Publishing details
octave (3.8.1-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian; remaining changes:
- Disable JIT on all archs to fix LLVM library conflicts. (LP: #1293876)
- Adjust octave breaks to the versions found in trusty.
octave (3.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* Imported Upstream version 3.8.1
+ libgui/src/ Fix problems with gui startup and focus issues
(Closes: #738672)
+ scripts/pkg/private/fix_depends.m: Fix installing packages where
dependency name contains '-' (Closes: #740984)
* debian/copyright: reflect upstream changes.
* octave.postinst: remove workaround for #681064 (package dir re-creation).
(Closes: #681461)
* Remove patches applied upstream:
+ doc-compressed-info.diff
+ kfreebsd_tcgetattr.diff
+ octave-cli-manpage.diff
+ save-uint8-in-text-format.diff
* mkoctfile is now an executable binary instead of a shell script.
+ mkoctfile-mpi.diff: adapt for new format of mkoctfile.
+ d/control: add shlibs:Depends to liboctave-dev.
* Fix statement about the GUI in NEWS.Debian.
* debian/control: don't mention the FAQ in descriptions, it has been removed.
* Adapt to the fact that JIT is now disabled by default in ./configure script.
* Disable JIT on hurd-i386, LLVM not available there.
-- Julian Taylor <email address hidden> Sat, 12 Apr 2014 00:12:03 +0200
Built packages
Development files for the GNU Octave language
Shared libraries of the GNU Octave language
GNU Octave language for numerical computations
architecture-independent files for octave
Debug symbols for octave
PDF documentation on the GNU Octave language
HTML documentation on the GNU Octave language
GNU Info documentation on the GNU Octave language
Package files