Publishing details


ubuntu-push (0.2.1+14.04.20140423.1-0ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=high

  [ Samuele Pedroni ]
  * gave the client the ability to get config from commandline
    ( => easier automated testing) (LP: #1311600)

  [ John Lenton ]
  * Ensure ubuntu-push-client is the only one running in the session.
    (LP: #1309432)
  * Remove supurious numbers in brackets in notifications. (LP: #1308145)
  * Check the server certificate and server name. (LP: #1297969)
  * Loop whoopsie_identifier_generate until it starts working. (LP: #1309237)
  * In the session: set a flag on connect, clear it on successfully
    replying to ping or broadcast messages, check it at the top of
    autoredial. Also track the last autoredial, and set the delay flag if
    autoredial is re-called too quickly. (LP: #1309231)
 -- Ubuntu daily release <email address hidden>   Wed, 23 Apr 2014 11:54:00 +0000

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