Publishing details
kubuntu-driver-manager (14.04ubuntu10) trusty; urgency=medium
* Fix debug output typo s/beause/because/
* Implement QApt transaction prompt signals
+ This adds three new qslots to drivermanager:
- provideMedium
- untrustedPrompt
- configFileConflict
+ All three are copied from libmuon's ApplicationBackend and
adjusted in the least invasive manner
+ All three trigger a KMessageBox to query the user for a decision on
the respective apt/dpkg-level issues
+ The KMessageBoxes anchor to qApp::activeWindow as DriverManager is
supposed to not contain UI logic and as such has no explicit method
to get the master window id
+ These slots add new strings that were previously not available for
translations, but should eventually get picked up by launchpad.
+ Module.cpp manually adds 'libmuon' as a translation catalog to draw
translations from, while we have no translations of our own. This is
to prevent the newly introduced strings from going untranslated.
This relationship is not refelected on a packaging level since in due
time our own language-packages should contain translation, plus the
prompts are incredibly hard to trigger so even in an untranslated state
99.9% of users will not ever see them. If we can get the translations
from libmuon it's nice, if not we'll likely not care given the impact.
LP: #1315670
-- Harald Sitter <email address hidden> Mon, 12 May 2014 13:16:26 +0200
Built packages
Driver Manager for Kubuntu
Driver Manager for Kubuntu -- debug symbols
Package files