Publishing details
nomacs (3.0.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Alf Gaida ]
* Cherry-picking upstream version 3.0.0+dfsg.
* Initial release (Closes: #688873)
* Added watchfile with dversionmangle
* Added a repack-script for uscan
* Replaces the lena-images by some of my own
* Added a source.lintian-overrides for the wrong lintian complains
* Added my files to the copyright
* Added debian/source/include-binaries to include the pictures in
the debian tarball
* Improved copyright
* Disabled plugin-system for now
* Reduced dependencies in rules
* Use the new -dbgsyms - so no explicit -dbg package
* Added build dependency libqt5svg5-dev
* Modified the rules, Qt5 is standard now and must no longer
* use the manpage from Readme/nomacs.1 directly
-- Alf Gaida <email address hidden> Mon, 21 Dec 2015 21:08:02 +0100
Built packages
image viewer with capability of syncing multiple instances
debug symbols for package nomacs
Package files