Copied from
ubuntu jaunty in
Primary Archive for Ubuntu
fortunes-it (1.99-3) unstable; urgency=low
* Fix misplaced comma in testi/formiche. (Closes: #442744)
* Fix capitalisation of "Mark" in testi/norm. (Closes: #447374)
* s/Aquari/Acquari in testi/italia. (Closes: #457117)
* s/procastinazione/procrastinazione in testi/leggi.
* Do not call dh_makeshlibs in debian/rules.
* Added Build-Depends-Indep, debhelper alone left in Build-Depends, needed
by the clean target.
* Watch file added.
* Standards-Version set to 3.8.0.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Tue, 04 Nov 2008 21:21:31 +0000