Copied from
debian sid in
Primary Archive for Debian GNU/Linux
opense-basic (1:3.2.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* New upstream release.
* Drop debian/patches/fix-save-routine.patch.
* debian/rules:
- Change the build instructions, this release uses pasmo and no longer
provides a Makefile.
- Check the integrity of the resulting ROM file.
* debian/opense-stub.asm:
- Add trailing zeroes so the size of the generated ROM file is 16KB.
* debian/docs:
- Install the README file.
* debian/control:
- Make the package Multi-Arch: foreign.
- Change priority from 'extra' to 'optional'.
- Replace build dependency on binutils-z80 with pasmo.
- Add Vcs-* fields.
- Update Homepage URL.
- Add Rules-Requires-Root: no.
- Update Standards-Version to 4.5.0.
* Set the debhelper compatibility level to 12:
- Get rid of debian/compat.
- Add build dependency on debhelper-compat.
* debian/copyright:
- Use HTTPS for the copyright format URL.
- Update copyright information.
* debian/watch:
- Add version number.
-- Alberto Garcia <email address hidden> Fri, 17 Apr 2020 12:57:21 +0200