Publishing details


pkg-perl-tools (0.74) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ gregor herrmann ]
  * set default for DPT__SCRIPTS.
    When not called as `dpt' but from a debian/repack.stub, the
    DPT__SCRIPTS variable is typically unset which makes the script fail.
  * dpt-new-upstream: parse upstream version out of the string returned by
    UDD/vcswatch, which changed recently.
  * dpt-import-orig: redirect STDERR of uscan(1) to /dev/null.
  * dpt-prepare: remove trailing newline from psql output
    ( query).
  * dpt-fixup: check if debian/watch exists before trying to
    grep through it.
  * Add new dpt subcommand: ready-for-upload - list packages in Git which
    need an upload.
  * New script dh-make-perl-dev: run dh-make-perl from Git checkout.
  * examples/u: add -n option (to add --new to dgit push-source).
  * Update copyright years.

  [ intrigeri ]
  * examples/check-build:
    - drop auto-detection of autopkgtest virtualization server and hard-coding
      of the backing chroot/image. Instead, users can now configure their
      preferred virtualization server using these environment variables:
      default (schroot) is used as a fallback.
    - fix shell syntax for error reporting of non-existent BUILDDIR.
    - remove duplicate "E: " prefix in error message
    - lint. This addresses the shellcheck violations that were the easiest to

 -- gregor herrmann <email address hidden>  Tue, 21 Feb 2023 21:26:27 +0100

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