Publishing details


latex-cjk-japanese-wadalab (0.20050817-16) unstable; urgency=low

  * debian/control: add Danai and myself to uploaders
  * use maintscript to remove both old updmap.d files
  * bump build-dep to tex-common >= 3
  * fix broken maintainer field in debian/control
  * fix other lintian warnings
  * bump standards to 3.9.3, no changes necessary
  * convert to source format 3.0 (quilt):
    . rename debian/patches/00list to debian/patches/series
    . remove dpatch dep in debian/control
    . add debian/source/format
    . remove any appearance of *patch* in debian/rules
  * debian/rules:
    . add targets for build-arch and build-indep
    . make a separate unpack target
    . make sure that we break building if fonts cannot be build
      (was shadowed by echo)
    . some cleanup

 -- Norbert Preining <email address hidden>  Fri, 23 Mar 2012 17:54:48 +0900

Available diffs


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Package files