Publishing details


foot (1.13.1-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Andrea Pappacoda ]
  * d/control: enable grapheme clustering (Closes: #1022533)
  * d/control: add systemd to the list of Build-Dependencies, as upstream's
    build process only installs systemd unit files if systemd's pkg-config
    file is installed on the build machine (Closes: #1022379)
  * d/rules: build with PGO.
    Upstream makes using profile-guided optimizations extremely easy, and
    encourages packagers to do so. Building with PGO allows foot to be
    able to offer slightly better latency.
  * d/patches: backport patch for GCC detection in PGO script and add patch to
    make PGO script more verbose
  * d/control: provide x-terminal-emulator.
    Foot is Wayland-only, but an "X terminal emulator" is simply a graphical
    terminal emulator; the Policy refers to X specifically because it has been
    _the_ synonym of graphical for decades. This is also why foot is in
    Section: x11
    Policy states that terminal emulator alternatives _should_ have a
    priority of 20, and the main foot binary does. At the same time,
    footclient is installed as an additional alternative with lower
    priority, 10, allowing users running a foot server in the background to
    set the lightweight client as their default terminal emulator. As the
    foot client depends on a running server, and no such server runs by
    default, it has a lower priority so that it won't ever be automatically
    selected by the alternatives system.

 -- Birger Schacht <email address hidden>  Wed, 26 Oct 2022 11:15:54 +0200

Available diffs


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Package files