Publishing details


ntpsec (1.1.0+dfsg1-1) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Make ntpsec Conflict with ntpdate
    - Use ntpsec-ntpdate instead of ntpdate.
  * Stop deleting /var/lib/ntpdate/ (Closes: 892966)
    Thanks to Bernhard Schmidt <email address hidden> for the suggestion.
  * New upstream version
    - Digests longer then 20 bytes will be truncated.
    - We have dropped support for Broadcast servers.
    - A bug that caused the rejection of 33% of packets from Amazon time
      service has been fixed.
  * Drop patches merged upstream
    - fix-ntpdig.patch
    - systemd-remove-extra-dependencies.patch
    - fix-name-of-psutil.patch
    - fix-spectracom-log-prefixes.patch
    - fix-ntpviz-file-encodings.patch
    - systemd-remove-remainafterexit.patch
    - systemd-use-high-priority.patch
    - systemd-ionice-ntpviz.patch
    - systemd-cleanup-ntp-wait-service.patch
    - fix-ntploggps.patch
    - systemd-use-usr-sbin.patch
    - systemd-do-not-restart.patch
    - systemd-allow-running-in-containers.patch
    - Merge-Classic-fix-for-CVE-2018-7182.patch
  * Update copyright

 -- Richard Laager <email address hidden>  Fri, 16 Mar 2018 00:42:24 -0500

Available diffs


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