
-further suggestions, pleas see @ref{Bugs} sections for contact
-@node Project structure, Intended improvements, Design notes, Hacking
-@section Project structure
-@cindex physical structure
-Interesting source files are mostly concentrated in @file{lib}
-subdirectory of distribution.  Basic arrangement is rather standard
-for GNU projects, thus scanner is in @file{scanner.l} file, parser in
-@file{parser.y}, error handling routines are in @file{error.c} and
-@file{error.h} files, replacements for standard memory allocation
-routines are in @file{xmalloc.c} and @file{xmalloc.h}, additional
-mathematical functions are in @file{xmath.c} and @file{xmath.c}.
-Project specific files are: @file{node.h} and @file{node.c} files for
-tree representing mathematical function data structures and
-procedures, @file{symbol_table.c} and @file{symbol_table.h} for symbol
-table data structures and procedures and finally @file{evaluator.c} and
-@file{matheval.h} for evaluator object data structures and procedures
-(evaluator object data structure is moved to @file{.c} file because
-@file{matheval.h} is public header file and this data structure should
-be opaque).  Fortran interface is implemented in
-@file{f77_interface.c} file.
-File @file{libmatheval.texi} under @file{doc} subdirectory of
-distribution contains Texinfo source of project documentation
-(i.e. what you are reading now).
-Subdirectory @file{tests} contains library test suite.  Kind of mixed
-design is employed here - GNU autotest is used for test framework in
-order to achieve more portability, while number of small Guile scripts
-are performing tests.  File @file{matheval.c} in @file{tests}
-subdirectory contains program extending Guile interpreter with GNU
-@code{libmatheval} procedures.  Files with @file{.at} extension in
-same subdirectory in turn consist of fragments of Guile code that this
-extended Guile interpreter executes in order to conduct tests.  File
-@file{matheval.sh} is shell wrapper for program contained in
-@file{matheval.c} file; this wrapper is used by autotest during
-testing instead of original program.  Most interesting aspect of code
-from @file{tests} subdirectory is certainly Guile interface for
-library that is implemented in @file{matheval.c} file; anyone
-intending to write more tests must before approaching this task become
-familiar with this interface.
-@node Intended improvements,  , Project structure, Hacking
-@section Intended improvements
-@cindex intended improvements
-As stated in @ref{Design notes} section, GNU @code{libmatheval} is
-designed with intention to be simple and understandable and to
-eventually have its usage to govern improvements.  Thus, further work
-will be primarily directed by user requests and of course, as usual
-with free software projects, with amount of spare time of primary
-developer (see @ref{Bugs} for contact information).  However, there
-exist several obvious improvements that I'm willing to work on
-immediately if any interest of library arise and these are (in random
-order) listed below:
-@itemize @bullet
-Extend scanner to recognize more mathematical functions, to recognize
-alternative names for existing functions (e.g. to recognize both
-@samp{tg} and @samp{tan} as names for tangent function) and to
-recognize more constants.
-Implement variable hash table length for symbol table.  As for now,
-hash table length is fixed to 211 that is reasonable for most cases,
-but it would certainly be more robust to have hash table to be
-constructed of length proportional say to length of string
-representing function.
-Add more simplifications to function tree representation.  Only basic
-simplifications, mostly related to numbers subtrees consolidation and
-binary operations neutral elements are employed now.  More ambitious
-optimization, using commutative, associative and distributive rules
-for binary operations would be desirable.
-Improve output when evaluator object is printed.  Presently,
-parenthesis are always used around operations, while using them when
-necessary to establish proper evaluation priority order only would
-give prettier output
-Add more tests.  Basic functionality of library is exercised through
-existing test suite, but present number of tests is certainly far from
-Extend and improve error handling.  There are couple @code{assert}s
-left in code that may be replaced with some other mechanism, also
-probably error handling of more error conditions should be added to
-Add command line interface to library, i.e. write a program that will
-make possible to evaluate expression for given variable values where
-both specified in command line, as program arguments (for expressions
-without variables this program could be useful as a calculator).
-@end itemize
-There exists also an improvement that is obvious and necessary but
-because I'm not native speaker I'm unfortunately not able to
-accomplish it anything more than I already tried:
-@itemize @bullet
-Clean up English used in documentation.
-@end itemize
-@node Bugs, Rationale and history, Hacking, Top
-@chapter Bugs
-@cindex bugs
-If you encounter something that you think is a bug, please report it
-immediately.  Try to include a clear description of the undesired
-behavior.  A test case that exhibits the bug or maybe even patch
-fixing it, would too be of course very useful.
-Suggestions on improving library would be also more than
-welcome.  Please see @ref{Hacking}, for further information.
-Please direct bug reports and eventual patches to
-@email{bug-libmatheval@@gnu.org} mailing list.  For suggestions
-regarding improvements and other @code{libmatheval} related
-conversation use author e-mail address
-@node Rationale and history, Copying, Bugs, Top
-@chapter Rationale and history
-@cindex rationale
-@cindex history
-The library is developed as a back-end for ``Numerical Analysis''
-course taught during 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2001/2002 school years
-at Department of Mathematics, University of Belgrade.  Most numerical
-libraries (library accompanying ``Numerical Recipes'' book most
-notably example) are asking programmer to write corresponding C code
-when it comes to evaluate mathematical functions.  It seemed to me
-that it would be more appropriate (well, at least for above mentioned
-course) to have library that will make possible to specify functions
-as strings and then have them evaluated for given variable values, so
-I wrote first version of library during November 1999.  Fortran
-interface is added to the library later; during January 2001 interface
-for Pacific Sierra VAST Fortran 90 translator was implemented and
-during September 2001 it was replaced by interface for Intel Fortran
-90 compiler @footnote{That was in turn replaced by interface for GNU
-Fortran 77 compiler in order to meet requirement that no GNU project
-should require use of non-free software}.  This library eventually
-went into rather stable state and was tested by number of other
-programs implementing various numerical methods and developed for the
-same course.
-After completing engagement with this course, I thought it may be
-interesting for someone else to use this code and decided to make it
-publicly available.  So, having some spare time during June 2002, I
-re-wrote whole library in preparation for public release, now
-employing simpler overall design and also using GNU auto-tools and
-what else was necessary according to GNU guidelines.  The benefit is
-that final product looks much better now (well, at least to me and at
-least at the very moment of this writing), the drawback is that code
-is not thoroughly tested again.  But certainly author would be more
-than happy to further improve and maintain it.  Please see @ref{Bugs},
-for contact information.
-The library source code was hosted on Savannah
-(@uref{http://savannah.gnu.org/}) since Septembar 2002.  In September
-2003, library officially became part of GNU project.
-@node Copying, Index, Rationale and history, Top
-@chapter GNU Free Documentation License
-@cindex copying
-@cindex GNU Free Documentation License
-                        Version 1.1, March 2000
-     Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA
-     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-     of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-     The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
-     written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone
-     the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without
-     modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.  Secondarily,
-     this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get
-     credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for
-     modifications made by others.
-     This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
-     works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.
-     It complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
-     license designed for free software.
-     We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for
-     free software, because free software needs free documentation: a
-     free program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms
-     that the software does.  But this License is not limited to
-     software manuals; it can be used for any textual work, regardless
-     of subject matter or whether it is published as a printed book.
-     We recommend this License principally for works whose purpose is
-     instruction or reference.
-     This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
-     notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed
-     under the terms of this License.  The "Document", below, refers to
-     any such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a licensee,
-     and is addressed as "you".
-     A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
-     Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
-     modifications and/or translated into another language.
-     A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter
-     section of the Document that deals exclusively with the
-     relationship of the publishers or authors of the Document to the
-     Document's overall subject (or to related matters) and contains
-     nothing that could fall directly within that overall subject.
-     (For example, if the Document is in part a textbook of
-     mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any mathematics.)
-     The relationship could be a matter of historical connection with
-     the subject or with related matters, or of legal, commercial,
-     philosophical, ethical or political position regarding them.
-     The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose
-     titles are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in
-     the notice that says that the Document is released under this
-     License.
-     The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are
-     listed, as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice
-     that says that the Document is released under this License.
-     A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
-     represented in a format whose specification is available to the
-     general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly
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-     The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
-     plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the
-     material this License requires to appear in the title page.  For
-     works in formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title
-     Page" means the text near the most prominent appearance of the
-     work's title, preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
-     You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
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-     copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License
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-     add no other conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You
-     may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading
-     or further copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However,
-     you may accept compensation in exchange for copies.  If you
-     distribute a large enough number of copies you must also follow
-     the conditions in section 3.
-     You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above,
-     and you may publicly display copies.
-     If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than
-     100, and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you
-     must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly,
-     all these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and
-     Back-Cover Texts on the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly
-     and legibly identify you as the publisher of these copies.  The
-     front cover must present the full title with all words of the
-     title equally prominent and visible.  You may add other material
-     on the covers in addition.  Copying with changes limited to the
-     covers, as long as they preserve the title of the Document and
-     satisfy these conditions, can be treated as verbatim copying in
-     other respects.
-     If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
-     legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
-     reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto
-     adjacent pages.
-     If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document
-     numbering more than 100, you must either include a
-     machine-readable Transparent copy along with each Opaque copy, or
-     state in or with each Opaque copy a publicly-accessible
-     computer-network location containing a complete Transparent copy
-     of the Document, free of added material, which the general
-     network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
-     charge using public-standard network protocols.  If you use the
-     latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you
-     begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that
-     this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
-     location until at least one year after the last time you
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-     It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of
-     the Document well before redistributing any large number of
-     copies, to give them a chance to provide you with an updated
-     version of the Document.
-     You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document
-     under the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you
-     release the Modified Version under precisely this License, with
-     the Modified Version filling the role of the Document, thus
-     licensing distribution and modification of the Modified Version to
-     whoever possesses a copy of it.  In addition, you must do these
-     things in the Modified Version:
-       A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title
-          distinct from that of the Document, and from those of
-          previous versions (which should, if there were any, be listed
-          in the History section of the Document).  You may use the
-          same title as a previous version if the original publisher of
-          that version gives permission.
-       B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or
-          entities responsible for authorship of the modifications in
-          the Modified Version, together with at least five of the
-          principal authors of the Document (all of its principal
-          authors, if it has less than five).
-       C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
-          Modified Version, as the publisher.
-       D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
-       E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
-          adjacent to the other copyright notices.
-       F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license
-          notice giving the public permission to use the Modified
-          Version under the terms of this License, in the form shown in
-          the Addendum below.
-       G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant
-          Sections and required Cover Texts given in the Document's
-          license notice.
-       H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
-       I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and
-          add to it an item stating at least the title, year, new
-          authors, and publisher of the Modified Version as given on
-          the Title Page.  If there is no section entitled "History" in
-          the Document, create one stating the title, year, authors,
-          and publisher of the Document as given on its Title Page,
-          then add an item describing the Modified Version as stated in
-          the previous sentence.
-       J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document
-          for public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and
-          likewise the network locations given in the Document for
-          previous versions it was based on.  These may be placed in
-          the "History" section.  You may omit a network location for a
-          work that was published at least four years before the
-          Document itself, or if the original publisher of the version
-          it refers to gives permission.
-       K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgments" or "Dedications",
-          preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all
-          the substance and tone of each of the contributor
-          acknowledgments and/or dedications given therein.
-       L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
-          unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
-          or the equivalent are not considered part of the section
-          titles.
-       M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
-          may not be included in the Modified Version.
-       N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements" or to
-          conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
-     If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
-     appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no
-     material copied from the Document, you may at your option
-     designate some or all of these sections as invariant.  To do this,
-     add their titles to the list of Invariant Sections in the Modified
-     Version's license notice.  These titles must be distinct from any
-     other section titles.
-     You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
-     nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
-     parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text
-     has been approved by an organization as the authoritative
-     definition of a standard.
-     You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text,
-     and a passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end
-     of the list of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one
-     passage of Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be
-     added by (or through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the
-     Document already includes a cover text for the same cover,
-     previously added by you or by arrangement made by the same entity
-     you are acting on behalf of, you may not add another; but you may
-     replace the old one, on explicit permission from the previous
-     publisher that added the old one.
-     The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this
-     License give permission to use their names for publicity for or to
-     assert or imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
-     You may combine the Document with other documents released under
-     this License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for
-     modified versions, provided that you include in the combination
-     all of the Invariant Sections of all of the original documents,
-     unmodified, and list them all as Invariant Sections of your
-     combined work in its license notice.
-     The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
-     multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
-     copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name
-     but different contents, make the title of each such section unique
-     by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the
-     original author or publisher of that section if known, or else a
-     unique number.  Make the same adjustment to the section titles in
-     the list of Invariant Sections in the license notice of the
-     combined work.
-     In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled
-     "History" in the various original documents, forming one section
-     entitled "History"; likewise combine any sections entitled
-     "Acknowledgments", and any sections entitled "Dedications".  You
-     must delete all sections entitled "Endorsements."
-     You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other
-     documents released under this License, and replace the individual
-     copies of this License in the various documents with a single copy
-     that is included in the collection, provided that you follow the
-     rules of this License for verbatim copying of each of the
-     documents in all other respects.
-     You may extract a single document from such a collection, and
-     distribute it individually under this License, provided you insert
-     a copy of this License into the extracted document, and follow
-     this License in all other respects regarding verbatim copying of
-     that document.
-     A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other
-     separate and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of
-     a storage or distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a
-     Modified Version of the Document, provided no compilation
-     copyright is claimed for the compilation.  Such a compilation is
-     called an "aggregate", and this License does not apply to the
-     other self-contained works thus compiled with the Document, on
-     account of their being thus compiled, if they are not themselves
-     derivative works of the Document.
-     If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
-     copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one
-     quarter of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be
-     placed on covers that surround only the Document within the
-     aggregate.  Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole
-     aggregate.
-     Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
-     distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section
-     4.  Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
-     permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
-     translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
-     original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
-     translation of this License provided that you also include the
-     original English version of this License.  In case of a
-     disagreement between the translation and the original English
-     version of this License, the original English version will prevail.
-     You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document
-     except as expressly provided for under this License.  Any other
-     attempt to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is
-     void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this
-     License.  However, parties who have received copies, or rights,
-     from you under this License will not have their licenses
-     terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
-     The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of
-     the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
-     versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
-     differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See
-     `http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/'.
-     Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version
-     number.  If the Document specifies that a particular numbered
-     version of this License "or any later version" applies to it, you
-     have the option of following the terms and conditions either of
-     that specified version or of any later version that has been
-     published (not as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.  If
-     the Document does not specify a version number of this License,
-     you may choose any version ever published (not as a draft) by the
-     Free Software Foundation.
-ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
-  To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
-the License in the document and put the following copyright and license
-notices just after the title page:
-       Copyright (C)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
-       Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
-       under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
-       or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
-       with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
-       Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
-       A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ``GNU
-       Free Documentation License''.
-  If you have no Invariant Sections, write "with no Invariant Sections"
-instead of saying which ones are invariant.  If you have no Front-Cover
-Texts, write "no Front-Cover Texts" instead of "Front-Cover Texts being
-LIST"; likewise for Back-Cover Texts.
-  If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
-recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
-free software license, such as the GNU General Public License, to
-permit their use in free software.
-@end verbatim
-@end ifnottex
-@node Index,  , Copying, Top
-@unnumbered Index
-@printindex cp