Publishing details


scipy (1.10.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Team upload.
  * New upstream release.
    - bug fixes and stability improvements.
      Upload for bookworm (Bug#1032073).
    - applies debian patches
  * allow optional VERSION argument for debian/get-submodules
    gbp import-orig, for instance, needs the submodule source to be
    already downloaded (before reported in debian/changelog).
    Submodule source is generated strictly for the indicated version
    if the git tag v$VERSION is available, otherwise git HEAD is used.
    - document submodule handling in debian/README.source.
    - note that get-submodules requires rsync
  * debian/copyright: add entry for submodules/scipy/_lib/boost
    License: Boost-1.0, 2008 John Maddock (boost/math) and other
    contributors. scipy only uses boost/math, the submodule will be
    simplified to booth_math in the future (upstream PR#17432).
  * x32: skip test_random_generator during build
  * riscv64 with atlas: skip runtime test test_aligned_mem
  * debian patch docs_privacy.patch deactivates net analytics sent to The site itself respects privacy, but
    traffic monitoring in the middle might breach privacy.
  * some dataset tests require internet: test_existence_all
    test_ascent test_face test_electrocardiogram.
    Run them separately in debian/tests/python3-network.

 -- Drew Parsons <email address hidden>  Tue, 28 Feb 2023 22:38:09 +0100

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