Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

128 of 28 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
LffL Cdrtools PPA esclusivo per l'ultima versione disponibile di Cdrtools P... 1 12
CDRTools This PPA contains builds of CDRTools and Smake. CDRTools has b... 2 100
Audio Cd ripping A couple of ripper apps & some supporting packages (all are in... 9 32
PPA for Ubuntu Burning Team Test packages of burning related applications. This archive c... 2 23
cdrtools cdrtools 2 12
xcdroast X-CD-Roast is a flexible frontend for optical disc authoring. ... 1 5
Archive PPA Archive 1 3
CDRTools A fork for ppa:brandonsnider/cdrtools 2 8
DJ's PPA for Kubuntu Lucid Kubuntu packages may not work, may break something... Big tha... 108 186
Gnuten Software Will contain some gnuten-infected software and some gnuten-fre... 2 12
LffL Lucid Extra Applicazioni Extra applicazioni non contenute nei Repository U... 147 167
Media staging Just for testing 51 171
My Personal PPA This PPA is for my personal use 95 447
Nautilus actions extra Offical release PPA for nautilus-actions-extra nautilus-action... 54 328
Nautilus actions extra (Daily) Daily PPA of nautilus-actions-extra nautilus-actions-extra    ... 55 266
PPA for Filip Brcic Brcha's Ubuntu packages 31 163
Panto Packages ██████╗ █████╗███╗ ██████████╗██████╗ ██╔══████╔══██████╗ █... 94 198
Personal repository for Mantas Kriaučiūnas - testing packages ... Packages for Baltix GNU/Linux ( ) and Ubu... 110 421
Ubuntu Multimedia for Trusty Upgraded, advanced or not normally available multimedia packag... 69 252
Unstable PPA 20 214
Wasta Applications PPA Applications developed by the Wasta-Linux team (but should be ... 142 516
Xerus Prop4 Me 40 194
ffmpeg frozen version of ffmpeg from ppa:mc3man/trusty-media 68 225
ffmpeg3.1.1 ffmpeg3.1.1 68 225
ffmpeg3.3.1 ffmpeg3.3.1 68 224
flykiritotest 69 227
hevceval 64 196
oneiric-extra pacchetti extra per oneiric-ocelot 29 109
128 of 28 results