Publishing details


nipy (0.5.0-8) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Yaroslav Halchenko ]
  * removed myself and Michael since we have not attended to this package for

  [ Étienne Mollier ]
  * nibabel5.0.0.patch: update following review upstream.
    Thanks to Chris Markiewicz and Yaroslav Halchenko
  * d/control: build depends on pybuild-plugin-pyproject.
  * nibabel5.1.0.patch: new: resolve test failures.
    These test failures are related to the introduction of the newer
    nibabel version in Debian, which deprecates a couple of functions,
    resulting in some build time test errors in nipy. (Closes: #1042053)
  * standard-gifty-support.patch: new: fix gifti error.
  * remove-imagefileerror.patch: new: remove obsolete import.

 -- Étienne Mollier <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Aug 2023 21:07:20 +0200

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